Another issue I have with SBMM is that, if it was a single number for everything, it would push people away from trying new stuff. If someone only played tanks, why would they want to try naval? They got good with tanks so if they tried naval, they would only face high skilled naval players. I feel like it would push people to further stick with comfort picks and “meta” vehicles.
This is the issue.I can get number one with 12 kills and pretend I am amazing but I always suspect there was a reason why I did so well and I don’t think it’s because I am the War Thunder world champion.I generally find it’s because I got an downtier and faced a load of clowns.I guess I would not have such pleasure from a game facing those who are deemed equal all the time.
I can play BR 3 -5 Germany or Russia which I may call home or jump to 7.7 Israel where I am new and out of my league.Get crew lock then be back with Germany at 3-5 BR or even try Navy where I know nothing,I can’t even swim ; )
I am not trying to be negative but there are games where matchmaker works but they are not like this game.
Yeah. I also dont claim to be some pro player. I feel like most of my high kill matches are when the stars align and i get to flank while most of the enemy team ignores me.
Biggest issue is the combination of insane variety and BR system.
And if You are good at playing one kind of unit it is more likely that You will eaisly adapt to the other one.
You got into the game with people based on ranking.
I don’t see how B.R. is going to be a problem with matchmaking like this.
That is not it. It is up to You to learn by playing and with performance based matchmaking it would be easier for people. If one needs some kind of teacher there is plenty of videos showcasing everything.
He is learning how to not make the same mistakes as such players and get better.
That is right.
For real, I just want something to change in this game after so many years.
Would this say a goodbye to high scores? No more 12,13 ,14 or more? Would that be acceptable? People on here love their seal clubbing and the big juicy stats they can show off : )
It’s like CAS ,people just wont let it go for the sake of a real immersive and engrossing game.
That is fine but your situation is rare. Many are far from bored and still struggling with many new elements of the game they face as relative newbies.Constant shifting of the goal posts has to be the most frustrating thing about this game.
Go away for a few days and the game has changed when you get back.Maps are altered and vehicles nerfed.
Just leads to suspicion and a lack of trust in Gaijin.
No wonder we have a forum full of conspiracy theory.
People want changes yet doesn’t want ones that could actually make game better, not make it for them.
After finishing writing my master thesis, I have much more free time and this game is nothing more than it was a couple of years ago. They are changing it for the majority to enjoy, which only leads to nothing.
I agree but what I find annoying is that they could quite easily accommodate all the types of player instead of trying to make one sweeping game to appease all.
I simply don’t think Gaijin understand people.They have no knowledge of what their player base consists of.
Why should they ? They ask no questions ,they run no surveys and they refuse to interact with the forum members.
Nothing would change, because teams in War Thunder are complete garbage. They’re not your team mates, they’re some random NPCs the game decided you should play with.
This thinking only perpetrates the “me me me” mentality of WT players. Everyone thinks everyone else is not worth doing anything for, and it just becomes a cycle.
I kind of already answered that in the quote, but to elaborate further, having skill based matchmaking introduces a number of issues.
The first major issue is queue times, they already suffer at certain br’s, and from what I could only guess (I have like 20 total matches in arcade, so I can’t really say anything on this) game modes, which is further worsened the more nations you play with (players in your squad), this is remedied by only playing with nations that work well with eachother at their br’s, but a large portion of the player base only sticks to one nation, or simply don’t have high enough br’s in other nations to choose at will.
With the introduction of SBMM, less played BR’s, and lower end BR’s simply wont see any matches, I’m a player who likes to spade the vehicles I play, I guess I’m considered an “above average player”, and most above average players don’t go back to play / spade lower tier vehicles, or already HAVE gone back to spade them, which would make finding a match insufferable, which is multiplied by playing with friends on other nations, and Segwaying into the next point.
New players: A lot of my friends find themselves curious about the game and want to join me, or randoms who are new to the game join my friends discord server will ask for someone to play with, the only 2 ways you could go about matchmaking with this are either A use the player with the highest skill level for the matchmaker, which makes the new players time miserable, which is already an issue at low tier with level 100’s, on TOP of the queue times, or B, averaging out the stats of all people in the squad, which could also be very easily abused for stat boosting / smurfing, either way it’s sliced, it basically removes the ability to play with new players, unless you just want to feed them to the wolves.
SBMM would make sense, and It makes sense why it’s a thing in a lot of games, however in a game like warthunder, I feel like it would just be a flawed system.
That’s an admission that you use that tactic to hide peoples opposing arguments considering I didn’t do it to you.
Stop weaponising that feature…
The fact that you are so eager to tell everyone they are wrong on the regular is just you trying to make yourself right, where-as if you are threatening to flag my posts, I’m pretty sure my point is correct.
Kind of mis remembered the question while typing it, but again, that’s answered in the same thing you quoted, but this post still adds a more in depth explenation to my problem with SBMM
People learn from dying to better players, this has been a thing since the start of multiplayer gaming and is applicable to literally any multiplayer combat game out there.