Should the BR Spread be reduced to 0.7 Maximum

That’s mere conspiracy and more leaning to the trope I refer to.


Please, check your thread, because your throwout about Gaijin was in response to me supporting decompression, and saying it would be better to do than changing the BR spread.

You literally are fighting a genuine better suggestion… To actually change those 2000 vehicles IS easier BECAUSE it’ll make that spread happen without changing that spread…

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And what ‘data’ are you referring to?

lol some anecdotal opinion based nonsense based on someone who’s constantly moaning and muted in game or something?

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except that kind of work takes serious time and given that Gaijin use statistical data to balance their BR’s it can only ever progress one small step at a time.

Don’t think it does to be honest…

The actual issue with doing so, is players freaking out about it, and making drastic allegations and statements based on thier non-function in game compared to the BR they are facing.

The fact you think the entire pro-decompression side is less competent than yourself is a toxic mindset to get into.
And no, exact-same BR balance involves things staying the same, cause YOU, yes you, are not accepting that 0.7 is drastically different from 1.0.
I am, and I have illustrated some of the differences, yes some because there are more differences that aren’t listed.

And I see DocUSMC is discrediting himself with his disinformation ideas about the forum.
Looks like we won’t need to be worrying about people taking him seriously soon enough.

OK, how would you personally go about completely rebalancing 1000 aircraft and 1000 tanks from scratch without the use of any relevant data?

By changing to a 0.7mm that is literally BR decompression. Secondly it requires less work, as we have waited years for decompression that just isn’t happening with any real meaning.

Actual data. You know, keeping track of what and when you see it get muted in the forums.

The fact that they won’t even share a remote hint of the data, shows that it isn’t done in a balancing way. The only reason a russian hides data that is used, is because it doesn’t line up with reality. If it did they would go “see, take a look here, this data shows we need to do this”. Instead they go “well we can’t tell you why, but it does work”. Meanwhile the community that plays the game says otherwise. It is very clear that it is simply lies and the data they use doesn’t line up with what real balance looks like. Since russia has sat on top for years, it is more likely they make careful changes that keep russian vehicles from falling out of number one place.

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you can stop too, making stuff up isn’t constructive to anyone

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‘From scratch’

Honestly, it’s indicative that you were closed to discussion from the outset of your engagement with me, so why do you think I’m going to start now with such a dumb opening…

BR decompression is better because if they were widened more because we’d need to expand the BRs out, then we’d end up with more space between BRs and more space to move to start doing something about it…

But because you only want what’s been handed out here as a quick fix, that’s your sole want now, and anyone coming in to oppose it is a threat, hence your first throwout, and your reliance on painting Gaijin as bad to make your stance seem ‘sensible’.

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SOoooooo anecdotal… Because you really don’t have access to everything, and you’re making vast trust statements on everything being removed for the reasons people are stating they are… When they don’t even know either…

Nothing has been made up in my statements.

You are making the assumption that people are not smart enough to put 2 and 2 together. Just because they don’t say, doesn’t mean some of us are not smart enough to read between the lines.

I know a member has to flag something, but you’re assuming they are a gaijin shill…

I want the matchmaker to actually work, I think BR decompression is a great idea and am all for Gaijin slowly working towards that goal too as they seem to be doing however I don’t think BR decompression is going to happen fast enough and a “quick fix” type solution like a 0.7 matchmaker would solve most of the issues people have with the matchmaker right now with only some minor drawback, I am all for a return to 1.0 matchmaker at a later date but there is no reason we have to limit ourselves to one solution.

They could also make the brs 0.1 or 0.2 instead of
6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 and so on

That’s good because it actually does…

Maybe you’re the one who needs to make the thread on how you think the game needs to be fixed.

That this thread dumbass

The reason Gaijin doesn’t share data is to prevent Squadrons from manipulating data by playing select vehicles.
Showing data means ruining the game, or permanently banning everyone that abuses data which is more money than just not sharing the data.

Actually, it isn’t… This is about reducing the BR spread, not decompression, and your name calling is signs that you haven’t got anything left to discuss.

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