Sick of being told about passive behaviour

i meant realistic players that should really play arcade bcoz they want to turn realistic into arcade. Those people especially nowadays are being so ridiculous. They don’t want tickets, don’t want bases, don’t want the big airfield aas(and sometimes even airfields as a whole), they don’t want anything that makes realistic not arcade. I support changes but only smart ones.

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“Why am I getting reported for actively dragging out a match by abusing the absolutely busted airfield AA and hindering the experience of other players? This is unfair stop reporting me for passiveness!!!”

You’re doing doughnuts over your airfield while you KNOW that the AA at airfields will shoot them down 9 times out of 10. You are hindering the progress of other players because you don’t want to admit your team lost. Absolutely childish behavior.

You just proved that you didn’t read the OP - i quote:

The whole tread deals with the rarely happening chance to win by tickets as last player. And this happens either due to high unbalanced maps or mostly due to wrong decision making of plain stupid players on the enemy team - as they see Air RB in props as a pure TDM mode.

And ticket leads happen usually due to ticket relevant player actions and ticket defeats due to non ticket relevant actions.

In other words your whole post is useless regarding the topic and can be described as:

While I do understand where OP is coming from, sitting and abusing the busted airfield mechanic is still textbook passive behavior. While I get wanting to preserve a possible win, having to deal with someone camping their airfield to abuse the busted AA is absurd and obnoxious to the entire enemy team.

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Its not passive, there is no auto pilot that makes an aircraft do circles. Its avoiding your enemy

And avoiding the enemy to prolong the match while abusing a busted mechanic is still passive behavior.

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Its no more than climbing at start of match to gain an energy advantage over your rnemy. Its a game mechanic and AAA is not busted

Climbing at the start of the match to drop down on unsuspecting targets or for an energy advantage is nowhere near similar to camping your airfield to avoid being shot down as the last guy on your team.

Climbing actively results in actions being done against the enemy team, be it shooting bombers or dropping down on fighters.
Camping does nothing but prolong the match needlessly.

I mean, the way you deal with it is by not being passive and playing the objective.

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Even when playing the objective, there are plenty of times where I’ve ended up losing due to ticket bleed because of the AI aircraft. Even if you try to shoot them down there are sometimes just rapid moments of ticket bleed. Either way having the last guy on the enemy team abusing airfield AA is obnoxious and an issue that needs to be resolved with more than a reporting category.

In other words, the enemy team played the objective and won.

There will be matches where you try your best an loose. But that is just part of playing the game.


And honestly with the ways one can win a match i think its basically a non-issue of you play the game as something more than pure PvP


My ultimate point is that those matches WOULD have been won had the last guy not sat at the airfield abusing the AA.
Again, there are also times where the symmetrical ticket bleed isn’t due to player activity. Winning/losing on tickets sucks in a gamemode which has it’s primary focus on PvP.

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Well thats map balance related, not in essence about what OP is about.

*where one of the focuses is PvP. The objective is very explicitly about winning which has multiple paths to winning it, ultimately being about tickets.

I mean if they choose to put themselves in a loosing posituon, thats just skill issue/poor gameplay on their part. If the enemy is in an advantagous position i see no reason why a player would engage any other way.

And the enemy has plenty of opportunity to prompt a response from the player

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Both teams have same tickets, AI and most maps have same winning objectives. Its not team death match, there is more than 16 aircraft on your team, AI aircraft, tanks, boats, artillery, AAA it all adds up. And there are no rules

It’s always funny that both the Fighter Jocks and many general players forget that AAB, ARB and ASB are not TDM.

You have other objectives to complete to drain tickets; destroy ground and air AI, bases and the airfield at the applicable BR.

The team that loses often does so not because they failed to defeat all the enemy players, but because they didn’t fully PTFO. That’s not the random Joe whose circling his AF’s problem when his team has ticket advantage, that’s the losing team’s problem for not PTFO’ing properly. The team that PTFOs properly is the team that wins most of the time, even at top tier where most people treat it as TDM but again, it is not. There are always other objectives to complete to win aside from full shoot-down of the enemy team. The ignorant arguments need to stop, especially this nonsensical bullshit that circling the AF is against ToS - No, it isn’t so give it a rest. Yes, it’s annoying as hell but it’s not against the rules. Never has been.


What does that mean?


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It makes me laugh when half the population dont even know how to play there aircraft. Ie bf109’s on the deck, spits chasing tails of bombers etc and then start complaining

Tbf, the game isn’t even designed to allow most vehicles to be played correctly, so folks either have to adapt or gamerfail until they can spade and/or move onto the next vehicle.

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1 probiem is content creators promoting TDM behaviour