Hmm, I try to spade most of the planes in my TT. I spaded all the planes I like to fly. But only 1 Bomber.
Which rank do you play normally?
Up to rank V I also didn’t have any problems.
The planes are so slow that your lifespan is much higher…
Rank VII and VIII are a different thing.
You get locked 3 min. after takeoff and missiles have way higher range than guns…
Of course the rewards are capped while the respawn costs of 15-18k are not.
If you die more than once every 15 min., your reward is 0 or negative.
Idk even when i play RB i end up in net negative after purchasing modifications. Unlock 2-3 modules per game but earn like 25k SL. I have spaded like 300 planes. Also stuff like tier 5 planes cost 17k to spawn but have income limits of 8k SL. To get out with profit you must play 30 minutes without dying while having max efficiency so unless you are playing pure PvE its impossible.
Ok, I play up to rank V. This missile spam at the higher tiers is not what I like.
Maybe thats the point. I really wonder, why ppl play this BR´s.
There is a lot people once they have the points, they land and wait in the runaway, the reward system is so bad it encourages that :'-(
Hmm. Maybe you fly to offensive. Try to choose your targets not the other way round. If I see 2 dots at the same altiitude, I try to climb abov them. So I have a bit more chances to sourvive. But if I´m not sure, I can handle both of them, I simply turn arround and see what they are doing. If they both hunt me like crazy, I don´t give them the fight coz they are a team and the surely know what they do.
And I do Objectives, too. They give a good ammount of points. If I can´t find ann enemy, I ttrain my aim at Recon Planes, Bombers and so on
yes, I saw that way to often.
My F4U-4B: Costs 11k to fly, pays 18K if I get 2 kills and RTB and do nothing for 15 mins.
My P-51H: Costs 12K to fly, pays 18K.
My F82E: Costs 11K to fly, pays 19K.
My F84B: Costs 14K to fly, pays 20K.
It makes no logical sense.
It’s not even tied to BR.
The 6.0 F8F costs 5K to fly and pays 12K.
The 6.3 F8F costs costs 9K to fly and pays 18K
I take my F4U-4B for a fly-out. I get 4 kills with it by some miracle in a 15 minute window. I then get shot out of the sky by the fifth plane at ~6-7 minutes into my Useful actions cycle.
Reward caps at 2 kills, so doing well and getting 4 means nothing. I get 18K max.
I didn’t land, so my F4U-4B payout is already reduced by 20% from 18K - I have 14K max profit if I survived the whole 15 minutes without landing… but I didn’t. I died 7 minutes into my useful action cycle. So
14K SL * 7 minutes/ 15 minutes = 6.5K SL payout, assuming I’m not missing any Useful actions mechanics at play.
I spawned my F4U for 11k (I start in negative 11K), I got paid ~6.5K SL. I respawn for another 11K, so my balance is now (6.5-11-11)k = -15 K silver lions!
I get another 3 kill useful action period and survive for 12 minutes. Same logic. 180.8(12/15)=11.5K SL.
My balance now is (11.5+6.5-11-11-11)K = - 15 000 SL. That’s a minus.
Next UA cycle, I decide to take 3 1000 lbs bombs, bomb a base and capture an A zone and get 1 kill. I max on score AND survive for full 15 minutes. I even get back to base. I make 18K.
My SL balance is now at 3 K SL.
I have been playing sim for ~45 minutes by this time and been doing quite well and I have made a measly 3 K silver lions.
My real F4U-4B matches tend to look like sth along the lines of 120-140K SL gained, 80-110K SL in spawn costs.
Now add rerolling BP tasks until you get a reasonable one and that’s a daily -30-130K SL down the the drain.
Then you should try rank V with spawn costs up to 18k.
And faster planes, so you meet the enemy earlier. And totally undertiered Su-11s that out-everything you.
Burning money at its finest…
And to top it all off, sometimes you get issues with rendering, as I had this night. Which made me unable to see my enemies most of the time in my Longnose Dora (stock), I then worked over two different Aircraft both Spits, I think Seafires. And shot them up more than a bit.
Bot-AI came in, no assist. So 5 minutes of dogfighting and carefully maneuvering the Spit from being on the offensive to being on the defensive ammounts to nothing.
Add to that that somehow certain Tier IV and V planes (Bf 109 G-10, cough, cough) have spawn costs as high or higher than some later jets.
The G-10 has a 12k Spawn cost, well used to be 14k, three times as high as the FW-190 D-9.
An F-86K is 10k…a jet with a Radar is less expensive to repair by Gaijin logic…an F-4F with an even more advanced Radar and missiles is 11k to spawn. The Mig-29 and Mig-29G cost 9,9k to spawn while the Tornado costs 11k. Somehow that much more complex aircraft that cost less to spawn than a 109 G-10 which is simplistic compared to all of them, but especially the Tornado.
Add to all the price for buying new aircraft, training the crew or even getting just the expert qualification and you’ll have to recoup a lot of money.
Which also hinders you in mixing and matching your deck, because you have to pay SL for each and every crew that you want to fly the aircraft…burning tons of money.
If my Premium from the discounted Spitfire pack runs out, I feel it’s going to go as usual, I’ll gravitate back to the Combat Flight sims I have and are better made and WT will be forgotte again.
With missiles the game becomes more like chess in the air. If you go there with banzai tactics you will not do well. I wouldn’t call it spam even with FOX-3:s because they can be beaten.
if ur new, u r usually playing at a rather low tier or a premium
These vehicles dont lose sl fast
This used to be much worse than it is now - for instance some aircraft were upwards of 30 or 40K to spawn and the rewards were maxed out at around 20K per 15 minutes(without boosters) so you had to fly for 45 minutes, getting enough points to max out your “Useful actions” without dying in order to BREAK EVEN…
As I said it’s better now but some aircraft you still need to play perfectly (without dying) for at least 15 minutes to break even so at these tiers it’s pretty common to lose SL, especially if you’re just learning/spading a new aircraft (and that doens’t count purchasing upgrades after the match)
Acording to leaks, economy nerf incomming, 50% less SL XD
When you are starving and they tell you, we start with water restrictions !!!
So basically if you play normally you get close to 0 rewards but if you literally and intentionally play the gamemode like a bot you will get NORMAL rewards (see: not GOOD rewards)!
will kill the gamemode outright so gl gaijin
How are you even supposed to NOT lose money like that?
Max SL gain will literally be less than it costs to spawn a tier 4/tier 5 plane with that. F2H-2 costs 15K. F4U-4B and P-51H cost 11-12K.
You earn less than 20-23k as is.
My take is gaijin is planning to delete sim eventually and just go full arcade plane game (their loss)
To be fair, I’ll probably switching to Aces of Thunder as soon as it drops anyway - I already play in VR so that should be more of an even playing field - but it would be a shame to lose the game mode and it is a shame that it is so neglected right now.
Premium plane and premium acount, of course XD