Solution to One-Death-Leavers / One-Death-Quitters Problem

There is no SPAA for many nations at many BRs .That is a fact.
We don’t really know if Gaijin care about this , don’t care or what because they wont use their own forum to tell us about what is important and what is being worked on .They just let us speculate.
SPAA at low tier is poor.The view is poor,the sound is poor,the way ammo is loaded in is poor.
I can only maintain that ODL is caused by the game.

Gaijins complete neglect of nations who lacks air defence is one of my pet peeves in this game.

We see a complete bias towards some (especially one) nations, while others get a fart to sniff.

It embarrassing for Gaijin, especially when we see they have enough time and ressources to make a flippin’ auction!!!

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What’s kinda funny is that Russia had one of the worst SPAA lines until they added the Strela (which iirc sucked on release), and the pantsir. I’m fairly sure it went from the Shilka to the 2S6 with nothing in between.

Now what gaijin needs to do, is to do that for all nations instead of just 1. They’ve tried, but it hasn’t quite worked out.

Britain got some mid tier SPAA, but they’re all kinda mid, France got some SPAA, but now they have 3 between 5.0 and 6.0, and a gap between 2.3 and 5.0, and 6.0-8.3.

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Problem is - the solution to ODL requires more work than copy pasting another top tier premium.
If the focus of the game modes is shifted from PvP only to more objective oriented it would benefit the fun factor immensely.
What we have right now is 'kill ‘em all’ and players drive past A, B, C to spawn camp and win (it is the most apparent on top tier with its fast pace gameplay).
All who want good game should stick to low, mid tiers and pray gaijin will not add too many autocannon zippers (looking at you Fox and XM-800) to waste the game potential.

Flanking autocannon vehicles aren’t the problem… the problem is that players just W-key directly into the middle of the nearest meatgrinder and die. They wouldn’t get flanked if they knew how to use more than a sliver of the map.

Advance to the Rhine? EVERYONE goes A. Shermans frontally pushing tiger 2’s, M1128 wolfpacks peeking T80’s, doesn’t matter the BR. Stupid people literally harvest themselves instead of attempting to use more than 10% of the map.

Breslau? EVERYONE goes C. Nevermind A and B are on the other side of a river so even if you win C you still need to push across exposed bridges into entrenched enemies to get another cap to win the match. No, again the close quarters urban mines sing their siren call and the playerbase yearns for the mines.

Extremely basic map use and critical thinking would make a lot of matches more fair and engaging, but somehow players will choose to just not do that. I cannot fathom it. ODL is unfixable because gaijin has baked it into its monetization and the players just cannot learn or do anything different.

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You forget one thing.

This is a game. Not a work, not a job, not something. Games are meant to be fun.

And if i get tilted by some BS i leave and try again.

I will not do anything i’m not enjoying.
I will not feed enemy with xp while they spawn camp.
I will not feed enemy cas with xp when they are bombing spawn.

And if you want to put hours/days ban for ODL instead of actually fixing the game design - ok, do it. It will finally let a lot of people to leave this game, and it will finally die out.

nice flag, try to adress why


Why would WT care about players leaving a single game then ban them from playing completely for 8 minutes with crew lock?

How many times have I turn on the game for a quick game half hour ,chosen a light fast vehicle for a quick getaway only to hemmed in on the spawn point by a traffic jam of slow heavy team mates acting like fools .Game plan gone to S… in a second and me gone too in a rage. So time to go again and its f***** red zones for 8 f***** minutes, game goes off, X box goes off and WT lose that player completely.How is that good for the game?

Like you I am not a child that needs this .I have even had premium and been a paying customer.I pay to be told what nations I can and cant play or be punished like an idiot.


Yeah, crewlock should be removed long time ago

Oh well, i guess my next team will be happy i am starting the game with one tank available


Yes I did that when I went 6.7 with USA. Gaijin want to give a whole line up of tanks with 100 HP missing ,no FFE or means of repair? Followed by crew lock? I raise you a one vehicle line up and plenty of ODL.
Get this bad boy modded sooner rather than later.

Much easier would be to add more args in matchmaking algorythm. Like checking if player have at least 2 vehicles of mode - corresponding class and throwing people with only one vehicle to games where all people are one-death-leave