Sick of being told about passive behaviour

And what will happen about said report?

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Given a sufficient number of reports, I would imagine gaijin will take whatever action they deem necessary

Ive had the 10 reports its just a notification to tell you that 10 reports have gone in. That is it end of

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None of these have an official response from a Gaijin employee, I showed you the actual Terms of Service from Gaijin. My proof is more credible than yours. Again, show me an OFFICIAL response from Gaijin to match my OFFICIAL data from Gaijin and then maybe we can discuss it. I’m not trying to force my point of view, I looked at Gaijins TOS and explained how it could be interpreted for the cimcumstances described. You are the one trying to convice people that it is fine to do with absolutely no proof to support it while also yelling “You’re wrong” to everyone that disagrees.

You have provided no profe on passive behavior, There is nothing in the TOS about passive behavior.

Im not trying to provide proof, i have tried to find out what gaijins official stand is on passive behavior. No result, i wish someone from gaijin did so to stop all the crap in game chat

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That’s unfortunate, lets hope Gaijin do something about it

I clearly explained it here how airfield circling can be considered passive behavior and how it can be applied to Gaijin’s terms of service. I quoted the TOS and then used key words to describe the behavior. If you can’t accept that you are wrong in this situation after being shown the actual TOS and getting an explaination of how it can apply, then you are just ignorant and want to stay ignorant.

It needs to be sorted. You cant enforce something with out stating what is by your own definition. I dont like af campers, but i dont like players who think they can dictate the rules more

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How you concider it, your not a GM. If i circle the airfield what are you going to do about it. Nothing about airfields in the tos

You are trying to enforc your point of view, by adding to it

Nono, I think it’s pretty clear. AirRB is a team death match, if you refuse to participate in the said TDM you are passive and should be sanctioned.

The airfield is there for a reason as are it’s defenses. You can take them out.

It’s not passive behaviour, it’s actual tactics, and requireing you to take action to make your win.


No, you really can’t. The airfield and it’s defenses are there so you can land, rearm, refuel and take off again. Choosing to circle the airfield so as to extend the match is abusing that


It’s not abuse, it’s calculated play and forcing you to play whatever hand you can to cope with that.

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There is nothing in the TOS about airfields

2. You must play fair and not intentionally disrupt your team’s gameplay. For example, you must not hurt your teammates on purpose (“friendly fire”), block their movements, or stay inactive (“AFK”) during a game session. You must not use cheats, bugs, exploits, or other methods of unfair play.

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Prove it

I want to know where in the TOS it says circling the airfield is considered unfair play

2. You must play fair and not intentionally disrupt your team’s gameplay. For example, you must not hurt your teammates on purpose (“friendly fire”), block their movements, or stay inactive (“AFK”) during a game session. You must not use cheats, bugs, exploits, or other methods of unfair play.

6.1.2. Exploiting Game bugs, errors, and flaws.
6.1.4. Other actions that violate the principle of fair play

Reinforced by section 9 “RULES INTERPRETATION”
While playing the Games, the User expresses their trust in the Administration to make any decision related to the interpretation of and compliance with these Game Rules.(…)

Good enough for you?

You don’t know how TOS for companies work. They don’t outline every single possible thing that can happen. They use large iveraching terminology to cover all but the most niche of situations. I described airfield circling 3 key words/phrases in the TOS. Those keywords are what links the TOS terminology with said behavior.

What is that?

A page out of the legal section on Gaijin’s website, I trust you can read on your own.

(Also missed one important bit: 8.1. In the situation when the User’s actions do not formally fall under the restrictions of this document, the Administration may impose the punishment in the form of Game Access Restriction for a period from 3 days up to permanent Game Access Restriction or deletion of Gaijin Account, provided such User’s actions have caused massive adverse reaction and complaints from other Players and/or such infringe the legitimate interests of third parties or Gaijin.)