Should the BR Spread be reduced to 0.7 Maximum

Su-11 is 7.3, an identical BR to its counterparts: Me-262 C-1a, Mig-9L, Sea Meteor Mk3 [slightly better than Su-11], and F2H-2.

If BVR meta is actually gone, I don’t see much why average F14 players wouldn’t bring x4 AIM9s instead of x4 sparrows?

Did Gaijin make any major changes for sparrows and R27s in few days before I was hospitalized?

4x4 is the best loadout for F-14B.
2x6 isn’t cause you miss out on 9Ls.

These jets aren’t anywhere near as good as the Su-11.

You’re right, many are better, but I wouldn’t go as far to say “no where near” Su-11.

Probably you forget why Sea Meteor was called as “Sea Jesus” in 2015 and moved up to 7.7BR.

None are better.

I have the SMeteormk3, it’s good but it’s not Su-11 good.

Su-11 is inferior.
We can dogfight and you’ll win every time.

Sea Meteor 460kt, Turn Rate 21.5, Climb Rate 5550 fpm, No Bombs, Repair Cost 9,078 SL.

SU-11 538kt, Turn Rate 21.8, Climb Rate 8210 fpm, can carry 1120lb bomb, Repair Cost 6,293 SL.

Interesting how the SU-11 despite being newer, more capable, higher Br, has a 3000 SL lower repair cost.

the Su-11 is a premium and like all premiums has a lower repair cost.

don’t quote stat cards… they are so very wrong most of the time.

the Su-11 is still under tiered though with it’s crazy powerful engines. should be like 8.0

if you play long enough you’ll realise the game in deliberately infuriating forcing you to spend money to get to the top. compression starts around 7.0 and just gets worse the higher you go. planes can be 0.3 BR apart but you have no chance of killing the higher BR plane.

Well, also gaijin has been caught adding things to russian vehicles (like armor plates) hidden in code before. So yes, the stat cards are wrong, but even by the stat cards the SU-11 has a big upper hand. That isn’t even with knowing what they are hiding.

If that was true, why MiG-29s became really decent plane when they gets R-27ER? If IR missiles meta is exists since early 2023 to right now, MiG29 should not have needed the R27ER and would have been quite decent with the R60M and R27T/R27R.

Also, MiG-29 with only OG R-60s and F-16A with only 9Ps or 9Ls wouldn’t worth at 12.0BR if we have system in which BR is changed by loadout. Comparing stock F16A and MiG-29 to spaded 11.0BR aircraft is joke.

This game wouldn’t be realistic, botting would increase, and maps would be more stressful.
As for ER, it became more feared, and that’s about it.
I don’t frag good players with the ER. Guns & IR missiles for good players, cause the reason they’re good is because they are avoiding radar missiles, and will win engagements if mistakes are made.
As for 11.0s, most 11.0s are fine. I especially will like spaded Mig-21Bis against 12.0s.

This game is barely realistic in the first place, it’s nowhere near MFSX, DCS, let alone In-house simulator that manufacturer made to train new pilot without buying trainer conversion.

someone doesn’t have the balls to reply publicly.

My point is that the BR of a vehicle is determined by the performance of what is spaded, so you can’t say that a MiG-29 with OG R-60 or an F-16 with an AIM-9Ps or just x2 AIM-9Ls actually equals against MiG-29s with R-60Ms/R-27s and F-16 with AIM-9Ls/AIM-7Ms.

According to Gaijin, the stats were so bad that MiG-29s had to receive R-27ERs.
If BVR meta was gone at that time, We would have received R-27ET instead of R-27ER months ago.

Except F-104S, F-4EJ/F-4EJ ADTW, Su-17M4/Su-22M4, J-7D.
Of cause, It doesn’t mean they should get BR changes as I said.

Funny how did you think that even you have only played 20 times and has negative KD right now.
If you have decent stats on your MiG-21bis, your point would be supported because having decent KDs basically means you can do something against 12.0BR jets, but unfortunately you don’t.

And my stats are not good as well because 11.0BR jets basically can do nothing against 12.0BR jets.

I don’t care if you are a ridiculous liar as rumored in the forum community, and I don’t care, either way it doesn’t change the fact that 11.0BR to 12.0BR is compressed.

I’ve exclusively used R-27ERs are close range WVR missiles personally.Su-17M4 is fine at 11.0. 6x R-60Ms & bomb load for people that want to bomb a base.
J-7D is fine as well, like a J-7E without the double delta.
EJs you’re correct on.
F-104S should be 11.0. I got aces in F-104S without trying when it was 10.7. Like way too easy to get aces.
Check simulator stats of the German Mig-21Bis, as that’s the only mode I played with it this year. 2x R-3Rs and 2x R-13s. 12.0 jets didn’t exist when I played my Mig-21Bis in RB.
I’m going Swedish Bis next update after I spade Viggen.

Also, you’re literally agreeing with me that there’s some compression, you just chose the wrong vehicles to use examples for as EJ was the only accurate one.
IDK why people are claiming that sincere people are liars all the time.

It’ll be alot easier for gaijin to balance vehicles across 5 BR brackets instead of 7. 0.7 +/- should have been implemented ages ago now the game has such a diverse range of vehicles.


Without the double delta basically means it has same airframe with late MiG-21s that was made in russia. And it has worse performance from the MiG-21bis that is really fine at its BR.
The J-7E and MiG-21bis are okay at 11.0BR because they all have really decent flight performance, but the J-7D is bad even it has PL-5B because its performance is still similar to the MiG-21MF/SMT.

However, I don’t think J-7D(and MiG-21bis ofc) should get moved to lower BR because current MiG-21MF/SMT is most overpowered 10.3BR jet right now so, they can go 10.7BR even on current meta.

J-7E and MiG-21bis can be equal to each other due to differences in engine thrust, loadout, and airframe, but in the case of the J-7D, they cannot be equal because better airframe, which was the advantage of the J-7E, is gone.

If there were a few more margins in the 11.0BR, the BRs for MiG-21MF/SMT, J-7D, J-7E, and MiG-21bis would all be different.

Agreed about it shouldn’t be 10.7BR because it had same BR with F-104G(Germany) that is really fine at its BR atm. However, it cannot be equaled by aircraft such as the Viggen, F-4E, or Kurnass, which have better loadout and can turn faster against 104s.

Yeah… It’s top speed is pretty decent, but we are not on Sabres/Hunter vs MiGs/CL-13 era where speed was everything. The difference in top speed does not make much difference at its BR unless it is blatantly slow like the A-10 or Su-25.

Also, If flying F-104S was actually “too easy” why your stats on F-104S TAF is looks awful?
I wouldn’t say you should get 5kills per every match but, if it was “too easy”, your stats should be decent just like my German MiG-15bis. (I spammed German one when it was 8.3)

Why you metioned about SBEC which has completely different from RB even when we were mainly talking about RB? And sim experience is hardly relevant unless it is a duels on Ranked battles or TSS. Nobody asked you about your sim experience.

Huh? Explain me what was that then.
I didn’t say there are no compression btw.

Now the p51h is 5.7 and the j6k1 is going to 6.7, they really hate japan their planes arent even good