
I will flat-out say it, I’m a US main

you forgot one

Still a smaller weakspot than exists on the challenger 2 or ariette

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now find me where i typed the Abrams was the worst top tier? I’ll be waiting.

Oh wait… here a Bingo X for you to make up

" random person on W.T forums talking about a tier they don’t even have a tank in "

Or " Random person that hasn’t even hit lvl 50 yet "

" Random Person that doesn’t even have a SINGLE GROUND VEHICLE IN RB "



Lucky you the bingo doesn’t mention anything about only arguing using someone’s else profile stats to measure skill.

With that I may have bingo’d my card.




The jokes write themselves don’t they

What’s even crazier is I wasn’t even talking about the Abrams, only the bingo card.


In fact, I do not consider the M1A2 to be a weak tank. Maybe you should explore the strengths of this tank and have fun playing with it…


Just do BR, its easy, Pantsir and Leo2s all need to go up.

The chinese VT4 might, in the manual leaked (thai) it said 6.7, but after all, not a big deal unless you Leopards.

This is what mine looks like


you have to love when people come to the forum to discuss a specific vehicle ( especially any US vehicle ) there are immediate attacks on the player base who plays them and none of the comments get removed or hidden. Talk about the crying of another specific nation and the thread gets locked/comments removed/hidden.

Why do people feel the need to make fun of a player base to make themselves feel better about what nation they play? why cant you have a discussion with out attacking other people?


well said

Engine sound was up there too!

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By far one of the worst toptier MBTs. Only nations that get worse are Israel and Britain.

To fix it, buff its turret ring’s thickness and move the ring itself down to where it is IRL. Warthunder’s sabot simulation in general needs a rework. The UFP was specifically designed to turn long rod sabots into boomerangs, but in Warthunder it’s just one of many weakspots to shoot.

Lastly, put all lvl <100 toptier premium pack players in a separate queue from TT players.

I truly do enjoy these threads listening to mutt mains whine about the abrams not having the MA29938283382828 shell with 10km of pen that it needs to make it playable because second best isnt good enough and fantasy dwarven made mithril plating that should reduce the effectiveness of spall by 10¹⁸%


Worse MBTs than M1A2: Ariete, Leclerc, Challenger 2, BVM [only slightly worse], 2A5 PSO, Merkava Mk4, ZTZ-99A [only slightly worse], and Type 10’s slightly worse similar to BVM.
So no, it’s not “one of the worst” it’s a top 10 MBT.

War Thunder’s APFSDS simulation is among the best in the industry as well as it uses Lanz Odermatt’s.
Abrams just needs its turret ring fixed and it’s on-par with 2A6 fully.


yay! the clown disagrees with me : D

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@Pangolin_Fan accuses anyone wanting Abrams’ turret ring fixed of bad things as usual.


Main issues with the Abrams is a couple things:

A: People, for some reason, expect it and want it to be literally invincible because “During the Battle of 73 Eastings…” yeah no, it’s not that amazing, it is quite literally the modern equivalent of the M4 Sherman, built to be “good enough.”

B: Maps. A large majority of maps in this game are either too city orientated (not ideal for sniping tanks like the Abrams) or they’re just simply too small (also not good for sniping tanks).

I read a comment earlier about map assets, I forget who commented this apologies, and while that’s true I believe maps overall at 9.3+ need a huge rework in assets AND playable areas, especially with the whole “red zone taking up 75% of the map” stuff we’ve been seeing this last ~6 months.

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