Should the BR Spread be reduced to 0.7 Maximum

So the first Fighters to get IR A2A missiles are around BR 8.3. No one around 7.3/7.7 has flares. By making it a 0.7 MM max that means only 7.7+ would see IR A2A missiles now. That would help a lot of players out.

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1.0 uptier in 10.0 for me is fine.
1.0 for me at 5.0 props is fine.
7.3 for me is fine in a 1.0 uptier. Same with 7.7.
Cause it’s at most 4x aircraft 1 BR higher, and technologies aren’t really that different.

They’re Aim-9Bs… just dodge.
Yes, I’ve dodged in my Me 262 Rocket Edition, 9Bs aren’t a game changing missile.


If you get sent a full 1 BR up into 10.7 you are in trouble. Many planes at 9.3 do not have flares/chaff yet. But many planes at 10.3 do.

War Thunder isn’t botted… and no one is trolling.
That’s also not what concern means.
How about just listen to each other?


Could you explain to me how it is faster to change up to 2000 numbers for vehicle BRs than it is to change 1 number in the matchmaker range?

Cause in both situations you still need to analyze and verify that balance of all vehicles in WT before making the change. And if it’s the matchmaker you change, you have to change BRs that would be imbalanced from that decision.
Say for example all heavy tanks in WT. Without the threat of 1.0 up-tiers, all heavy tanks instantly become stronger.
P51C10, potent 3.7. No uptier to 4.7? Instant vehicle clubber, far more powerful than XP50.
Let’s talk about A-5C. No threat to 11.0? Instantly more powerful. F-104S becomes a vehicle clubber again along with off the top of my head; F-5C, F-5E, Mirage 3E, A-10C, Su-25…
These are just the vehicles off the top of my head that would be drastically imbalanced from a 0.7 BR matchmaker that would need to be shifted back into balance.


Totally agree, the old 0.7 BR spread need go back.

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So far it looks like most people agree, with an overwhelming push towards wanting it to lock at 0.7 MM gap.

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Most people disagree, because the actual answer isn’t what they want.

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Not sure if you can read… you that always use numbers and facts to justify your delusional talking, and don’t listen to ideas who don’t have verified facts, 75% for 25% against I think you should delete your message


One of the last poll ended with more than 6K votes for bring back the old 0.7 with only a few hundreds against. But you know Gaijin is well know for ignore the community and add things nobody wants.


75% of 53 people. That’s not a majority of the community.
On top of that, most voters won’t know what they’re voting on.
As I said previously, BR movement is required for 0.7 in order to rebalance things in this post showcasing a number of items: Should the BR Spread be reduced to 0.7 Maximum - #21 by AlvisWisla

Instead of insulting people that put in the dozens of hours of critical thinking & analysis, maybe you should listen to why they dismissed 0.7 matchmaker in favor of pure decompression where needed.

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Read the message just on top of yours.
YOU are insulting the comunity saying they don’t know what they are voting on.
Maybe the matchmaking will be a bit longer but it isn’t a worse issue than facing APSFDS in lower tier…


No, I’m not insulting the community.
No, matchmaking would take the same amount of time, but the difference between Maus & Tiger 2 & IS-7 would be .7 & .7, with some medium tanks being brought back down to face Tiger 2, such as Centurion Mk3, & T-54 1947.

What people want and what’s possible are two different things.
I can ask for a computer that doesn’t degrade over time, not gonna happen.
What will happen is I will find a computer that lasts 10 years before degradation takes its toll.

In the context of WT, I want a separation between A-5C & Mig-17. What’s possible is decompression.
However, a 0.7 causes 11.0 to drop in BR to still face the A-5C that the A-5 was balanced against to begin with. So all* 11.0s drop to 10.7, which then has 10.7s drop to 10.3.

The problems still remain with a 0.7 system.
A-5C has even less threats on the battlefield to kill it as the example here.

-What people are asking for in this poll is unintentional imbalance.
-What people actually want is reasonable separation.

I agree with the desires of the community for reasonable separation.
I do not believe that 0.7 is the answer after many hours of analysis, critical thinking, and math.


I’d rather have full decompression to 13.3 or 14.0, the balancing would be more thorough and better, and it is much simpler. 1.0 BR spread allows for more fine tuning in a single BR bracket too.


If done right traditional decompression works better but Gaijin have shown they won’t take the time it takes to decompress properly as was shown when they moved the top tier from 11.7 to 12.0

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The topic was created just 10 hous ago and we can see how most of the people just vote for the 0.7.
In the last poll the votation ended with 6k votes for bring back the old 0.7 fur just a few hundreds against.

This is one of the most stupid arguments i never read in WT forums, looks like yor are trolling or desperate in try to support your arguments.


I don’t need to be desperate in my support of decompression, cause I know it’s mathematically the best solution for business resources & player assistance.
And I apologize if my method of explaining my position had confusion in it at any point, it’s not an iron-clad presentation at this point in time.

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I’ve never in my life thought I knew everything.
I use resources from the game, Defyn, Oddbawz, Jaek, Tim’s Variety, and so forth to come to my ultimate conclusions.
Defyn is the expert on prop BR understanding, something I’ll never reach.
Oddbawz is one of the experts for ground tactics.
Jaek has proven himself an analyst.
& Tim has a background in a variety of relevant things.
I myself have a background in analytics & research that I got bored of as a work asset & just use the skills in my private life instead.