Skill Bonus Mechanic

Ofc i can. I lost a hell of matches on Iwo Jima or Saipan against players with a score of 0 points - they know the auto win mechanic is there and will win for them and they simply run - and a lot of US/UK planes are not “interceptable” by Japanese planes.

  • You might realize that gaijin is unable to support new players with adequate tutorials and the MM is unable to provide equally balanced lobbies regarding player skills.

  • And you might consider that clapping new players with op vehicles is not really a skill - just look at the monthly leaderboard and select Air Kills per battle for realistic air battles.

  • You will find almost the same planes in the vehicle stats - mainly very good planes dragged low in their BR setting due to hordes of inexperienced players - and therefore op if flown by experienced players vs planes played by on average more experienced players as they have a more realistic BR.
    Best example US F2G at 6.0 vs Re 2005 at 6.0 - a pure joke regarding the insane gap of plane performance.

  • And you might consider that various players have different goals whilst playing the game - some may strive for high kill numbers, others just play for fun. So if you define yourself as good player based on stats this does not imply that your self assessment is valid for others too.

Nobody wants to say that high kill numbers should not be rewarded.

But i agree that they should replace the word “skill bonus” with “kill bonus” and consider a “MVP” bonus as equivalent for players playing for other win conditions as outlined in this thread.


But If they died, You would have won. Running away = not getting killed. If someone was able to catch up to them, they would need to kill them.

From now on I will be talking only about ground battles as this is what I play.

And what does it change? Nothing.

And everyone gets something. For capping zones You get ton of RP/SL, for scouting You get additional things etc.

So people are offended because it has the word ‘skill’? Really?

Your name offends me XD

My 2 cents on the matter of skill bonuse is for ground the 3 kill base multipler needs to stay 15%, 4 kills should be 20%, 5 kills 25% and the rest as it already stands.

I like this mechanic, makes me feel a little better after losing a battle with a team full of people who simply stopped playing after getting killed once

it is better than before overall


Same, mechanic seems fair and makes people play a little bit better knowing the game will reward them a little more

I am not sure if you really got my point. This example was aimed to prove that wt has some flaws allowing players to win with 0 score. And i outlined that you can’t prevent this, the map is simply too large and the performance gaps are too large to catch them - so i do not understand your response.

I mean your posted screenshot in post 140 shows exactly why you are flat wrong with your assumption that high kill numbers have in every case an impact on the outcome of the game - otherwise you would have won this match. So your 15 kills were a nice individual performance without any effect on the outcome.

You can’t de-validate this too:

Therefore it is logical that players with more play time (= more slots, better crew points) can rack up a hell of kills vs lesser experienced enemies - but this does not necessarily mean that your team mate which is able to kill the best enemy players multiple times (and taking them out of the match) has a smaller impact than the guy racking up twice the kill numbers with killing rookies.

And that is exactly why we had this exchange.

Tbh it is a little bit sad that you try to narrow the goal posts as soon as things get difficult for you. From my pov none of your arguments could de-validate any of the points made by others or me from a holistic view on the game as a whole.

The thread is tagged as “general” in the “General Discussion” part of Game Discussions. If you want to limit your input to Ground modes - fine for me.

Therefore - have a good one!

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For all those that keep talking about “playing the objective” and although being told for years still keep ignoring the fact that killing enemies IS one of the objectives of this game:

This is not just my opinion, this is Gaijin’s opinion about their own game and how it should be played.


But yet, the tech trees are filled with bombers and attackers (since the beginning, before we had ground forces). 🤔

But You don’t grasp that in order to win You would need to kill enemy targets. This example only proves that kills allow You to win. Just because some map allows You to win the battle because of screwed mechanic, doesn’t mean that in the same battle for Your team kills are the most important.

Sorry but I have posted screanshoot which proved that I’m actually right. My team wasn’t able to kill as many enemy players as enemy team could which resulted in defeat. The nice thing about this skill mechanic is that it benefits players who are just good and doesn’t punish You for Your team just being bad.

I just try to stay at the field which I’m most associated with and thus I can talk the most about it.


And fighters which are also meant to kill those enemy bombers and attackers.

I never said that bombing bases or killing ground targets in Air Battles is not an objective of the game, but I’ve always said that killing enemy planes is ALSO one of the objectives of this game, it’s even mentioned at the start of every battle. There are some players that seem to forget that one objective and talk as if only the other objectives exist.

In my opinion the win should come from the combination of those objectives, killing enemies, killing ground targets and destroying bases, with destroying the enemy airfield as an alternative way to win the match. This way every type of plane would have it’s role in the battle and matches would last longer.


Completely agree. Especially in the top tiers where there’s hoards of multi-role aircraft.

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Gaijin is not an oracle. They are simply factually incorrect with that statement. If they SAY the goal is X, but their COMPUTER PROGRAMMING of the actual game makes games often won for things other than X, then their statement was simply wrong.

A very common basic rhetorical example is if the enemy has 2 caps, the game is ending, and you and an enemy are both rushing to one (he’s trying to stop you decapping it), and you shoot him in the tracks or engine to halt him, you do not sit there and finish him off for the kill (and loss). You just leave him there crippled and motionless and go switch the point instead (and win).

Another common example I run into a lot is let’s say I’m driving a derp gun like a KV-2. People are scared of KV-2s, so I can just sit around a corner and often hold off like 4 other players from advancing. I’m getting no kills, but I’m stalling for ticket bleed. Sooner or later they will probably pincer me and I will get zero kills, but I’m more likely to win than if I just drove out and tried for a 50% chance at a snap shot for 1 kill of my own but no longer holding them all off and losing the cap.

Killing enemies is and always was one of the objectives of this game, there are other objectives that can also give you the win, but without killing enemies what is the point of playing this game against other players? This is not a racing game, it’s a war game.

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Who are you arguing with? As far as I can tell, not one person here said to remove kills as ONE OF the things that gives you bonuses. We said to make it score based, which still includes kills

This thread starts with someone saying that he would prefer that the Skill Bonus mechanic would encourage players to “play the objective”, so I think I can assume that the OP doesn’t consider killing enemies as ONE of the objectives of this game.

As long as you don’t bring multipliers into it I’m not against it being score based.

Perhaps. I think he’d be fine with score probably, as it’s all stuff that contributes to the objective of winning, but you might be right.

Meanwhile your most played vehicle ever overall is a Premium Pokryshkin’s P-39N-0 at BR 3.3, in the same range you just called clubbing range. Lmao.

You guys still have the proximity score in Ground RB?

The proximity score was killed in Air RB years ago…and it was indeed helpful to get at least a small reward to play bait for your teammates or to finds guys in endless clouds before the red square was introduced.

Pretty sure that is long gone, along with getting points for being shot at and other things.

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