Russian bias, prove me wrong please

Let’s get straight to it, i got in the the plane in a top tier match and faced 3 Pantsirs, enemy had Su25s, Mig29s carried Kh29 missles. I tried to destroy those Pantsir with my AGM65, spent 5 AGMs , none of it could hit the target because of Pantsir. They spawned Sukhois, spammed AGMs, all of my team are eliminated. Perfect Balance. I heard that Gaijin gonna add a new WW2 SPAA for US nation, very helpful. Thank you for your time guys, have a nice day.

Here are some proofs from my match

I shoot AGM at pantsir

Boom it's gone, shoot down by Gepard and Pantsir



This is the fourth AGM shot down by Russian SPAA


and then a Su27SM got me, end of the match


Skill Issue Main Usa Player


so Russian missiles have more skill than USA missiles, right? Thanks for clarifying


Okay, so because Soviets have CAS on-par with NATO that means Russian bias? I guess NATO bias is real too then. /s


Can you name any nation have the same quality paring vehicles like Russian has? The have the best AGM, the best SPAA, what is other nation have?

tiger helicopter can very easy kill pantsir

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I can name tech trees with superior equipment to the Soviets: USA, France, Britain, Italy, Sweden for CAS.
Sweden, Germany, USA for ground.
Helicopters are all all equally useful and useless at the same time.
Aircraft? All tech trees have better fighters than the Soviets except Germany, they’re about equal.


No way you just said that LMAO


Thanks for your information but my main is USA so I have to switch to Germany to play at top tier?

Mirage 2000DR1 makes up most of my GRB CAS kills at 11.7. 16km range GBUs, and the speed to never die to Pantsir.

no just use helly

Good job i guess…? Still doesn’t contradict the fact that a single Pantsir player can destroy 12 AGM/GBU/JDAM, no matter how speedy you are.

So in this case, China should get a Pantsir too

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my best Helly is AH-64A (GR) and it’s a shit

They have yet to do so, and I’ve yet to see any proof they can spot/lock a bomb dropped from over 9000 meters in altitude.
Plenty of evidence for ~6000 meters altitude.

is not shit , u need it to play stealthily to do good with it

Two words: Military doctrine.

Warsaw pact has a totally different military doctrine from NATO: superiority in ground and good air defense, in summary, NATO is the opposite.

Don’t come with the argument of “But the M1 Abrams […]” or “Leopard 2A […]” because fighting middle eastern paramilitary is not fighting in pair. I’m excluding the conflict between Russia in Ukraine for obvious reasons,

Back to the topic, the difference between the two sides is obvious, while Russia and China having two of 4 if I’m not wrong longest range missiles show this, or NATO I.e. USA having the most number of CAS capable planes,


Yes, machinery does have capacity of developing skills. If you see the difference of speed is mostly clearly that eventually the 95Ya6 would trigger near the AGM-65D, it’s one of the Pantsir-S1 capabilities, anti missile duty.

Having the longest operable AGM doesn’t mean having the best, by the way, it is a for a EOL vehicle, have you noticed that USA has access to TV and IR AGM in lower BR? I doubt knowing that a percentage of US main players just complain on the forum when they die for something that in their mind is supposed to be bad.

Anti missile duty.

Flying straight and still in the air doesn’t really help, focus on SPAA then you focus on ground vehicles that does not represent a threat to you, is that hard to do?


Man discovers SPAA doing their job and not being free kills, world found in shambles because of the amazing piece of Russian bias evidence.


Those are not proof.

Those are pieces of evidence… and very few pieces of evidence at that.


You can kill everything with the f16c. You lack the experience and skill to do it, so instead of practicing you complain?

Having a better team is also quite the game changers, but sadly that’s beyond anyones control.