what about more varied types of targets with effects on match?
i know, if they made them count for more or made the forward AF a base bomb objective for big ticket advantage that would be nice
Will not make me any happier to see Air RB remain a grindfest for premium bombers. It seriously just needs to have a major reward nerf at this point for fighters to force them to use their plane as intended.
r u serious? F-4 did more bomb than air combat probably. and you just said strike eagle, which is strike focused F-15, should operate as a fighter. so you are kinda hypocritical
Alright guys, we need to go back to the original topic
‘Do we need to remove napalm from every plane classified as fighter?’
My opinion is no, even though I hate MiG-bombers while I play Tornado IDS of mine (both GR.1 and IDS WTD61)
According to my experiences as a ‘base-runner’, it will not be good enough.
I am very serious. What the aircraft did more of IRL is irrelevant to designed role. P-51, P-47 performed huge amounts of ground attack sorties and have no reason to bomb in WT, so why should anyone bomb in an F-4 or THE BEST TOP TIER FIGHTER (F-15E)
F-15E no longer best top tier fighter, would be EFT or Rafale now.
and anyways, its DESIGNED ROLE is AIRSTRIKING STUFF on the GROUND while also being able to shoot stuff down. by using it as pure fighter you are going against its designed role
It’s still the best. Clubs everything in a BVR combat. Fastest plane still. High altitude king.
I do not care anymore what you say about “designed role” because F-15E is still an F-15 (air superiority fighter) with ground attack PGMs integrated.
funny how you dont care about designed role anymore once i show how F-15E designed role is in fact blowing up stuff on ground
I just told you the F-15 is an air superiority fighter. F-15E was the integration of ground attack weapons. It’s still a fighter, and the best one in game. Stop making up reasons to be uncompetitive and useless to your team. WT is a team game, and it really sucks when your team only cares about pushing through the tree to top tier. Stop feeding the problem.
even air force says its dual role, so nothing wrong with F-15E ground pounding. they should give it napalm bomb since apparently it can use them.
the jets avionics have been focused more on a2g, and the airframe itself was beefed up to carry more a2g weapons
Air RB =/= LARP.
There is something wrong with bombing in Air RB ans my mind will not be changed since you are just like the person who attempts to justify bombing in pretty much every jet.
Stock grinding, maybe?
I am fine with them if they are grinding stock. Fight A2A against spade with stock is brutal.
Example of F-4, Phantom FG.1/FGR.2 with stock 2x AIM-9D can do nothing against F-4S with full A2A loadout.
Eh… even if we consider F-15E isn’t #1 in close range dogfighting, still it is one of the best fighters in this game I think.
WT is a heavy grind game, and it really sucks when random fighter jocks ask to make people’s grinding slower.
what about F-111F? is that ok to bomb in?
its still great jet, but no longer #2 (F-15I slifghtly better)
This is fair. It’s still 0 excuse to bomb in a MiG-23ML or F-4S.
Not exactly.
Fun fact: Learning how to play and getting kills is more consistent and faster than bombtrucking.
I think you both need to chill down and drink a cup of ice-chilled water.
that would be nice. now im thirsty
Should have gone to sleep 3 hours ago, but my valiant crusade against the fall of Air RB can take a pause now.