So where is the P-47 meant to sit in the Air RB meta?

F-4 is literally lower BR. Try fighting 5.7 spitfires in a 4.7 P-47.

I already have. It’s not hard.

It’s pretty difficult.

Not sure how doing only 1v1’s against the same guy shows the P-47’s aren’t bad. You could give someone with no experience playing War Thunder the Su-27 and they’d still probably lose to a 1.0 biplane.

I have barely played RB in the past year…just picked up the Italy P-47 D-30… honestly it’s about the same as I remember it.

How did you get 12 respawns in 11 battles? 😂

Pretty sure it’s counting the time I went and got more ammo.

It’s pretty consistent with most players vastly underestimating what the P-47 can do.
Is it the most meta plane at the battle ratings that its at?..maybe not depending on the up-tier down-tier cycle and how your team plays.

You can’t really use the plane to save everyone when you get a team that just wants to faceplant into the first target that they see…but that is really a structural problem with Air RB, the 16v16 matchmaker, and the fact that a lot of players are just using prop tiers as a grinding mechanism to stockpile silver lions to expend in other game modes.

The only planes that I would argue are meta-defining in Air RB right now are ones with a lot of cannons and good enough performance to back it up. Or something with untouchable performance like the BI.

But all of the strengths the P-47 has traditionally had still apply; the plane is really good at sweeping players because 8 .50 cals and it has acceptable enough maneuverability that you have a good chance in a dogfight against the planes that are able to catch up to you for the most part. The only thing that has changed is that you have to start sweeping sooner and often times you can’t afford to wait for the ideal situation because your team kills themselves. At the same time…as soon as 2 P-47s climb and realize they can just be faster than things…games are pretty easy to sweep just by target trading.

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Still, that’s a lot of “if’s” to make the P-47 a viable plane in the current game

How do the same circumstances not apply to other planes?

Probably THE most annoying part about Air RB in ‘recent’ times.

Having to rely on getting consistent downtiers (overall), hoping that you’ll only run into other high-speed or high-altitude buses since your maneuverability is only competitive against them, and hoping that you’re able to get enough altitude and/or speed before your team is dead as your only options for doing somewhat well is generally more “if’s” than most planes in game

It really isn’t.

P-47 D-28 time to climb is not particularly bad; it’s as good as any other US Fighter. It’s also a decent bit faster than most of what it faces.

Something like the A6M or any other slow turn fighter with low ammo count is far more limited because they can’t pick and choose when/where to fight and their ability to influence the game is limited if someone on the other team knows to just not turn fight them.

This really isn’t true, though. In my experience you have to go back to like 3.0-3.7 BR fighters to find ones that had similar climb rates.

That doesn’t really help it much, and there’s still a good amount of planes near its BR (above and below) that are within 50km/h of its top speed.

But in most matches, it will have the advantage because a furball will likely happen

When i play this plane i am not expecting 5 air kills, but more a “team game time”.

Always conserve your energy (especially speed) with this plane.
Ofc you need to climb at the beginning, at least 4Km high, that means you will be one of the last on the battlefield.
But for me the role of this plane is to support other planes in your team.

You can choose to dive quick to help allies and zoom out, or if action take place high to help to master the sky.
If your team win, so you have an enough good plane suited for high alt and chase space bomber, as well as strike the ground target, which could be also nice for some people.

Well firstly, you have to deal with US teams, which probably have some of the worst players, I have ever seen.
Secondly, US props tend to have good top speed and dive. But have absolutely no climb rate or turn rate. Where you are dead if you are caught in a low-energy state. As you said, the P47, is a support plane, the same as the FW190. But it simply lacks any carrying potential, compared to the meta planes, like the Yak3/9u or the J2M2. Where you have a chance of winning and 1 v X scenario. In a US plane, you simply can only force head-ons and run to the map border

If you look at some of the best prop planes at that br, it tends to be the ones that are versatile, like the VL, Spitfires mk9, J2m2, Yaks3,9u, LA7/5fn, and xp50.