Should napalm be removed from any plane classified as a fighter?

Recently I’ve had a very interesting experience, I’ve managed to get 6 bases (+2 enemy planes) in a single battle (1 returning to the base for reload) using French Kingcobra with napalm lol

Dumb ask :

Reward are based on TNT equivalent right? What the point of Napalm bombing so?

Reward are less than usual bomb right?

But also lighter than normal bomb counterparts
2 1000lb BLU-1 needed
While GP Mk.1 needs 5

Which makes you shamelessly faster than other ones who are armed with heavier bombs.
Then only napalm guys win the race
Even if we don’t consider flight characteristic differences

So 50x1 is always better than 200x0

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What if fighter bombers couldn’t first-spawn ground-attack ordnance?

You can only load up napalm and bombs and all that after 5 minutes pass in the match.

After all, even as far back as WW2 - P47s/F4Us didn’t get sent into enemy territory completely kneecapped with bombs when there was still a highly contested airspace.

First, the airspace gets cleared/air superiority is achieved, then do fighter bombers swap to ground-strike roles.

It’d also encourage people to try and stay alive rather than head-on suicide the first thing they see, which means more fun and prolonged battles.

Depending on BR, the “5 minutes pass in the match” means match is almost over, your team is dead and enemy is taking altitude advantage and you (or any wannabe “bomber”) wouldn’t be able to do shit because enemy already diving on you, enemy is dead or bored fighters started to expend their guns on ground targets

I suggested something along those lines above

Maybe not, if fighters don’t lemming train with BLUs?

This is pretty much my opinion anyway.

Air RB desperately needs a rework to make this style of gameplay relevant, but in its current format its completely irellevant and anyone who base bombs is pure dead weight, so I really struggle to have any sympathy for people complaining about other people bombing bases so they cant.

The number of super close games where its down to like 3v3 that Ive lost because my other two teammates happened to be mindless base bombing drones so its really a 1v3 are disappointing.

I never understood this, I genuinely cant understand wanting to waste thousands of RP that could go straight into getting better missiles and flight performance on bombs instead. Bombs are always the very last thing I unlock, Ive never base bombed at anything above prop tiers in my life.

I normally go for AI planes and pick up the occasional “pity howitzer” as I like to call it (which gives like 1k RP by itself even if you do nothing else at all) when stock grinding with stock missiles.

If anything it then lets you learn the relative strengths and weaknesses of the plane itself before you get the top missiles, and then by the time you get them you’ll already know how to fly and your KDR will pick up quicker, rather than mindlessly flying at bases for 30 games and only then starting to learn how to actually fight with the plane.

There are jets classed as “fighter”, which are “fighter-bombers” irl, for example you mentioned F-104, Italian S variant had two configurations “Cacciabombardiere ognitempo (CBO)” - fighter-bomber and “Caccia intercettore ognitempo (CIO)” - interceptor.
I agree that napalm equipped supersonics make life of jets without such option worse, this is especially annoying when you use such stuff as Yak-28B (dedicated bomber), but imo it isn’t a problem of planes, but there is just a lack of targets to bomb, plus killing ground targets is less profitable than destroying bases.

Honestly I think a good solution is just adding more bases. I’ll never bomb them in a fighter, but alas it seems most do. Put 20 bases per game, enough for everyone, and move on. More rewards, less competition, more easy targets for dedicated fighters.
Also make bases remove 100 points from the point counter just like any ground unit does.

You should actually be able to win games by base bombing if ARB was balanced, but I guess Gaijin has no idea how to implement that.

They could also make bases non-destructible (or massively increase their hit points to require multiple) planes to destroy and give points/ bleed tickets based on the amount of bombs dropped on them. I just hope that if they do change things, they think it through and don’t do another kneejerk quick fix that will cause more problems that it solves.

It must’ve got that Gaijin is still having a nightmare about the 4 Tu-4 Squadron steamrolling match.



Most of the “fighter” aircraft in game are multirole aircraft. They are called “fighters” because that is their main role. Stop advocating for unrealistic nerfs because the game does not fit your semantic arguments.


Is it also true that ZB-500/BLU-1 gangs are causing some problems in ARB? Isn’t it?

But As I told earlier in this topic
Removing Napalm from fighters can’t be the solution, I think.

Napalm Fighter gangs will just change to the normal bomb. Nothing else will gonna change.

It is similar to
‘Remove IR missiles because somebody TK with them’

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Sure something will change: The order of arrival at the base.

Yes, it’s true there are problems. The problem originates with players’ behaviour, but the actual pressure/conflict is caused by the current base system. I define it as such because players’ mindset is only natural, but the parameters for base availability can be freely changed by Gaijin.

Namely, the current 5 minute base respawn time is overly high, especially considering the short length of most matches at high tier. In my opinion, it should be lowered to 2 minutes. This would allow a reasonable chance of interception of bombers, while eliminating the inhumanely long time bombers spend circling waiting for bases. In any case, restricting player choice isn’t logical.

Another problem is the high damage but low rewards of napalm bombs, as compared to normal bombs of the same mass. I think that this unique distinction is logical, however, but it can also be changed.

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Still, According to my experience in Tornado GR.1
Then F-4EJ or F-4S with mad behaviour are going to carry a single AIM-9 or AIM-7 to shoot me down. :/

If you just want to grind with the attacker Tornado, AB is your friend. Your crews will love it.

@Ion_Protogen 's biggest fear: