Sea Vixon, British Tech Tree Premium, Is it Good Seasoned Pilots?

LOL, good job…its a nice, different plane.

I missed your offer, yes, I would like to see some dogfights in it if you get around to it. It seems to suffer from uptiers and its current BR.
To be honest, I dont know whats up in any of my planes mate, it seems out of my last 50 battles Ive had about 40 uptiers and 40 crappy teams. I am “usually” one of three left against 8 or 9 enemy planes. I will tell you a great plane that always gets with crappy diarrhea teams, …F15a, man, 27% winning percentage in it, and its a great plane, can compete with 13.7s with good radar coupled with great radar, and a million countermeasures, speed, …etc, always me and a mate fighting 10 enemy planes 2 minutes after battle starts.
Some of your dogfights would be nice, anything on YouTube is a year old, and a lot has changed since then. Thank You

I do well in it and im not a good air player 🤷‍♂️

Thank You

I played a couple matches. I guess my teammates decided that they actually wanted to help me today because I could hardly get any time in a 1v1.

I did have some defensive flying at least.

Just use your insane climb rate to outrun people and use the redtops at 1.5km max (2km if you have good speed and altitude compared to target)

Remember to lead your missiles.