Skill Bonus Mechanic

If you want to reward team support, you have to come up with a workable metric. One that is genuine and can’t be cheesed easily. “Winning” is such a metric. You don’t cheese that. Do you have a better offer?


I’m arguing that it’s called a flanking maneuver exploiting a weakpoint in your “unit” and you’re supposed to prevent that as a team. They seldomly win the game by themselves, but they make it significantly harder to win regardless.
Are you autist per chance? Because you seem to have a very thin skin and take everything either personally or literally.

Why play the objective then? What’s the point of playing a game if not to win?

Teamwork with randoms works like this: You find someone not dying immediately, often get a thanks for helping them and then you just drive together 'til death parts you.
Sometimes they die and I get the revenge kill, sometimes I die and they get the revenge kill. In the process we murder and spitroast half the enemy team.
By doing this I got many a jolly good time.

Dude, sometimes teams leave whole areas open, people do this to themselves, so don’t be mad when players take advantage of their enemy’s inability to spread out and cover the map.

You are playing the game from the moment you respawn, your thought process starts there, not when you get into a cap point. Also, I guess killing multiple enemies unopposed so they can’t decap or kill your teammates is somehow a bad thing now, quite literally, free kills are a bad thing in your opinion.

I’m of an opinion if you and your team leave paths open for enemies to sneak into unnoticed, you should pay the price, and a big one.
This is like crying enemies took a cap point unopposed at the start of the game, just because no one from your team bothered to go there.


Imho your view on things is too focused on kills - this is ok, because imho wt looks now partially like a shooter.

Maybe things in Ground RB are much more different, therefore my view just focused on Air RB:

If i watch replays of friends flying top tier jets the only required skill seems to be 3rd partying other players - or watching a few F-14s spamming Phoenix missiles across the map has a rather low skill floor. The players play tree top cat and mouse to avoid getting slammed…

Kills are rewarded with “Terror of the Sky” with 2 kills (if nobody has more), imho “Bulletproof” needs 3 - and if you have done nothing besides being the last player alive and you kill the last enemy aircraft you might get the “Sole Survivor” reward - but only if the plane burns up or he uses the chute - if the enemy tickets goes to 0 before that you won’t get this reward, because the game counts his plane dead but him as alive…

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You’re actually correct about air RB.
Top tier there is just… eh, sometimes it scratches an itch but mostly it’s mindnumbing.
I know what I’m talking about, I got the german MiG-29 (my beloved).

Up to early jets is more fun in general. From there on the game mode and maps just don’t fit the capabilities of the planes anymore.

My point although is around kills, it was directed the statement where he claim it would benefit poeple who buys into top tier, which it isnt as people that can spawn more will kill more, this would actually encourage people to spawn again to earn the better modifier

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I’m not a game developer. How about preventing a team mate from getting killed and taking attention away from an objective team mates are on?

It is just my idea and i would like to know if it make sence but…
Isn’t it will be beter if RP bonus will be based on mission score like 500 score = +15%, 700 - +30%, 1000 - +40%, 1500 - +50%, 2000 - +75%, 3000 - +100% (or something like that)?
That way even players played bombers and strike aircrafts don’t need to just hunt kills.
And players will be rewarded on what they will do in missions even capturing points and other stuff.


Arent those iirc rewarded with just with sl not rp

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I feel that it is a good start. But it must be elaborated.
For example, I strongly suggest to add another skill bonus for kill assists (talking about scouting!). I recommend a base key of 5, which means 15% bonus for 5 assists, 50% for 10 assists and 100% for 15 assists.
But Gaijin also has to fix that damn scouting bug which is around for wayyyyy toooooooo loooooong now.


This would only benefit light tanks

“Kill assists only benefit lights?”

How about they add a feature where a program determines what you assisted killing and what that enemy was doing?

Did you know that if you scout a tank and that said tank is destroyed you get an kill asist? Btw good luck getting 15 assists in anything else other than a light tank

You mean, like, driving around the enemy, forcing them to pay attention to their back or dying an embarassing death? gasp What a novel concept! How about calling it errrrr flanking?

Cue the churchills and jumbos just sitting there getting 2000 points just by being shot at…

It may not sound like much, but the coding required to do that reliably would be immense.

Yeah I noticed. XD

So you’re complaining about learning actual tactics that are used to win the game?

Again, it feels like everyone arguing against this is just trying to justify “KILL KILL KILL KILL” as if it’s the only way to win. As I said if you’re defending people on am objective you should be rewarded. Where if they take an objective you get a reward for defending them.

You also quoted me twice and are resulting to insults, so good job.

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It’s interesting to see people complaining about free RP.


Yeah i got you, even ww1 battleships can just stay on place and get score by being shot at. So lower the score reward for being hit? There is still lot of what they can do with it. But reward players just from kills when in game is lot of other vehicles/planes/boats/ships what are just not good at killing others (if you get my point). Like example lot of British tanks with APDS are better in making assists not just kills. Same for japanese ships what have HE rounds they will make damage but they don’t get kills so offten. So is it fair they will be punished for that? I think this will just brake the game even more if players will just go for kills and notning else.

Oh, it looked for me like you have claimed that there are no other rewards below 5 kills. It was not clear for me that you have limited your view on RP only…

Ofc the rewards i mentioned are pure SL rewards. Have a good one!

I find it fascinating that people who dislike this are mostly the ones who just have bad KDR on average.


You wot? Are you sure you’re replying to the right guy? If so, please elaborate because I’m not complaining about that…

Killing the people rushing to the cap is not enough? Jeez, you’re greedy…
How do you even measure whether those people were a threat? Distance? If there’s a big fuckoff wall or rock between the cap and the enemy that would be very ineffective…

Firstly: You mean stoop/degrade to insults?
Secondly: When?

I get what you mean, but even damaging a track (not even tracking them) results in an assist.
I just think assists are not a reliable measure on contribution, especially when light tanks can get 2 assists at once by scouting and damaging an enemy. KIlls are just more reliable in comparison.
Also: Did you know that when you kill the pilot of an already “downed” enemy you get an assist? I sometimes just go for it if there aren’t other targets. :D
Even if it was your own kill! XD