Skill Bonus Mechanic

I am not a fan of this new mechanic.
I would prefer mechanics that encourage player to play the objective.
I feel this mechanic encourages players to camp for kills.

More info here:


Game mechanics

Added a “Skill Bonus” to Research Points, which is awarded at the end of a mission depending on the player’s opponents destroyed. In air and ground battles, the target indicator is the number of destroyed vehicles controlled by players or system named bots; in naval battles, the target indicator is the total damage to naval targets. The bonus is calculated from the base RP (excluding boosters, premium account, talismans) and differs depending on the game mode in the size of the bonus and the requirement for the target indicator. More details surrounding this mechanic will be released in a Roadmap news soon.
    Air Arcade Battles:
        3-5 opponents: +15%;
        6-9 opponents: +40%;
        10+ opponents: +100%.
    Air Realistic Battles:
        2 opponents: +35%;
        3 opponents: +75%;
        4+ opponents: +100%.
    Ground Arcade and Realistic Battles:
        3-5 opponents: +15%;
        6-8 opponents: +50%;
        9+ opponents: +100%.
    Ground Simulation Battles:
        3-4 opponents: +20%;
        5-7 opponents: +50%;
        8+ opponents: +100%.
    Naval Arcade and Realistic Battles:
        6500-9999 damage: +20%;
        10000-14999 damage: +45%;
        15000+ damage: +100%.
In Naval Battles, the statistics table has been updated so that the number of damage points awarded for shooting at coastal vessels has been increased. The total damage points awarded for destroying a coastal vessel have been increased from 1,200 to 2,200, making it equal to the number of damage points for destroying a bluewater ship. This statistic is used for Battle Tasks, as well as for unlocking ship camouflage, decorations, decals, and flags. As a result, progress towards earning these rewards will be faster when destroying coastal vessels.

We can have both, ground RP is still a joke compared to everything else and this does not improve that balance, but anything that increases RP is necessary at this point with how abysmal the current gains are, we just need more things that improve RP beyond spawncamping and whatnot.

For exampe fixing scouting after 10 years, or giving SPAA worthwhile rewards and features, yet we still have to use tank sights for SPAA, which don’t work because you often have to lead targets beyond what the sights show, which forces third person and the muzzle flash just blinds you.

Better rewards for zone capping, zone defending, assists and pretty much everything else as RP has not improved in 10 years despite adding 200 million RP more to grind.


nice and now anybody try to kill steal…


Yeah like before everyone was super polite and ignored defenseless enemy in front of them. Get real.


Yep, don’t be stealing my kills, and all those kills were stolen kills from me!

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I hate people who steal my assists!

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Once the mathematically inclined players realize, that these percentages apply to the unmodified base points, the hype will be over.


good luck


I do enjoy getting rewarded for annihilating enemy team and letting my team swarm empty cap points.
People are now actually incentivized to go on flanks and whatnot, not just blindly driving in a single line towards the cap point.


The role of the objectives is ultimately to cause an engagement between the two sides. Anything that improves RP gains is desirable at this point.

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Did I read that right, there’s no “Skill bonus” for Sim players?


I’m really happy that they have introduced this mechanic. Finally good players are being awarded


Obviously this will increase kill stealing complaints.

That seems optimistic.

I do like the RP gain element, just not the mechanism.

That is how I understand it.

This illustrates my concern.
It implies (in arcade air battles):
Good players don’t use bombers.
Good players don’t use attackers
Good players don’t destroy ground targets.
Good players don’t capture airfields.


Fully agree!

Stated here:

Referring to your point:

A skill reward in the current form is just enforcing kill steals.

Even admitting that PvP is mostly the decisive factor the game needs something like a MVP reward which is connected to mission goals - so for the fellow Ground RB players capturing and defending their “A-C” points and for Air RB players a mix of kills / assists / fulfilled objectives like covering ground units, defending own aircraft, playing bait for others…


I have just run a test on how it is computed. I did a 10 kill match and looked at the final balance via mouseover:

The “100% rewarded” handed out seemed to honor talismans. But not premium and boosters.

So for premium players, the reward will be much less than 100% on your normal income.

I would have earned 4333 RP before, the “100%” bonus added 1371 RP.


I’ll wait to see how it plays out, but my first thought when I saw this announced was . . . “oh god no” . . . for the reasons you have listed. Biggest problem is that there is a HUGE misconception that - “kill count equates to skill” . . that is not always the case, and as all of us know, spawn campers(when WILL they fix the poor & much outdated spawning system??) rack up big kill counts and do nothing to help their team meet the objectives and win the game. I play AB Air mostly and I have been kinda pleased that spawn camping there has dropped considerably . . I mean you still have those dedicated spawn camping Squadrons and every time you one of those tags in the game, you know spawn will be camped shortly. I mean, sure they kept moving the spawn points back, but all that did was make AB resemble RB with the extreme waits/flying time to get to where you can even see enemies . . . but I digress . . . lol
Kill count is the single worst metric for a “team play” based game. But we shall see I suppose . . I hope the shiny of this “reward” wears off quickly without too much adverse affect on game play . . . But I shant hold my breath . . . . lol


It makes no sense that Sim players are being left out from this very important economy change. Sim players deserve to progress too! We pay into this game just like everybody else!

@Stona_WT What is my money going towards as a Sim player? Is it just to develop the other modes while ignoring Sim?..


But you are in 20% of players who pay, so Gaijin don’t care about you ;)

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Yea, too bad I’m not a Chinese Botter. They’d make all my dreams come true.


Sorry brother, we already spent the money elsewhere like funding other games, especially mobile games, and our boss and his wife anniversary is approaching, so he has been preparing to throw an anniversary yacht party, also including a Pragnell Vintage 18kt white gold diamond pendant necklace as a gift to her. So you can see there is no money left for your Sim players.