The amount of people in this thread who don’t understand a concept as basic as “people are matched with their peers” is truly astounding.
Every player is your peer though.
The point of BR player level is to have that you will not have all palyers with same skill levevl as ther eis alwys varations.
it would go lets from 1 to 15
BR 1-5 beginners
BR 5-10 intermediate
BR 10-15 Pro´s
Teams would only face players of the BR level.
Two teams of BR 1-5 on both sides.
and that on all BR´s levels.
So yould not have one side only BR 10 against BR 1 players.
Each 5 or 6 months there could be wipe. Players rise and fall throu the ranks. After a time it will settle. Thsi way there will nto be massive skill gaps and extremly unfair battles.
We have to face it. The vehicels BR are getting manipulated and even then a good player will in chaika kill a bad F16 player, this would mean simply that chaikas belong in the BR13 braket if all the good players do it. The intend by gajin was good but it need to be extended. The old system is to long around and to well known.
Oh but they are… They’re players, just like you…
A jury of your peers is made up of people, just like you.
See the meaning behind ‘peers’?
No, some are better others are worse. some are smarter others are dumber. Peer is = and that is not the case. I wish I could have kkept my esports reflexes but age is not kind. Fact is we are not all equall and never will be. Nether peers or equals not even teh skill set or skill levels. You can set the bar so low as you like and shift around teh goal post. But realty will not bend to your capriols and sematics.
Thast why a skill based MM is need and helfull. The BR based matchmaking was put in place so ever yone got a chance without taking the human factor in.
Thing is they are your peers, no matter how ‘‘good’’ you deem them to be, hence the problem with trying to segregate them up like this being ineffectual because of the fact that new players who are just bad, will be lumped with the actual bad actors in a dunce lobby, which is unfair and will lead to them finding the game harder than it already is, the visible skill ‘number’ will enforce people to ignore them and they’ll end up not bothering.
That’s the issue with this sort of want.
Oh sure, all i read is i want to seal club newbies all under covver of big worlds and PC. Keep it for your self.
How good is it to be oneshoted by good player over and over gain each match?
Beacause that makes teh diffrence, right? You get giant indcator that shows you a level 1000 pro just without you having achance onshoted you.
You can as, you do turn around my workds so they fit your person world. The thing the new players will raise up if they have the skill set they need and will be matched again with players of there skill set.
Untill they reahc the top. But this will stp frustration on all sides. New guys and old guys that forced to babysit. Its not like that ther eis much comunication ging on in the first place or time for that in match.
You’re either being pedantic and willingly ignoring the meaning of the term in context (thus derailing the conversation), or you’re legitimately not understanding the meaning (thus should not be making declarative statements), those are your options here.
Peers are peers, and as mentioned by a number of us, SBMM isn’t the perfect solution as it is genuinely flawed.
Nothing about derailing anything, it’s about your unwillingness, and a few others, to accept another viewpoint, whilst trying to make out that they’re the bad guy for mentioning it.
That’s just an assumption, where I actually help a lot of players out in the lower ranks, and I call on people to do things and work together, so you couldn’t be more wrong…
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results…
This is tripe, and absolute nonsense… What are you on about…
If they’re caught by the right people to take them under thier wing and help them, they won’t end up bitter and jaded as many would leave them to be because they just don’t bother with helping anyone…
If they don’t quit first because the game doesn’t work for them because everyone said it was everything else that was the fault…
You think it will, but it really won’t. As has been mentioned a fair few times. Maybe you want to read the thread rather than enter a thread with your one word submission of ‘No.’… Was it because of what was said, or just because it was me… Can’t tell, don’t care… You’re ignorant.
(Edit - Nope)
“Peers” in this context carries the meaning of “equals”, to spell out the obvious for you. If you prefer a different word (congrats on being pedantic), well, a rose by any other name and all that (read: intent and implication is how human communication works, in case that needs clarifying).
Replying with “peers are peers” and then nothing else that’s actually a response, doesn’t qualify as one. Again, you’re either being deliberately obtuse because you think it’s a way to shut down something you disagree with (disingenuous) or actually didn’t understand the meaning.
I think they get it but they just don’t believe it will work in this mad game.I don’t but I am willing to try it.
I mean, I don’t think it’ll work simply due to how very split up WT is (vehicle types, modes, BRs, etc), though I’d like to see it tested.
It’s more so the… “internet truths” about how matchmaking system function which incessantly float around that’s the issue. The vast majority of which are some combination of people trying to phrase “I want to sealclub” any other way (not even being self-aware about this, which is the real issue), people looking for scapegoats to explain away frustrating/bad matches they’ve had (even to the point of goofy conspiracies), people who are blindly accepting and repeating what “everyone” says and “know” about it, and so on.
Absolutely who knows.Why not trial it for a month.I will find out if I am any good or not,Maybe we all will.
Fact is the gauging metric you are trying to impose to segregate those that you deem to be your peer compared to others, doesn’t apply…
The fact you need to make out I’m being pedantic, disingenuous or anything at all for merely making that point, that you obviously hold an issue for something else to be dredging up ‘reasons’ to be grieving that hard, is pretty clear.
(Edit - Nope)
I am quite sure the majority is unable to practice something called “abstract thinking” - and has either way too high demands or is unable to realize certain realities.
A classic SBMM is from my pov (and as explained earlier) wishful thinking and is totally nonsense even to consider. Just check player cards and you will see that 80-95% of the guys you meet in a match are compared to a veteran player absolute rookies.
With a classic SBMM those noobs would fight each other until they uninstall or become a veteran player - whilst the 5-20% of veteran players would fight each other in infinite loops with very long queue times (in case that enough players would be available at all BRs in all game modes).
Everybody with a clear mind sees this.
In case gaijin would be able to determine the actual skill of a player (with all known variables a imho very challenging goal) it would simply be great if they would ensure that if veteran players are in the queue that those players would be equally distributed to both teams.
It is quite simple.
What we need is strong leadership to say “Right! We are going to trial this for a month”
Same with TO maybe the saviour of War Thunder or the death of it but who knows for sure ? Go for it ,who cares ,nothing ventured nothing gained.
Well we just played a game on Iberian castle where there were about five level 100 vets all on one side and just me as the only level 100 on the other. We lost but I came first with a mighty 4 lol .
Got our tits punched as they say.
This is often the way.When your best is a guy on X box with my stats it’s a poor showing : )
Only thing I will say is that my four kills came within about two minutes at the very end of the game as I went wide and killed the vultures rushing spawn.Just shows how important it is to play until the end.
Once again, this is a non-statement; you’re not actually saying anything or making a point here. You’re not “countering” any points, you’re simply using a lot of words to say very little.
There’s no “dredging up” anything. You misinterpreted a term, deliberately or not, and can’t seem to accept that. This in turn makes all further discussion (like every further reply here) pointless because we’re not talking about the same thing.
This makes no sense on multiple levels. Players are not either a “noob” or “veteran”, everything is a very granular sliding scale.
“Noobs would fight each other until they become veterans or uninstall?” What even? People would be fighting others at their own performance level, and if “noobs” uninstall because they can’t handle an even matchup then they certainly aren’t going to stick around in the current system where they also face all the much better players.
People also get better at things they do the more they do them, games or otherwise. So yes, “noobs” would slowly, steadily become “veterans”, that’s how literally everything works. And as they do, they would move up the matchmaking brackets at the same rate, always matched at their own performance level.
Your phrasing carries about as much meaning as “people either die young or grow old”, simultaneously a bland statement of fact yet also ignoring anything that falls between those two extremes as if they’re the only options.