Should Gaijin add Hungarian helis?

Still, nothing is evident.

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Written by a player who has never played the Italian TT, it makes no sense.

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Soon finishing rank 6 in ground and 5 in air, if you need help looking up player profiles send me a DM I can help before you submerge in delusions.

If there are crappy lineups why did you play with the Italian TT?

Way to switch the question between the topic and the poll itself, answering Yes to one would be No to the other.
Hungarian helicopters are fine though, just don’t use them if you don’t want them. Not using them is free and if they’re copy-paste anyway then they didn’t take many resources from other developments.
Win-win basically

No Italian helicopters for 13 updates, and it will probably reach 20. So here is some future predictions:

***Mi-24P gets removed from sale in December 2023 because nobody plays an incomplete unoriginal branch

***Hungarian Mi-8 gets added in June 2024, a bit late because Gaijin had to actually modify the model a little bit

*** We reach 2025, still no sign of A-129D or A-129A


That’s definitely what I’ll do.

if they wanted to add italian helis they would have already in the past 3 drought ridden years. how many mores do you want to wait until you realize they are not developing what they are suppose to for whatever reason? how many years does it take you? sit around and watch japan sweden israel china poland brazil korea burkina faso and haiti get some more copy paste helis before italy gets an indigenous 4th. are you kidding me? looking at it in a nicholas concu ish way aren’t you embarrassed at the sight of just 3 helis in the tree while again japan sweden israel have 4 or more, copy paste or other wise? im not a kid anymore and don’t have 3 more years to spare to devs to develop the nevergettingdeveloped italian indigenous designs. the 3 hinds will do for some time.
don’t be too sad, they will add another mangusta in the tree before 2030.


the chances are the average person’s country doesn’t have a domestic chopper industry with indiginous designs unless the country is a regional or global power. small but indigenous > big but foreign
as you say there are nearly 200 countries around and 2 are “major” chopper makers. so being a small chopper dealer is no small task.

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Is this relevant to the thread? I’ll answer regardless although your question is intuition pumping hard.

  • In War Thunder I think it’s important to play all tanks from all nations to understand what the pros and cons of individual vehicles are, develop better map knowledge and tactics.
  • You ofc don’t know that a certain vehicle/lineup is bad or hard to utilize until you don’t play it (you just accused me of not playing Italy while having an opinion on the TT so I guess you agree)
  • Individual fun-to-play vehicles can be a good experience even if they are in a tough lineup (e.g. the r3 with the recoilless rifles now 8.0 but there was a time when it was 7.3 and you had to put it in a 7.7 lineup as there was no 7.3 yet it was still fun to play)
  • There are degrees to how good or bad stuff is with pros and cons to all so if something is not the meta it can be still fun to play

No matter how hard you try to pin this on me or the players the main reason why the Italian TT was the least played is that there was something wrong with it. Not something wrong with 99% of the players and if you check the vote, you can see the results speak for themselves.

This update does not mean that Italy will not get more Italian vehicles in the future, in fact the opposite. The Lynx alone will pull in a bunch of players and the comfy well known soviet vehicles that can fill gaps so you can spawn more vehicles. This will certainly catapult Italy to the mid popularity range. The subtree solution was already proven to boost popularity and extend minor TTs so the US/SU/GE mains finally consider playing something else.

Some of you here are truly sour cabbage and present no arguments with substance. You have an emotional response to all this as you didn’t quite get the toys you demanded mommy gives you for your bday and somehow you think/assume/speculate that these vehicles mean that Gaijin will not develop any other vehicle for Italy in the future.

Do I know it for sure? No, but you have to seriously twist your brain to think that Gaijin did all this just to have an excuse to abandon the Italian tree for 2ys again and that you can now wave a magic wand undo all this and get some genuine Italian vehicles you wanted.


I have always maintained that the Hungarian WWII vehicles are fine because they are unique vehicles, but what Hungary can offer from the Cold War period are only vehicles already present in other TTs, in some cases clearly inferior to what we could obtain from domestic vehicles, if instead Hungary had offered a greater % of unique vehicles, I wouldn’t be arguing here.


Honestly, the Hungarian helicopters are an easy quick fix for Italian helicopter tree and should offer a variation of vehicles to support it for Italian tech tree. I don’t really see an issue with it - I just hope they’ll make Mi-24D cheaper to grind or at least AW.109, since AB.205 is a hard grinder to research a 1st helicopter from “reserve” section. Actually - this should’ve happened sooner.

At least until we see more Agusta Westland series or the A.129 Delta variant and other indigenous Italian helicopters, this is a nice addition for the Italian tech tree.
Another helicopter I am surprised we didn’t see in the tree yet is the MD.500 - it could easily be added in US and Italian trees with just camo changes (from the Israel variant) and was widely used in various armies and roles. Or the H-34 with rockets and machine guns.

Italy can still get those domestic vehicles if they are reasonable I’m sure they will be added. Especially if Italy get’s more players (which based on this thread it definitely does not deserve). I haven’t seen any of you complain about all the american and german vehicles in the tree that could have some weird prototype replacement.

Let’s remove all the non-italian tanks and planes and drop the subtree into Sweden and see how that works out for you.

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No, you’re wrong. The copy/paste USA, UK and GER were used by the Italian armed forces, so they have reason to exist in the Italian TT, adding non-unique Hungarian vehicles again doesn’t improve the situation.


update from the dev server:

By the looks of it (and if what we have seen with this new dev server update) now they will be non skippable (550k rp in helis, not tanks or planes…)

I hope gaijin give at least an explanation on this because seems like that they just want this to fail.

I must admit for me is quite controversial that there is those helis but, well, its legit beacuse of the sub tree… but like this is not good for both of them, just why


Really? Is it like a separate line overlapping the existing one?

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They did it to prevent someone from playing only the Italian helicopters or only the Hungarian ones.

They did it so you would have to grind more to get the higher Teir Helis. Gaijin doesnt have some vendetta against italy, and doesnt care if the vehicles you play are hungarian, or italian. All they care is that you play any of them, and hopefully you pay for a premium to speed the grind up.

I respect your thoughts, I won’t change my opinion.

What is your opinion?