Russian 10.3+ sucks in everything but downtiers, theres no russian bias

Well, nothing in the Soviets are OP. Being balanced doesn’t mean the tech tree sucks, all tech trees are largely balanced in ground, with all of USSR at this time being balanced similar to Japan or German ground.

I get you want to criticize the USSR tech tree; saying it sucks is not a really a great statement.
T-72B3 and T-90M are heavily armored. If you have issues with reverse gear, you’re over-extending more often than you probably should.

There is no Soviet bias, and your post is too overly critical of USSR.

Why bring up player skill when addressing a topic about a tech tree?

What does player skill have to do with this?

yes, i do understand that, yet the opposition youre fighting (usually) is just vehicles better than yours, more effective than yours if you havent gotten downtiered, its just the armor the soviet vehicles provide for the speed (mainly t72’s) they have is really just the main factor, you can have armor but if someone shoots your UFP, there is still a chance it goes through even if not in the weakspot. (i did say armor doesnt matter but if you have it and other vehicles can still punch through it while being more mobile than you has to mean something)

i did mean to criticize it, yet only the later parts, in my view, “sucks” in war thunder usually means its a good vehicle, just not really in the correct BR placement (such as the IS-2).

it can be seen as exaggeration but i think “sucks” fits this

once again, yes, but for some reason the vehicles the T72B3 fights can punch through its UFP sometimes even through the ERA (idk how the hell), while not really popular for being moderately mobile, it is a T72 after-all

the T90M’s armor actually does what its supposed to, but the weakspots start a whole 3 BR before so the armor is useless if you cannot get a hit and run kill

once again, i take armor as a longer range utility, where if you dont manage to 1 tap the enemy and cant scoot away easily, as a last resort.

i feel like that russian tanks arent the greatest, its just the lineup puts them together.
but… if you get a new vehicle, stock grind + no premium, generally not the greatest vehicle unless its a t80 (the t80b/u isnt even all that), really stop your fun with soviet 10.3+

i am not talking about skill, i am saying that he doesn’t have enough soviet vehicles to get Russian bias on his vehicles

I live in Australia and play on the US servers exclusively. It’s not Counter Strike, so the 100 extra ping is no issue. Just find that it’s a much better time playing the US server than the SEA server, and you’re guaranteed to be getting games.

With your logic, you haven’t played enough non-USSR vehicles to understand whether there is Russian-bias or not. And while I admire your extensive stint in the IS-2 (1944) and 292, where is the bias?

Russian bias exists when you understand the vehicles. Russian cannons, like the 45mm, 76mm, 85mm, 100mm, 122mm, 120mm, and 155mm, behave quite similarly. What I mean is their aiming adjustments: for example, if it’s +1 for 200 meters, it’s going to be around +4 for 800 meters. Additionally, all USSR tanks have HE fillers, which is a significant advantage over other nations’ cannons. USSR vehicles are their own unique creatures. For instance, I once managed a 1v16 against an entire team. USSR vehicles have weak spots, but you can make them hard to hit by shaking your tank, like the KV-1’s driver’s hatch and turret cheeks. To recognize bias, you need to understand the vehicle. Take the T-10, which I initially disliked but later returned to and scored two nukes with.

I ask again - where is the bias?


Don’t be coming at me with understanding things while you’re playing only USSR and struggling to keep your winrate up and your kills in order. Walls of text will get you nowhere. Show me ingame.


that? That’s because i play with my brain turned off most of the time

In other words you have no real claim or knowledge of whether there actually is any Russian-bias.

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They always do that when they claim something OP and get called out for it for not performing lol

I think we’ve seen enough of them doing these:

“haha I don’t play sirius bro I intentionally hodl W turn off brains when playing x vehicle”

“I went to my fren house play x vehicle omfg they are OP as hell hohoho I bounced every single hit and drop a nuke hehe”

“my kdr in x vehicle sucks because my step sister also play it, and she turns off brain haha”

“this is my alternate account, my main account has 4kdr in it where I play sirius, you have skill issue hehe”


So true, haha. So many bad faith arguments made in this community.

Only UK tanks are notorious for having solid AP, other nations have mostly APHEs just like USSR ones.

This works for many tanks and Germany probably has the best WW2 armor.
Talking about bias when IS-2 is at the same BR at Tiger II H is funny.

the 3 small weak spots on the IS-2 are better then the GIANT turret frontal weak spot but yeah Tiger 2 has all round better armor

Let’s not ignore the giant LFP of the IS-2 that’s an instant kill.

I forgot that only Russia gets uptiered. . . . . .
That’s so unfair. . . . .

T80Us are overtiered considering the buffs other MBTs got at the same br. Premium abrams can lowkey pen them frontally

USA mains: haha T-80UE with 3BM46 is fine

Also USA mains: omfg we need M829A3 at 11.7 because we cannot pen the ufp of T series

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I use the gepard at germany 9.3, really wish stinger wiesel could be brought down to 9.3