Mig 21-S ruin my gaming experience because of its BR

Let Someone do something ! Mig 21-S ruin my gaming experience… I’ll stop War Thunder because of it. My last game, the Mig 21 did 14 kills. When he plays well no one can kill him and no one is having fun at all !

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Was it that one crazy guy from youtube, Aeolilaielpopeae or however that’s spelled?

At any rate, high tier jets in arcade seem to be a nightmare from which there is no escape. I’ve never played it but it sounds like a horrific combination of spawncamping, jets with weird balance because of infinite missiles, high skill clans running around that always 4man, and other ridiculousness.

You might be better off just switching over to RB. I swear I’m not one of those RB elitists, it’s just that arcade air seems to be neglected and increasingly insane as you progress towards top tier. Honestly, RB is the same way, but in AB it appears to be turned up to 11.

Play RB like a normal person instead

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mig 21’s are ridiculous, but you are playing arcade.
Not saying its anything diff in RB tho!


But it’s exactly the same problem in RB. It’s even worth because it’s even more frustrating.

The MiG-21S isn’t too scary in RB. Unless you’re flying an 8.7-9.0 subsonic, but if so basically every supersonic is going to give you the same problems. What about the MiG-21S is specifically giving you issues?

This is the problem with Mig21 S - at BR8.7 it will face no other enemies with front aspect missiles. All its enemies have no countermeasures. It is double the speed of every one of the planes it faces. It is pure PayToWin Gaijoob b/s. Pay 9k GE and you get to dominate at BR8.7.

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Its very different in RB in my opinion. Actually pretty mid tbh.

In arcade its a whole other animal, specifically due to its R-3R missiles, which honestly, are not the best SARHs by any means, but when you combine great speed and acceleration, on top of one of the best climb rates at 8.7-10.0 and then remove many of the major sources of radar interference including ground clutter… suddenly it becomes a dreaded sniper with regenerating radar missiles that can never be caught unless the user really screws up/gets greedy and a player is able to 3rd party a missile or two on them while in a low energy state (No counter measures is its one real weakness, in arcade it turns well enough and retains energy to be able to 1v1 most aircraft as long as its not something like the MiG-17 etc)

This is one aircraft I really want to get, just because it looks like a lot of fun when played correctly… but of course is kind of seen as a “seal clubber” or scumbag option, especially when users create a low average lineup, dragging it into 9.7 instead of its its 10.0 BR. OP is 100% correct and not exaggerating on the kill amount. Its very rare to see seasoned player get less than 10 kills using the MiG-21S in arcade, even players that aren’t great or very new can do well as long as they understand the characteristics and playstyle of the aircraft. I believe the highest I have ever seen a player go in the MiG-21S was 21~ kills.

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One big reason why it’s so overpowered is because SARHs are overpowered in AB.

The R-3R for example, is only good at high alttiude in air RB and looking up (i.e. nothing behind the target aircraft)

But air AB does not simulate ground clutter, and thus make SRC mode act like some sort of a better PD mode. A radar that is immune to both ground clutter and notching? That is simply unheard of until the 2000s with the introduction of AESA radars. Let that sink in…

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it isnt overpowered in rb