Skill Bonus Mechanic

Check it in game if Your score in leaderboard goes up while You are near enemy.

It was a very old tarcic to find enemies who were hiding ;)

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Good players don’t play arcade


Weird to do worse in the game mode that’s suuuuuper easy

(The guy’s stats are fine. The not only gatekeeping but hypocritical gatekeeping is not)

Captures should definitely count towards the bonus in Ground RB otherwise new mechanic is a nice bump towards research.

This skill based RP is really gonna kill the Russian bias conspiracy once people start realizing they aren’t as good as they thought they were and that their teams are just dumb as a bag of rocks.

No, it is incredibly BORING to counter it, not a matter of difficulty. Games exist to be fun, not to sit there staring at every approach constantly babysitting. Just plain dumb game design.

It doesn’t take long for them to show up and kills are pretty free as well. Also, by doing that you are helping your team survive, so it’s actually a win-win situations.

So you want to remove each and every playstyle that’s boring to you, it’s like you think your way is the only right way to play the game.

Helping my team doing something incredibly boring is pointless. Again, games exist to be fun. Why would you even want to win at all, if it merely unlocks more games where you ALSO would have to babysit, lol? Makes no sense. Games have to be fun.

And no they don’t all show up at the beginning of the game, they try constantly, because they can’t handle playing against actual opponents, as mentioned previously. So you would have to babysit the entire game.

Then stop crying about something you claim you can easily counter, but simply don’t want to.

People will have fun doing different things, but yet here you are bashing people that don’t play according to your preferences, which is pretty silly to say the least.

Maybe things work differently at around Reserve tiers.

This sounds like an epic April Fools dev post to make…

Executing any playstyle doesn’t feel like punching myself in the balls, it surely has to be a you problem.
As I said before, it looks pretty foolish to cry about a playstyle you don’t want to counter. That’s like demanding the game to change to cater to your needs and wishes only.

As I said, it’s not my problem or the game’s problem that everything except a single playstyle is like being punched in the balls for you.
People are allowed to snipe/flank/spawn camp, it’s up to your team to stop them doing that, and quite honestly, it’s only your problem if you specifically don’t want to.
I was foolish as well, trying to argue with a guy that mostly resides in Reserve tiers, playing against loads of lemmings that installed the game 30 minutes ago and are probably on that map for the first time lmao.

Crying about something you can easily counter, but simply don’t want to is clearly a waste of time, but you’re still doing it, while making a laughing stock out of yourself in the process.
I’m glad you’ve returned to your safespace, blocking anyone who you can’t beat in a discussion.

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How on earth is it going to dispel russian bias lmfao

Have you played a game or two yet? It shows icons for who is putting in work.

This is great to see the disparity between Your team and the enemy one.

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One of the objectives of the game is to kill the enemy, if you kill them all you win, if you kill many of them you have higher probability of winning. The problem is that you can usually win much faster playing other objectives, so it gives you the idea that killing enemies “doesn’t count” for the objective of winning.

I don’t totally disagree with you tho.

In ground battles this change can probably encourage players to camp but we all know that Gaijin has been changing maps and removing most of those spots in the past few years. So they give with one hand and take with the other.

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I general yes - but not in every mode with the same relevance.

  • The fellow Air AB pilots described that they are able to win matches without kills, just by playing PvE.
  • Same in Air RB - u see matches like in Tunisia decided by a single player in <4 minutes just by playing PvE.
  • And i know at least 2 semi-historical maps in Air RB on which sloppy map design guarantees an auto ticket win for a player with 0 points just by running.

Imho your focus on kills is not wrong - but there are some players able to win a match (at least in Air RB) just with neutralizing/occupying the best player/plane combo of the enemy team for a longer time period, allowing the rest of your team much easier kills.

There is ofc a correlation between high KpP and WR but not automatically. You see quite often players with high K/D ratios leaving Air RB matches if they see no chance to win.

So your main focus on stats might not be the whole truth.

Your references to Ground RB make sense.

  • But like almost all modes with multiple spawns (basically a war of attrition) you simply play as long as you or the enemy team runs out of spawn points.
  • Therefore it is logical that players with more play time (= more slots, better crew points) can rack up a hell of kills vs lesser experienced enemies - but this does not necessarily mean that your team mate which is able to kill the best enemy players multiple times (and taking them out of the match) has a smaller impact than the guy racking up twice the kill numbers with killing rookies.

I mean this thread deals mainly with the question if a bonus for pure kill numbers is justified to be called a “skill” bonus. There are now lots of examples which show that this is not really valid for all modes or with a more holistic view on the game.

So claiming that high kill numbers are most important depends on mode, BR and game set up. Even if high kill numbers will increase the chances of your team to win it depends. So if other players “win” a match for their team by point and click on pillboxes and killing a few ai planes leading to almost instant ticket defeats they are currently not credited for their efforts.

You might argue that point and click is not really a skill, but this is also valid for his teammate farming 3 incoming bot bombers…

You guys still have the proximity score in Ground RB?

The proximity score was killed in Air RB years ago…and it was indeed helpful to get at least a small reward to play bait for your teammates or to finds guys in endless clouds before the red square was introduced.

And I have explained that they were just able to do that because someone was focusing the enemy team/enemy team was focused on something else.

You just can’t say that You are 100% sure that without killing the enemy in the match You are just able to win the game.

Anyone really who can kill so many players should be given something for it. It is a fist time in many years that players who really impact the game were given something and I don’t see any problem with it as for players who can’t do that many kills nothing changed.

Majority of players made rewards for winning worse, people who just scout were given an option to just do that. For people who were the ones destroying the enemy targets there was nothing for a long time, now it finally is. I don’t see the issue with it, just salt that people who can do better are getting something.

If getting many kills doesn’t mean ‘skill’ then why so many players have problem in getting many kills?


  1. The in game score table doesn’t tell you what nation everyone is playing, just what nations are on each team.

  2. Someone who is good at the game will be able to get lots of kills in the worst possible vehicle. Someone who is awful at the game will be terrible in the best vehicles.

  3. You’re really going to try and draw conclusions from a sample size that is the number of players in a given match? Do you work in the GJN statistics team or something?

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Just ignores everything. Good job.

Just ignores what?

You can’t even formulate a counterargument against a single one of my points. All three of the points in my last comment point out mistakes in your logic.