Should the BR Spread be reduced to 0.7 Maximum

Weird since you’re the only person here that posted

No one else did.

@The_Crashy_Boi Decompression is taking place as we speak.

It is taking place, but meanwhile, a 0.7 spread reduction would serve as an easy stopgap. Literally, just reduce spread from 4 steps to 3. As easy as that, while decompression takes place, undisturbed.

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Team working with each other in mind, with experience, to a common goal, beats BR position within a game 1000000x.

Uptier position is more often than not a poor excuse and hides the real reason players do badly (personal understanding of gamevand the RNG of both teams in terms of players during the match), outside of the worst compressed regions.

Often I’ll see the lowest BR players performing well and see a few top BR players with very little achieved and maybe even ODL after an early takedown (7.0 below).

Since both sides will have relatively equal numbers at BR stages in a match I see other factors being much more relevant.

Beware what you wish for. No spread would create metas for each BR around the best tank/lineup…games would be skewed and most players would try to play the same vehicles…not to mention it would be boring.
Imagine an arcade game where everyone would be on jumbos or whatever tank is the best…

That said…would like to see a 0.7 spread be tested…it might work better…

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Did you ever experience a full uptier in Air? Noticed how helpless you are when facing a plane that’s a whole BR above? That’s the fault of BR spread and compression, often correctly associated as a BR problem rather than skill isssue

One of those grey areas. One this is basically all modes so varies, two this is about matches not individual duel situations.

What if you are in -1 and +1 is in a worst state, or busy, or whatever, and you are in a position to tackle +1? In the sense that this is exactly what happens in matches, due to the casual population then the skill obviously does mean a lot more than BR and +1/-1 maximum spread. And yes, I tried to spade the Spit 24 and all but 1 had been 7.7/8.0 so being a less skilled pilot I do understand. I also spaded a good chunk of 5.0+ German planes so had a fair share of being 2 v 6.

But again, I found on ARB you learned how to be part of a team (and die inside a little from most teams, I admit) in whatever BR position you found yourself and acted accordingly; it didn’t involve focusing on the possibility of finding myself in a 1 v 1 with one of the fewer top BR enemy players (if in the full uptier).

We are just far too blunt sometimes on the forum and though it can be down to skill (relative, from a new starter to a veteran in terms of understanding WT) the word itself ends being used in a derogatory manner that is easily thrown about. It is an issue of knowledge (in many cases, of course there are BR zones or examples of individual non-sensical match-ups) and not a “skill issue”; Wyvern sits at 4.0 because it is too lucrative with even bad play meaning the good players get to feast on everyone. Uptiers are less hassle, in ARB, when you aren’t in a 16 v 16 donut factory.

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but you know +0.3BR decompression doesn’t fix awful matchmakers completely. If current 12.0BR jets and some 11.7BR jets like F-14A gets better missiles and move up to higher BR, lower BR would be playable but BR is still compressed.

First off, we’re at 0.7BRs of decompression currently, not 0.3, and it’s going to continue.
Right now 11.0 - 12.0 is barely compressed, and that’s mostly due to F-4EJ at 11.0.

Wow we will gets 12.7BR in next patch? iirc, We will get just 12.3BR with F16C and MiG29SMT.

Also, You forget about other 11.0BR jets such as J-7D and F-104S/F-104S TAF, Su-17/Su-22s.

All those jets are fine at 11.0.
Plenty of countermeasures to be defensive, and only the F-104S having poor AAMs but it has the 12.0 speed to make up for that.

Where in the world is it that they are fine atm?
I don’t mean they should go lower BR because they are still better than current 10.7BR jets.
However, It is just joke that a J-7D has the same BR as a J-7E which is better in almost every point except radar, or F-104S (x6 AIM-9Js or x2 AIM-7Es without guns) has the same BR with original Kurnass (x6 AIM-9Gs and 2x AIM-7E-2).

If there was more spaces in there BRs, they should all have different BRs.

J-7E is a better dogfighter, but other than that it’s rather equivalent. J-7E has a slightly worse engine and that’s really it.
They both have enough countermeasures to never be hit by 9Ls, Pythons, and R-60s.
They have the same capabilities of defeating radar missiles as all other aircraft.
They have the speed & counter-attack capabilities of other 11.0s.
They’re fine.

1v1 against a Mig-29 you’re not gonna do well, but air RB isn’t about 1v1s.

