SARHs, while somewhat balanced in Air Realistic mode, is completely overpowered in Air Arcade mode. Missiles are more manuverable and have less interfering with their sensor in Air Arcade mode.
I was notching and this just hit me, and have this been air realistic, I would have been able to dodge it. I am experienced in dodging SARHs and do not die to them much in Air realistic.
What needs to be done
Add ground clutters to arcade mode (this is important for non PD radars; Its a big reason why MiG-21S club the games, aside from undertiering BR)
With increased performance of missiles, increase the effectiveness of chaff
Make notching more effective in air AB mode (since the guider’s plane is also more manuverable) by making radars less resistant to notching (i.e. getting a perfect 90 deg notch)
Increase multipathing height to 100m or 200m
EDIT: He may have fired the missile in non-PD mode. But that just reinforces my point that ground clutter is needed, so non-PD mode doesn’t just become a better PD that is resistant to notching