The Simulator Battles made by Gaijin are totally out of sense. Rollands and IR SAMs to face 50s/60s aircraft without countermeasures dispensers. What are they doing?? They want us to use the SAMs to gain rewards instead of fighters? The only I get when turn ON Simulators Battles is decreasing my Silver Lions, my vehicles backups and put me to spends my Silver Lions on armaments as hell, such is not fun. Who is making those missions?
Why Simulator Battles are so disappointing in this game?
Simulator Battles are like a bag without a handle, it’s hard to carry, but it’s a shame to drop it.
Thank you wise Korean master
They must set battles in vehicles same time line instead BR.
Super Sabre, early F-4 and early MiG-21, all them without Countermeasures dispenser have nothing to do with Rolland and IR Sams. Actually the only SAMs by the 60s was SA2, Hawk, and Bristol Bloodhound.
What we found in the current Gaijin SB missions is 90s advance IR and SACLOS guided SAMS vehicles such are constantly hidden everywhere.
Can we use our fighters in a normal manner based in same time line?
That overpower missions with mobile SAMS doesn’t make sense for 50/60 aircrafts!!!
The only SAM’s in Sim EC are Roland’s, no IR ones, and not even advanced variants of the Roland. As they’re SACLOS, countermeasures of higher up vehicles are absolutely useless anyway. Not even the stealth capable F-117 is safe from them.
But: There are enough mission targets, and those are not protected by SAM’s, so don’t attack airfields if you can’t evade Rolands.
Also, they have a max. range of 8 km and max. altitude of 3500m, IIRC, so you can stay above their effective range.
To keep people from spawncamping airfields and zombers from kamikazeboming people taking off.
The SPAA is very much needed
Please go right now in SB mode and play the SB mission bottom on the list with Air and ground vehicles. You can use Rolands and Ir Sams in open Battlefield while on the air we have the option to use Mig-21 and Super Sabre or whatever 60s fighter on the list. See these missions made by Gaijin developers is disappointing. Making missions should be made with common sense. Those 60 fighters don’t have way to face that threat in game. The only thing come to my mind is they want us to waste our silver lions such is a dirt move and it’s against the entertainment sense.
Probably they better left only RB battles as they just don’t play clean building missions that work with aircraft time line Era.
Are you talking about Air Simulator Enduring Convrontation, which is an objective-oriented PvPvE gamemode?
Or are you talking about “Dynamic Campaigns” and “Missions”?
If the latter, those are pretty much forgotten and discontinued.
If the first, rolands are only an issue when I fly my F3H-2 and F86 if you get near the enemy airfield, which you have little reason to do so. If you’re CASing arrows, you’re going to get knocked out of the air by a gepard or something like that.
Simulation Battles. The one you have the roll to play Aircraft, Helicopters and ground units. They change Randomly the BR units and they put Roland’s and IR SAMS to face old 60s fighters open field such is an overpower biased move. IR SAMs show up end 70s and the big war to be operational was the Soviet/Afghanistan war at 80s
Can you please provide screenshots of what you you are pressing and where?
What you’re talking about sounds like high-tier ground simulator battles which have a vetted rotating list of allowed vehicles.
What you labelled your thread implies Air Simulator: Enduring confrontation where there aren’t any helicopters.
This one. I’m just requesting to respect the time line of every aircraft to get a better mission experience. SB is way different what you do in RB. In RB you can be flexible with vehicles tier including together. In SB should be the same time line tier. Gaijin is bringing ROLAND and Strella-10 to face 60s vehicles. It’s impossible to do a ground attack that way. Otherwise they must bring HARM missiles to Su-17 and F-4 soon because it’s a no go the way they are making those missions in SB
It is a legitimate argument that it’d be nice to have more ground sim brackets. I feel like playing it a few times and then I see only 1.0 to 2.0 tanks can be used and I wanna drive my pz IV or t34.
However, if you want to play aircraft why don’t you try air simulator battles? You can bomb bases and drop stuff on A.I tanks all the same and there’s no SAM except for near the airfield at korean and early vietnam brackets.
You do know that flares and chaff doesn’t do anything against ai SAM
In todays BR bracket you can play a R2Y2 and face a J-7E.
The mix of planes makes me happy i got a talisman on the 2S6
He’s talking about playing ground sim and facing player SAM from what it sounds like.
Seems like that for me as well and he don`t seem to know there is a air sim mode
Against SACLOS guidance? Nop you’re right. But they have Search Radar and we don’t have HARM missiles so anyway put them against 60 aircraft is way too much.
Ground sim brackets are a black magic of an eldritch, profane kind. I wish ground sim had air sim style brackets instead.
The picture I post above is Simulator Battle and is the one I was talking about.
Also I’m talking about the overpower SAM from 90s set in an 60s Era fighters mission, such doesn’t make sense for SB acronym. They want make simulation for us making SAM over power on open field . Not right