RP reward for bombing 1 base is about 2.5x for getting 1 kill. It’s much faster.
So there’s also reason why mig-23 go bombing. Its speed and bombing ability is what make it worth 70$.
RP reward for bombing 1 base is about 2.5x for getting 1 kill. It’s much faster.
So there’s also reason why mig-23 go bombing. Its speed and bombing ability is what make it worth 70$.
While disrespecting both attackers from WTD61, which costs same 70$ each?
Sir, I am ironically trying to defend napalm bombs of MiG-23 even though I hate MiG-bombers. somehow.
But that claim is a bit disappointing and annoying.
Those two attackers really don’t worth 70$ unless Gaijin give attackers a forward spawn so they can compete with mig-23 in bombing.
Why not buy the mig-21 for grinding Germany?
Yes, I’m tired of seeing MiG-21/23s with bomb loads and nothing else. Even the MiG-23s have stopped taking the R-24s because they slow them down.
damn, thats pretty bad. at least for F-4 and F-15E you can bring base of bombs and full a2g at same time so you can still kill other players effectively
Cruising along at multipath zones in a straight line in some of the best planes in the game doesn’t scream effectiveness, but that’s just me.
can still launch amraams. F-4C isnt exactly best plane in game either
Sad point: if we remove ZB-500 napalm from MiG-23, they still can bomb the base with conventional bombs.
I am not MiG-23ML owner, so I am not sure which one is correct
16x FAB-100
8x FAB-100 & 2x FAB-500
can destroy single base.
Unlike ZB-500 loadout does, it is slower, and removing every AAM is Essential
That is one of the reasons why I am telling that removing napalm is nothing but a meaningless makeshift attempt.
Will fix nothing but everyone will suffer in a worse level.
The game really just needs a system to prevent more than 4 players from taking enough bombs to kill one base. This is never a problem in low tier, because only 4 bombers can spawn and everyone else has to protect them to take out bases. (admittedly no one does this since bases became less important, which is a shame IMO.)
When you queue up for RB, you should have to have a “heavy” bomb loadout selected, and then the matchmaker will group you with bombers (4 max per team). If you don’t select this, you can’t take any bomb loadout that deals one bases’ worth of damage.
J-7D with 4x 250kg (not worth enough to take one base out, but still no AAM because they used all four pylons for bomb) will be going to like that idea.
any jet with a centerline napalm bomb will like this lol
No sincerity but with full of joke
I think, I am gonna suffer forever when I plays Tornado IDS in ARB
Current ARB is filled with just too many flaws and Gaijin don’t have any skills for fixing it.
You forgot the attackers.
And the right solution should be bringing back the instant base respawn (of course Gaijin won’t do that)
It is going to be difficult to catch this discussion again from being 1 line posts.
There are other options to consider:
There is no clear set in stone damage for napalm bombs. They could simply be made to cause far less initial damage and then take much longer to destroy a base. So whoever drops napalm is gambling. If someone else drops TNT stuff a little later, that player will get most credit. Only if the base can simmer for much longer, the credit will go to napalm. And if the game ends before, tough luck. This will shift players towards TNT. Which will then alter the base food chain. This solution would likely only require to alter two numbers in game, which are responsible for initial and subsequent damage.
You could also make bases so that only 50% (or x%) of a base can be destroyed by napalm. So hard explosives are needed anyway.
This kind of tinkering with napalm would help attackers to recover their income to some extend. But it would not stop people from bombing in fighters with napalm. But it might be an incentive to look for ways to improve income, which might decrease napalm use.
Another option to change things would be to remove base icons for fighter pilots and not count fighter base damage while the bases are not shown as targets (The game already employs a somewhat similar solution in ground arcade for fighter planes). Once certain conditions are met, bases become visible targets for fighters. These condition could be stuff like: number of red figters alive, respawned bases, a timer…
This would not only keep napalm in game for fighters but take bases off their list of priority targets. Base bombing tasks for fighters would only be viable once other objectives are met.
I am sure there would be other simple options which would both stop fighters bombing with napalm and make the game more historic.
Options to consider
Agreed. Thanks for the ridiculous status of current ARB, the napalm problem is quite complicated to describe in a single line comment.
But I am unsure that Gaijin can think something better than
Kind of things… :/
Honestly, it’s very annoying to see that half of your team just taking napalm bombs and racing with each other who takes the base first. Not to mention that it’s almost impossible to use and spade strike aircraft (such as A-10C, Su-25SM3, Su-24M, F-111C etc.) at higher tiers only because of these “fighters”. Also this way half of your team is gone in under 5 minutes. The addition of napalm for any fighter except multi-role aircraft was a huge mistake. But I doubt this situation will change soon.
I think one problem is bases used to respawn much faster, Gaijin nerfed the respawn rate after the rebellion against their economy changes, I think it used to be something like 3 to 5 mins (I never actually timed it) so it wasn’t too hard to loiter and wait for them to respawn if you missed the 1st wave. Now the game is usually over before they respawn.
It was far less annoying having a F-100 wipe out all the bases before your A-4 could get there when you could just side climb a little bit and get a respawned base in a minute or 2.
The other thing is that you should be carful about removing something because some people are abusing it. The root cause of the problem is that ground spawned attackers and bombers cant get bases due to faster fighters beating them to the base… BUT attackers have ground spawns due to players abusing the air spawns to absolutely destroy fighters that had to take off, climb and gain speed. So now players that want to play ground attack are bombing in fighters because attackers are now to slow due too losing their air spawn. Which happened because people who wanted to dogfight where flying attackers to abuse the air spawn (the SAAB-105s are a good example of this still in action).
So you can see how these problems need more carful thought than “Just remove X from Y”. that is why we have the problem to begin with.
Gaijin always does makeshift fixes which usually end up making everything worse. Right?
Yeah, it’s one quick fix to try and compensate for the last that didn’t work as planned.