My point is current EC mode is more about PvP, not PvE. Many planes are designed for PvE, not PvP.
Also, there is disbalance between teams and planes.
Players will always look for easy ways to get what they want. But current EC mode exacerbates this situation.
Many players consider SB EC only for grind purposes. Proper gameplay can change this situation, and I believe this gameplay should have big part of PvE.
Huh more about pvp? Have seen the amount of servers that try to enforce on u pve?
Being PvPvE means the gamemode is PvP with an option to PvE.
When we see PvE servers, and entitled noobs doing only PvE, we consider that current mode is Abused.
The only PvE modes are Arcade PvE battles (Ground and Air) → that’s ALL.
SIM is PvP as any other gamemode are PvP, with an option to do PvE in the middle of it, but not entitled to be PvE
True, and should be nerfed again
What type of bombing will get me more sl/rp?
One run with 8 napalms = 4 base (low TNT)
One run with 3x 1000kg + 2 napalms= 2 bases (1T+ TNT)
Entirely depends on the BR and aircraft in question.
200 points = 54% reward
400 points = 75% reward
600 points = 86% reward
800 points = 90% reward
1050+ points = 92% reward
Getting 600 score gives you almost full reward. I found exceeding 1050 does give increasing rewards but uh…
That’s 1% at best. Maybe 1.15. For nearly doubling my score, I got barely over 1% reward.
So, with that in mind:
Open this chart, find your plane in question, find the option that is 1 fly-out and 1 base to minimize risk.
Then find the one that gives you about 600 score.
Use that loadout.
Make sure after you drop your bomb, you return to base safely and wait 15 minutes (countdown started when you spawned in) and land to repeat.
Prefer the phrasing “Objective Oriented.”
I like to compare it to Dota2: In Dota 2, you have pos1 going to jungle to CS, you have pos 3/pos4 ratting rax and towers. They’re not fighting other players, but they are still doing PvP by directly hurting the other side’s map presence OR building an advantage for later teamfights.
Same idea for ASB. Bombing a base cannot be considered PvE because it drains tickets from the other side. Like in Dota2, you don’t want enemy to complete such objectives and you’re obliged to prevent them from doing that. It’s still PvP, just objective-oriented rather than TDM.
Nobody in GRB considers capping a point PvE, nor gets mad when they get shot doing that. We need to follow that same logic in sim.
On top tier a couple of players is enough to ruin PvE gameplay. Especially when you play USSR planes.
Unfortunately, there are still not enough PvE tasks in EC.
I have to switch between sessions to find ground targets for my Su-25SM3.
Thx alot
Put players on bigger map, that way thay couldnt spowncamp, or atleast not that long, and give rewards after landing and not after 15mins.
This will solve every thing.
Thay couldnt be at spown becaouse of the not haveing enough fule to land and clame the reward.
I disagree when i’m playing alone i usually go only for pve but when I’m partied up with my guys i usually go for pvp truth is both are what the game mode is made for are equally important and it really depends on the aircraft your bringing and it’s role i do think the rewards could be better for example i exclusively bombed 6 ships in 4.0 br and never died but still the ships didn’t give much reward but it was still enjoyable gameplay and relaxing truth is if your having a good time it’s all good now camping airfields could be fixed easily by making the airfields bots actually capable of landing for fuel without crashing and making them more effective in their flight models and make only one land at a time
Put spacing in your comment,… god it’s hard to read.
In SIM gamemode, or other gamemodes, the game is considered to be PvP.
When people rig the gamemode from PvPvE, to only PvE environnement = gamemode is abused.
Which is the subject of the current thread.
Yet some people are entitled to make it an Only PvE, which is the problem discussed in the thread.
While there is true PvE modes, the abuse of making a PvPvE gamemode an Only PvE is bannable, as some Gamemasters here already gave us the information, inother but similar thread.
And that’s not what the current problematic is about.
If people want to play a bomber, they’re right, but they can’t ask to be left alone in a PvPvE gamemode to make it an only PvE one.
And that is completely out of the initial subject.
I don’t see the logic as bombing airfields are one of various objectives, while GRB points are the most important/influent objective to win a game.
I already saw teams nearly anihilated to finally win because of base capping in GRB.
And again, the problem to me is not to bomb airfield, but to see bomber enforcing a striclty PvE Rule in a PvPvE
Reward after landing that is all. Make it easy and profitible.
There are farmers and there are PvE players. Some players would love to play strike planes, hunting for ground units. I am not sure about low and middle BRs, but top tier planes are quite fun for doing this.
Unfortunately, intensive PvP part does not allow you to focus on killing ground units or even to try to kill a single unit.
PvE alone can be challenging. We just do not have properly designed mode yet. Strike planes and bombers definitely deserve separate mode.
I would vote for a proposal about eliminating any damage to AFs, and excluding any PvE activity, so sim EC will be 100% PvP.
Against that.
The gamemode is to be complete,… not a partial demonstration of what can be encountered.
“PvE Only” enforcers should be punished, that’s all.
There was a Post from a Game Master named Necronomica, where he says that enforcing PvE in SIM is against the game purpose, and is dealt with from GM PoV wise
But i’m not asking to enforce PvP either,… and this would also be dealt by/from GM PoV wise.
The game would want people to cooperate,… or at least have a sense of Teamplay.
Fighters can become escorts, or interceptors.
Yet, there is not a single bonus reward for escorting any bomber on a Fighter PoV side.
In theory, yes. In reality - everybody plays their own game and complete their own tasks.
PvE leaves you no choice but cooperate, since AI play as cohesive team.
I do not think it will help. This reward is not expected be more than for just killing enemy plane, so nobody will care.
I am not promoting farming and exploiting. Just saying that players asking for PvE aren’t necessarily farmers.
I am not sure about what you are against? Separate PvE mode or players asking for PvE?
I’m against that,… as in my post:
I was simply reading the comments on the whole subject and giving my opinion on a little bit of everyones replies and ADHD lol obviously people shouldn’t be asking to be left alone but i’ve never had anyone do that before tbh