So freaking infuriating to lose this way

You’re a “fighter main” only here for the “pew pew”. Got it.

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I boot up the plane game to play a plane game, not a point and click adventure. Call me back when actual objectives are added or EC becomes the standard/separate gamemode.

I guess you never look at the mission map lol.


Damn, I lost at chess, despite killing way more pieces than my opponent. This is so unfair.


Yeah, honestly the AI portion of RB battles is actually trash. I really want this to get removed from the game.

In SIM it’s an integral part of the design and makes sense. RB battles can be won by the AI playing it’s own little game of life alone - or one single player who knows how to beat the system.

People complain about the ardvark being bad; however, I’ve seen some skilled ardvark players who managed to single handedly win matches with no one else being able to catch them.

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In Chess I think it’s called “capturing”, or “taking” a piece … In Chess they are a bit more civilized then us in War Thunder…

Also, my favorite chess quote, courtesy of Futurama’s Brannigan:
“If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.”



The F-8 gets Mk103s???

30 mm MK 103 cannons (35 rpg) (Fw 190 F-8 - War Thunder Wiki)


More than half a year ago…

More like since forever 😂

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It is PvP, you just got outplayed… Playing the objective is part of the game and you can counter that if you are prepared and know what they are doing.


They’re awesome xD

He was being proactive playing one of the games objectives, farming ground units isn’t entirely without risk especially if he was an a 190 F-8 of all things

You were in a Yak-3 calm down.


He was being proactive

I’d argue the contrary - that he was playing extremely passive and avoiding other players and just playing a PvE minigame on his own
Playing like this might carry its own risks but I don’t think it’s arguable that fighting other players takes more effort and knowledge of the game than clicking on static red dots on the ground. That’s why it’s infuriating. You lose to someone who puts in less work and is less skilled than you because he wanted to grind RP by groundpounding and most likely wasn’t even trying to win the game but just got lucky with how the match progressed.

You were in a Yak-3 calm down.

I wasn’t in that match so I have no idea what you’re on about, mate.

This reminds back when bombers could help win games.

Then some complained that they would lose after spending the whole match at sea level. Now bombers cant win games.

At a certain point they should just add a “dogfight” event so all those who only want to do TDM can do so. Then maybe we can make air rb a gamemode where all type of aircraft can win the game.

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Being upset/annoyed with players that are not playing the game the way you want to play it is quite demeaning, especially when this specific behavior is not even close to being passive.


I’m not annoyed that he is playing the way he is. He can groundpound all he wants for all I care, while still affecting the outcome of the match one way or another. The issue is that he gets rewarded for it despite putting in arguably less effort and got lucky that no one spotted him in time.

Dude got rewarded for doing the mission objectives.

Its less effort only when people dont engage you