Should the BR Spread be reduced to 0.7 Maximum

I get both points of view here, ignoring all the pettiness shown by a few.

If we aren’t going to get Gaijin to re look at the higher tiers BR’s and add up to a 13.0 could we not get a ‘BR Slider’ that gives us the choice of either +/- .7 or 1.0 in matchmaking? if we wind up waiting long enough for games etc I’m sure the issue would present itself in the data. I for one wouldn’t mind waiting a few extra seconds to get a balanced game than have the constant full up-tiers I seem to get 90% of the time

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Su11 exists but okay

Want to share your data sheet?
also your second reason is a claim not a fact you shouldn’t try use over exaggeration to persuade people

The p51C is not better then the xp50 given its airspawn an better turn rate an better energy retention and anyways any equally skilled pilot in a BF 109G2 (4.3) can beat said p51C pilot

This should be implemented at least 2yrs ago!

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Su-11 is on-par with all other 7.3s, with all 7.7s superior to it.

Nah. Would make too many vehicles OP.

No vehicles would become OP. If that vehicle belongs to that BR, a change from +/-1.0 to +/-0.7 would prove minimal in most aspects.
It can serve as a stopgap before reaching full decompression, which is what you are asking for.

0.7 takes more & longer work as you still have to analyze all vehicles to make sure there’s balance.
I never asked for a stop-gap, cause that wastes resources. Especially since decompression is occurring and is just flat out superior.
0.7 in 9 months thus far.
I expect another 0.7 in another 9 months at the least, probably more.
12.3 is coming this update.
And while 9.3 - 10.3 air has a lot of compression, ground is even more compressed due to being ahead of air for so long.
I’ll be playing more 8.7 & 9.0 jets to spade them since I don’t pay repair costs, but Super Mystere was a good jet when I played it earlier this year.

But how much analyzing is needed to simply reduce the spread from 1.0 to 0.7?

All the problems that you listed are present in the current 1.0 spread and would be effectively reduced with the lowered spread


All vehicles.
At least with decompression they can act on hot spots before analysis is complete.
However, with 0.7, the entire vehicle collection must be analyzed to make sure no hotspots are created.
And no, 0.7 doesn’t fix the only issue with 1.0: Hotspots.

With that logic, why even have BR brackets at all, if its not going to be respected.

Balancing issues shouldn’t be considered when talking about the MM.

The MM sucks and there shouldn’t be up/downtiers at all. Its a dumb concept.

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First person to propose no matchmaking… or BRs.
Bad take.

also F2H and Sea Meteor aka Sea Jesus

Only issue? There are many more issues with the +/-1.0 spread. Talk about getting matched with F-4 Phantoms as a MiG-17.
A simple fix like reducing the spread would prove effective and would be seen positively by the community until further, more permanent actions are taken (decompression). Because… What bad thing does reducing the spread bring? Every match is now packed with vehicles that perform similarly without making vehicles “overpowered”

Just cause the community wants things imbalanced doesn’t make imbalance a good idea.

And why is reducing the spread by 0.3 imbalanced? Any response that you give, I’ll answer it. Go!

And have you even read the full idea of my reply?

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Only bad take here is you trying to explain why the game is perfectly balanced as is.

Sometimes irony can be hard to spot for some people. But thats okay.

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Yeah. I’m all for 0.7 spread, quick yet effective solution to the löööng problem of compression until total decompression takes place.

Yeah. Would be better if there wasn’t any spread.

Imagine a utopia where you actually get to play the BR you got in que for.