Sim rewards being terrible

fighting on red side in the mig-29, facing gripens with AIM-9M’s and not having the counterpart for my own nation, i’d say i did pretty damn well, with a K:D ratio of around 2 overall, but still, the rewards were less than sub par, resulting in a total gain of only 45k RP and 45K SL


can sim rewards at least be revised? maybe scrap the UA system entirely please? because at this point there’s no point me going out and support my team if ive already attacked one person in the 15 min timer.


One more post about how bad sim rewards are … but gaijin doesn’t read here :'-(


15 takeoffs and only 5 landings. That’s part of your problem here.

While rewards in sim are not that great when compare to air RB. You need to know that the economy is not based on the typical Random system that you experience in AB & RB. It uses its own system known as Useful Actions.

Activity grants you 80% of the earnings, while landing safely back at the airfield. Landing will provide you the last 20%.

The system is based on each 15-minute interval to register activity. From any player/AI kills, and even mission task completes. If you die, it will reset that timer. If you die once or twice during the entire EC game, then it is not a big deal.

But getting killed over and over. It will severely impact your earnings since that timer is getting reset a lot. Starting over too much can cut you out of potential earnings.

The timer is what matters to calculate your earnings. It does not matter if you earn 0.5 KDR, or made off with 5 KDR within the 15-minute timer.

Everyone will earn the same (or close to) reward earnings, based on the aircraft’s RP modifier and UA rate per minute, and if a certain mission score limit is met.

So in top-tier, yolo rushing in and going full sweat lord to missile joust. It’s completely pointless if rewards are your main concern. The rewards are capped once you reach a certain mission score per the 15-minute interval. If you want to continue earning a lot of kills or doing tasks in a short time span. Just be aware, you are working for free at that point.


Laughts in GRB … Can we also get the rewards for GRB checked? They’re a joke to be honest.


I literally play GRB to get enough SL to fly in sim.

The RP rewards in ground are bad, a good game earns you ~2000 RP, maybe 3000. ARB for the same time and similar performance will give you 9K.


Similar performance in sim for 90 minutes in similar BR range?

Drum roll.

10K RP. And you’re probably losing SL


For me, the biggest problem with sim is how rewards AND spawn costs interact.

Spawning my F4U-4B costs me 11K SL. Best I can earn is 2 kills for 18K SL and sitting on the runway/circling in space for 15 minutes.

2 kills and afking for the timer to finish doesn’t even get me twice my spawn cost.

My corsair games end up looking like 100K SL spent on respawns, 130K earned. 90 minutes passed.

My P-51 cannonstang has a spawn cost of 3.6K, and I can earn 10.8K. Worse games flown in my P-51 cannonstang will earn me 50-70K SL PROFIT much more easily than in my F4U-4B.

I want to fly my corsair. I came to Warthunder to fly hellcats (been staying away for now as I see guides say they’re difficult to fly and I’m still learning at 2 days’ flight time), corsairs, zeros and other pacific theatre icons. But I can’t because unless I got 100K sl saved up, I’ll often have to leave the match early even with a 1.0 KD ratio.


The spawncost/reward potential for some planes is quite messed up, especially for early jets/late props.

The Xp-50 costs about 2800 to spawn, and can gain up to about 25k sl per UA cycle. The P-38J at the same BR costs 8k to spawn and can only gain up to around 18k per cycle.

Or I could play air RB and gain 50k sl and 6k rp in a decent match that takes less than 20m.


Funny thing, this is also a PvP mode. For a kill, someone has to die. For 2 kills, 2 players have to die and loose their rewards, plus pay the absurdly high respawn costs.

Getting killed is part of the game and in the end there is an overall SL loss in the game. SIM PvP is not sustainable without premium, except you are one of the top 10%.

Surviving should be important and rewarded (by a landing multiplier), but as said, in a PvP game dying is part of the game.
Punishing it so hard that you go negative even with a 2:1 K/D, just kills the fun.
It’s like they try to force players into pve… I mean premium…


This is important to consider. A 1:1 KD ratio should still yield rewards for there to be balance


Flew my P-51H for the first time. Denmark, so not a lot of targets. Got 4 kills, died twice. Landed 3 times (of which only 2 gave reward).



Had a Useful actions cycle where I couldnt find any objs/enemies to fight hence the empty period.

It’s not a /bad/ payout in SL for once (ignoring it was 2 hours of flying), but I find it deeply frustrating how a 526 score cycle gave me 11.8k, 1000 point cycle gave me 13k.


Yeah, that’s always been an issue. It was worse in the past when the mode was getting abused by farming rooms, and boosting crews. Enough that certain common jets that were used to zomber a lot, like the F-4. It jumped to a 50k spawn cost.

These current costs are much better than before. But they still can improve them.

The problem with the UA system is that it promotes passive gameplay. If you risk death a lot, then you loose. If you avoid risks and do other things that attackers/bombers do like bombing, or CAS. Instead of dogfighting so much, then you can profit.

Killing AI or bases is also quicker and consistent. Unlike searching the map as a fighter to search for targets to jump. If you want to play a fighter. You need to multi-role to do various tasks to help keep your activity building up.

The system just hurts those playing fighters that want to get into the thrill of an engagement. So you also have to pick your fights conservatively. When you have the element of surprise, and disengage to scan your surroundings, and reset your position for the next play.

It’s not the game mode to jump into if you enjoy quick on the edge engagements from a typical furball. Sadly, you’re better off playing air Arcade if that is what you prefer. It’s cheeper there to maintain that type of gameplay.


The problem is that death costs you way more than you could ever gain by 1 or even 2 kills, if you don’t hide and wait until the timer resets.
You can even go broke with 5:1 if you focus on PvP and die every 10 min. on some planes.

This system was only introduced to limit and cap the rewards to a level where you can barely sustain. The expected solution was “buy moar premium!”, but it only resulted in driving players into pve behaviour, if they are not super good.


Problem is also that you need to run and hide if new timer starts, since if you get shot down in first 10 minutes you will get barely any SL back from being shot down. 3 days ago i was without reward for first 15 min period, shot down guy when i was around 15:10 and another guy shot me down at 15:22 i got like 300 SL and handfull of RP. Leaving me with like 13k negative SL. Not even premium can help in this situation.

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The timer being invisible also does not help. You already have a lot of things to keep track of in air sim, having to keep the timer in mind especially with deaths resetting it is not very nice.


I’ve recently made a new observation thanks to being reminded the F8F exists

The 6.0 F8F costs 5K to fly and pays 12K.
The 6.3 F8F(-1B) costs costs 9K to fly and pays 18K

I always hear negative SL.
How do u do that?
I´m relative new to this game and have 12 Mio SL.
The rewards are good. And There is enough money to upgrade my planes if I buy a new 1.

Can any1 explain to me plz, how u get negative on SL.

You die.

Ok… I died alot…

Did you play only premium planes and have premium? Because it isnt that hard to lose 75k SL per sim game.

No… No Premium
Gaijin is currently not worth investing my money into


And if you play like i do, spading every plane in every tree without premium planes you will rarely get to 1 milion sl. Like you spend several milion SL only on modifications in some tiers.

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