if anything they should add more napalm and thermobaric bombs, and add more bomb targets and different types of them
Then A2A Dogfight enjoyer might collapse due to blood pressure increase. :|
yeah, but look at how cool this looks lol
Suffering a brain aneurysm this very moment.
I am BEYOND tired of having deadweight teammates then being thrown against 4, 5, 6, 11 enemies ALONE after 13 people on my team died without contributing anything. Adding even more unskilled grindfest gameplay just exacerbates the issue. Air RB doesn’t need to be the place for everyone to just rush bases with INTERCEPTOR aircraft, it needs actual gameplay. The amount of people who see grinding through aircraft as an obstacle shocks me and makes me think negatively of the playerbase. The “average” player’s KPB is close to 0.6. Why? Bombing and crashing. It should be closer to 0.9 or 1.
mcdonnel douglas phantom 2 supersonic all-weather fighter bomber
f-15e strike eagle
i hope they give CBU-105 (CBU-97 with whats basically a JDAM kit for cluster bombs)
each one has 10x BLU-108 with 4 “skeet” submunition each, that are guided
Fleet defence interceptor.
What’s in a name? Be useless to the team and bomb or use the most OP jet in top tier as a fighter?
yeah, thats the fighter part. but there is also the bomber part
Air RB needs to be reworked, or we need RB EC to be added. Right now, I don’t think that adding more targets without changing more things about ARB would be beneficial.
Is it really that bad?
I definitely agree. It’s like people grind for the sake of grinding, and not because they want to play the game. Even while I’m grinding China, I’m playing the planes that I haven’t played before because I want new experiences.
Zero excuse to go bomb in some of the best fighters ingame “because you can”
Like i said it’s horrid to have these flooding your team and degrades gameplay.
I have no clue exactly, but it’s unsurprising if between 0.6 and 0.7. I see tons of just awful pilots.
I still don’t get why MiG-27 is a fighter anyways. Wasn’t it designed to be a Ground Attack aicraft based on the MiG-23 in the first place?
what if i just really like the pretty fire and explosion effects and noises? . and seeing SL and RP go up
Still detriment to the team…
Low skill grindfest mindset
Please just learn the game as it was meant to be.
Maybe Gaijin smoked weed and drank vodka at the same time when deciding the role of MiG-27.
(Ancestor MiG-23BN is correctly classed as ‘Attacker’)
Glad that Gaijin didn’t do the same thing when selecting the role of F-15E.
so i cant shoot at ground targets with A-10 because hurr durr low skill?
Now THAT actually affects the game. Killing 40 ground targets actually can make your team win!!!
ok. now bear with me here. what if they made base bombing actually affect the game?
Hard pass. It did in the past and absolutely sucked.
It does shave off points. But bases spawn too long to make a huge impact