Russian tanks are bad at top tier (not counting CAS)

They are inferior in every possible way to Western tanks BR-for-BR, some of which are critical to gameplay. I have listed them in the OP post.

hey only a fuel tanks and ammo hits (


Probably only applies to the T-80BVM. Even then, this happens across all tanks.

Regardless Western tanks are better equipped to follow-up shoots because of TC override and faster reload.


you are going to get laughed at.


@sartt you are joke.

The only thing you seems to do is complain and harass people because they’re right when whatsoever they’re saying is against your opinion.

Considering you’re primarily a US main, you barely have any experience with Eastern vehicles, specially top tier MBTs, I don’t even know why I should come at here and bother you talking the obvious, but using your own argument of “not even played (tank) (x times)”.

USSR vehicles do have problems, specially with gun handling, you’ll only find decent gun control starting by T-72B3 (11.7), same with China with WZ1001 and ZTZ99A, which, both are the top tier Chinese MBTs.

T-80BVM only have the mobility and frontal armor to rely on, T-90M only has the armor, you can’t rely on mobility because it’s not usable, different from the same Chinese counterparts which features better transmission.

Also, the fuel tank issue, it’s not a vehicle-specific issue, I’ve played matches, with the Type 74 (E), taking a example, where my rounds would be completely eaten by a XM-1’s fuel tank, which, same happen to me, this is not a proof of bias, it’s a major issue among all vehicles.


tell me which one is the best.


I’ve seen a lot of players who golden eagle their way up played better than a lot of American main who has over 20,000 matches bro

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American main at 10.7 Russia, and I think you couldn’t be more wrong. I play both tanks the exact same way and do about 50% better with Russia. Done by flanking I never rush in.

Currently grinding Russia and finding hard to want to play USA other than to get out in the F15 and run CAP in GRB.

USA teamates are absolute dogshit, and contrary to whatever you’re saying, I survive tons of shit in my wallet warrior lineup+ 292. Half the time right as I’m getting setup and positioned with US, my team is already half dead. Not to mention when I shoot things they go boom, whereas in my Abrams I’m constantly having to pixel snipe and hoping they die. I really only use Turms, t80ud, and 292. I only use the 2s38 at the end when jets are running rampant and use the down protection and try to shoot them. I die a ton though.

Though the above statement may change when I get to top tier and use Tech tree tanks and not just high tier … but. I doubt it’ll be all that different.

Be glad we got a serviceability buff in the form of the auto loader. 3x yesterday playing US I side penned a t series and somehow ONLY damaged an auto loader. No crew, no breach, no ammo. The auto loader and ONLY the auto loader. Turned to me and shot me.

These tanks are great IMO.

P.S. F swe, ger and Italy. At least ger gets terrible air in exchange for great ground, Sweden has no concessions and Italy barely does.


First excuse me I won’t be quoting your post, because I’m on phone and can’t be bothered to edit point by point.

I think that’s a teammate problem rather than tank problem. Also, you mentioned that you have a full premium lineup; I don’t have them so I can’t comment on their playstyle, but…

T-80UD is a straight upgrade over the T-72B (1989)

2S38 is well…it’s a light tank with 3rd gen thermal sight.

T-72AV have a 3rd gen thermal TC sight and GPS, which I guess, improves it’s performance for peak and shoot?

Once again I don’t have them, but I think they are more “meta” than the tech tree tanks. Certainly, the T-72B, which has a lower power to weight than T-34 1940, and only works if your team has absolute dominance over the enemy and you can catch people off guard (every time I take out these things at a non urban map I get sniped with one shot by some hull down NATO tank)

I wouldn’t call them great, but tanks like T-80B while inferior are usable. Not effective or fun, but usable, especially on maps where NATO tanks are forced to expose their hull.

Anyway, how is Germany bad at air? I don’t have German top tier air (other than the Tornado IDS but that’s like an pure CAS plane). From what I see, the Mig-29G have R-27ER which like a better, less notchable Aim-7F so as good as how a SARH can be.

I think brother is confusing Abrams with Russian tanks. T 80 U for example is fast, small target with even smaller weakspots, good survivablity even in case of penetration, respectable cannon, and can reload while firefighting. The only downsides, long barrels, little gun depression, and slow reverse speed which are all easily negatable with good positioning anyways.

Abrams, on the other hand, is a bigger target with massive weakspots that result in being disabled or killed even with poorly places shots 90% of the time. They’re slower than most toptier tanks with the toptiers I can think of that are slower being Merkavas and Challengers.


bruh it took me freaking 7 shots to kill a freaking T72 in the merkava mk.2D.
and u r saying they suffer in top tier😭

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No worries on the quoting I know it’s towards me lol. And I personally have no idea how good or bad German air is. I just have to look at the incessant and never ending whining from German mains about their air tree, that’s all. I’m taking what they say at face value, and the agreeable responses by people towards their plight which, thankfully so they have to balance out GRB(if this is the case).

To your point of a teammate vs a tank problem, I agree within reason. Like I said, in my t series, I shoot and things go boom. Yet the exact same play style I have to pixel snipe in my Abrams. That’s the point for me is my play style hasn’t changed, at all. Yet I demonstrably do better in T series.

However I haven’t flown the air trees of the nations I referenced for balancing and just go off what I see.

From what I have experienced I think Russia at this tier with these tanks is great. Not the best, but really solid.

I smoked a bit so I hope this is a cohesive paragraph lol

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Please try to play France or Italia


Yeah, try that weak ass

checks notes

2a7hu lol

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Least obvious bait

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No, you are bad.

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Actual weakspots of ZTZ-99A.
It’s a thin rectangle just like T-90/T-72/T-80BVM at the bottom, then an Abrams/T-80BVM-like turret weakspot.

Practice is the sole criterion of truth.
You can now use DM53 to aim at the area I marked. Try to see if it can penetrate.
Take another look at your pictures filled with errors.


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Again, that is the old ZTZ-99A model, which is not in-game anymore.
That turret shot as well as that LFP don’t exist in the current iteration of the game.
Nor does that hull roof shot exist anymore.

So yeah, your ancient screenshot that overlaps to thick armor doesn’t matter.