The difference of 80kgf can be seen almost same, but the problem is that the J-7D has a worse FM and is less suited for dogfights when compared to the J-7E and MiG-21bis. Even when compared as an IR missile bus, the J-7E can do radar slaves much easier than the J-7D because it only has a rangefinder. Unless it is BVR missile bus like the F-4, the only recourse left for the J-7D is literally dogfighting, and even that dogfighting performance is inferior to the MiG-21bis and J-7E sitting in the same BR.

That’s why current 11.0BR jets shouldn’t get downtiered like F-5E as I said.
You literally conceded my assertion that BR11.0 - 12.0 is compressed. If aircraft of similar sub-variants are sitting in the same BR and the worst variants such as J-7D and F-4EJ cannot change BRs, this sustains that the BRs are compressed.

Thanks again for agreeing with me that the 11.0BR to 12.0BR is compressed.
Even If you can barely escape the R-27 and AIM-7F/AIM-7M spam, almost 11.0BRs can do against the MiG-29 is pray that the MiG-29 player is braindead and can’t even hold S key on keyboard, or stealing teammates kill.

The 11.0BR jets should not be able to face the F-16/MiG-29.

Bad example
A) you can kill the heavy tanks with other tanks like M24/M4
B) you can still bring the 3.3 M10 to the 4.3 lineup if you feel there is no other tool suitable

Nope. 11.0 & 12.0 isn’t compressed outside EJ.
11.0 should always have a chance to face 9L F-16s & R-60 Mig-29s.

I am loving playing with my 1951 T-54 against the 1984 chieftain mk 10, the BR change has been wonderful, it has completely exceeded my expectations of imbalance, it can finally be said that the BR 8.0 serve to give easy points to the players of 8.3, 8.7 and 9.0. Apparently it will be some kind of tactic so that players do not leave the game, so they get excited by killing easily.

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So what about the F-104S I mentioned as an example of an 11.0BR aircraft other than the J-7D?

F-104S BR is not a problem in its own BR, as the F-104G (Germany) that is worse variants of F-104S, sits at 10.7BR right now. However, when compared to the JA37C, which can have a similar loadout, the F-104S has few advantages over the JA37C except for good energy retention and top speed, which it achieves by turning like a brick. The JA37C can take x6 AIM-9Js and, unlike the F-104S, can take x2 Skyflashes, which are far better than AIM-7Es, without sacrificing guns. And iirc, JA37C has the lowest BR of any aircraft that has PD radar + BVR missiles.

In the case of Kurnass, as with JA37C, the F-104S has better top speed and energy retention, but Kurnass can turn tighter and carry x5 AIM-9Gs & x2 AIM-7E-2s(you can’t bring x6 AIM-9Gs and x2 AIM-7E-2s at the same time) without sacrificing the gun, although it has to sacrifice one IR AAM. And the AIM-9G is one of the best rear-aspect IR missiles and better than the AIM-9J in the current meta with missile drag nerf. I don’t know about JA37C, but Kurnass and F-104S can never be equal and, Kurnass can’t move up to 11.3BR that is same BR with Navy Phantoms and British Phantoms.

If not limited to BR11.0, there are other aircraft that cannot change BR, albeit the worst variant such as F-4J(UK). The F-4J(UK) has same flight model with F-4Junk in USTT but, Skyflash is worse than AIM-7F and has same BR with F-4S which has wing slats like F-4E. And besides the F-4S, the FG.1 and FGR.2 sit in the same BR and same loadout but with far better engines.

It would be possible if all 12.0 BR aircraft facing 11.0 BR aircraft had full stock, but unfortunately it is not the case. There are tons of BVR missile spammers like F-14A/F-14B and F-16As except CAS variant, MiG-29s.

We haven’t been in BVR meta since 2022 tho.
So it’s just down to IR missiles, and airframes & teamwork.

Definitely 0.7 gets my vote, as right now the match maker is abusing the constant uptiers no matter where I go. Tired of this and have no desire to play this abusive game. If I was getting equal number of matches for each BR, that’s one thing, but living in the 0.7+ uptier, as it is now, it really sucks and is a total waste of my time.
You can start by limiting certain BRs to 0.7 and then expand. You can start with Reserve linups, as new players have a short time sandbox and then they are put up in +1.0 matches. You could also have this 0.7 BR spread for the top tier, as these players play constantly with a downtier. Not fair.
I would also split the 5.0 destroyers more away from all these cruisers. There are cruisers at 4.7 BR already, so why the constant uptiers for 5.0 to 5.7 and 6.0 where these destroyers are just free food? Who wants to play these useless matches?



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