Should there be a Historial battle?

Should there be Historical battles (Historically accurate)




Im down to have a mod for it






Organise historical custom battles then

How would you put sweden in it? Top tier sure, nato. But lower tiers like ww2, cold war. Do we just become a stand-alone? Or do we still get put in NATO?

Considering sweden has norwegian and danish premiums it must go nato right?

Yes, the best games were when you had Britain against Germany in WW2
or West vs Soviet/Warsaw pact in Air battles.

Now it’s just a mash of crap.

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Sweden would be part of NATO as they would have been a target for Soviet expansion in a hypothetical Cold war goes hot scenario

4.0 France, italy, japan, ussr, China vs Sweden, germany, USA, Israel, china.

This is what my most common matches has been, and it makes me wanna slam my head into the desk

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There should be at least option to play stuff like

Allies vs “bad ones” (USA+GB+France vs GER+USSR+ITA)




Nato vs bad ones (USA+GER+GB+ITA+SWE+France vs USSR/RU + CHRL)


Yes…but past experience shows that the issue is “convincing” players to play them.

Historical usually means “Asymetrical”…in the sense some side has advantage in numbers, quality, air support…and unfortunately players will focus on the “bad” and leave without taking advantage of the “good”…

As an example…Tiger/Panther will usually be outnumbered by lesser vehicles on historical scenarios…but the players with those lesser vehicles will often leave the game instead of trying…


be good as a separate game mode for people who like to fight historically matched aircraft and tanks


I came to WT GRB to play WW2 thinking that a game in the 2020s would be able to facilitate era based matchmaking. For the first few tiers its kind of is or rather was.They started throwing much more modern vehicles in and ruined it and they really didn’t need to.South African stuff in the UK line up then the terrible M44 artillery which was the death blow to a WW2 area.

I know WT can’t cover every war and overlaps in vehicles usage like Korea is hard to make work but WW2 is so vast and so much part of military history that it was worth looking after to a degree. Real opportunity squandered.

The other odd thing is making Historically accurate vehicles for no reason.If balance in game is what you seek then why bother recreating perfectly exact models only to throw them against much later tanks and with nations like Sweden which never featured in a war? Makes no sense.


No, historical battles were and are unfun, unbalanced, and irrelevant to realism.

I have many legendary battles every day ;)

Obviously Historical battles are fun that is why so many want them.It is also why so many play the first six BRs so much. Unbalanced ,no not at all if they are balanced.

Irrelevant to realism? What does that even mean? Gaijin just scrapped Japanese fighters giving an historical reason for it.The lost the Panther 2 because of it.
They model all their vehicles according to historical data.We have had data protection act breeches due to Warthunders fanatical following of historical data .

It’s baffling how you and others like you come on and denounce that War Thunder has any historical relevance when it clearly has.

With Props vs Jets , tanks with NV vs tank with none ,vehicles with Laser range finders vs none,tanks with Heat FS vs tanks firing potatoes etc etc its obvious to even a monkey that there is a huge historical problem with this game.

Not to Alvis thoguh …oh no ,he is on another planet as usual : )


I wouldn’t

Who ever imagined Sweden fought in WW2 …Oh Gaijin that’s who.
They no more fought in WW2 than the UK had APHE during WW2 so why stick to one bit of fiction then go for fact for the other.That is War Thunders problem.It can’t tell the line between fact and fiction and needs to decide whether it wants to be factual or loose and fun.Maybe then all this historical expectation will stop.



No, people want them because they think they’ll be fun, despite having never played them and realizing how bad they were.
If you balance “historical battles” they’re no longer historical battles.

It’s weird that as a counter to “realism” you change the subject to history for no reason, a red herring fallacy; history is not realism and realism is not history. They’ve never been tied.

It’s very telling that your post calls planet Earth a different planet to your own.

You can set up and enjoy your own historical battle Alvis its not hard so why cant Gaijin throw a few in? This game is a magnet for tank and plane buffs of all eras ,its so much about history like many games are about Horror or Sci fi .