Sea Vixon, British Tech Tree Premium, Is it Good Seasoned Pilots?

Can the Red Top catch the F-104? I know I never had issues getting out of the way of F104 when they tried making a pass at me. But I can’t remember donking many with a Red Top.

If you fire quickly enough after they pass you, sometimes. It depends on whether or not they bled any speed

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Please no. As much as i would enjoy using the sea vixen at 8.0, fighting in a 7.7-8.7 match was too easy.

Depending on the aircraft you are dealing with, you can energy fight them. Best is to fly just above them and bait them up. Spiral up and bleed them of energy.

Yeah, it is a solid platform that gives you a lot to work with.

Try it more as a support/ambusher. Stay above them and dive down to take your shot.


That is definitely correct, I have noticed that on approaching from directly above, you still, have to have a true "rear aspect’ approach.

Isnt it always a F104A that is flying around not wanting to engage and ruining the tickets at end of match lol.

I have flown it about ten times experimenting as yet, and that seems to be a strong way to use it. Experimenting is almost done because it is not very forgiving in many different scenarios.

Yeah. You have to play it more conservatively and it is easy to be put on the defensive. It is best to make yourself an unappealing target and most players wont bother.

Of course you will still get the random dude that is dead set on chasing you to ends of the earth.

One tip for ambushing. Turn off your radar. I hardly ever use it and leaving it on will trigger the rwr on planes you are trying to sneak up on.

Thank you, I do that in most all my planes that do not have radar missiles. BTW markimash, your record in the Sea Vixon and pilots like yourself amaze me. I cannot seem to pass 4 airkills in a air RB match, and I probably need to be more patient… I get impatient and ready to move to the next battle, unless I tell myself before I begin, Okay survival first. My player card has suffered in the past year, I grew bored and started say 30 missions in a row in Mig29SMT on missions to destroy Roland with laser guided missiles, flying Mosquito 40 times in a row,…experimenting.
I can see you like that Sea Vixon, I am glad I got it, I see its potential now, even at its current BR. I believe it is time to make it an Orca now lol…Man and you have to LOVE its rewards.

That could be it. The sea vixen requires it and does well in teaching it.

You have to put more thought into how you position and how you engage.

I rushed a lot when i first got it. I thought “this thing has good missiles and is fast”. I didnt do too well. Then i switched, played a bit slower, and started to see good results.

Of course most of my stats were from it being 8.7. In those down tiers, i would often get 4 kills. Many times i could do that then rearm to get another 1-2.

I wouldnt expect anyone to do that fighting 9.7 and 10.0.

True. I probably did most of my top tier british grinding with it. Until very recently, i had all but 1-2 jets researched.

I have the US air tree fully done but it means i cant spade anything because i will lose the rp bonus.

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Changed my name by the way, Ive been Doc Holliday for 12 years, tired of that Avatar.
Yes, youre right about the Sea Vixon. After about my 15th flight in different scenarios, Ive just learned to slow it down a little, evaluate and keep the speed up while positioning myself.
Indeed, at 9.3 -9.7, its not the toughest kid on the block. Now Im looking at combinations of missiles, Firestreak and Red Top. Both have different mechanics.
Thank You

I tried using the firestreaks a while back. I dont believe the few extra Gs is worth the limited range.

Now after the red top change, the extra speed and range of the red top is much better. The tnt mass allowing for kills even from max proxy range also negates part of the extra G advantage.

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Yes, Im really digging that plane now that Ive seen the flight performance. My first 15 or so flights in it were dismal, however the last four have been nice, I now know what it can do. LOL, now Im trying to figure out how to use the Bullpups to destroy bombers, I saw DEFYN doing it on YouTube. Thank You for your advice, it has been invaluable. Warthunder is one of my top two hobbies, getting a gaming PC when I save up the money for an “extra spend”. Currently on decent HP laptop but only getting 70fps. I really like the Sea Vixon, another fine art expert to add to the collection…a fine plane indeed. I liked the tip about making a pass and then climbing at a 20 degree angle, that is a fire tip

Its no problem.

I know this might give you a bad habit, but i can go do some dogfighting in it and share the replays if you want to see what you pull out of its airframe.

I have always sucked with bullpups. Good luck

LOL, Im going to give it a try, DEFYN is destroying bombers from 6 km away with them,…

That sounds good, I really enjoy that plane, another “museum collection” for sure, one that will be good in its situation. Thank You.

It’s honestly quite a fun and efficient grinder, and absolutely prints SL. I bought a warbonds test drive for it and went 12:30, and i’m far from a good player. it’s pretty ok at the 9.0 considering it can easily outpull 9B’s, is decently fast, and turns quite nicely. The lack of gun is annoying though.

I am glad I got the plane, and yes it does print SL! But that lack of gun is yes…Annoying, oh, if it had a gun…

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They really need to add the de Haviland Sea Vixen FAW.1: Ugly yet Beautiful .

Trade the Red Tops for 4x 30mm ADEN Canon. (You get to keep the firestreaks)


LOL, I might just settle for the 4 x 30mm cannon and maybe 20 countermeasures. Its flight performance wonderful, and it is a fine looking plane. Ive flown it about 12 times or so, but I can say people definitely come looking for it.

Got a test drive for it, went from rank 2 to rank 5 of British TT in less than 24 hours. Either speaks to lower tier players being bots or me being good, and i think its the former