Russian 10.3+ sucks in everything but downtiers, theres no russian bias

because the olis extra armour is worthless, its just too sluggish to fight a T72 well enough to be the same BR.

Its got a Spamcanon in the lineup (begleit) its going to be an extremely good lineup by default

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How can one be horrid and one be fine if they’re almost the same tanks with armor being the only difference ?
T-72B’s armor is more than enough to stop common shells at 10.3 as well.

It’s not the best but it’s perfectly playable.

3BM60 + good thermals with good armor are the selling points, in other fields T-90A is just mid at best. It could get the Bhishma treatment so it goes down to 10.7 with T-80B.

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I don’t say this much but… skill issue, the tanks are fine the problem is the same every other tanks face… uptiers

One tank I can agree on is the T90M, the reverse speed is terrible but it does have excellent armor so it shouldn’t be moved down unless they nerf the armor but that will never happen

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You are literally spouting some BS. I went from US to USSR 10.3 by wallet warrior’ing it and instantly up’ed my KD by 50%. It has its drawbacks for sure, but it is a wonderful 10.0 lineup.

I think t80b is one one tech tree vehicle from that BR and I do just the same as my other Premuim Vic’s I paid for.

If you think 10.7 Russia is strong in a downtier, wait till you see the Abrams and Leopard 2A4

Ones armor actually does something (if they dont shoot you in the weakspot), fits 10.3 better than the regular T72B

worst at its BR

i dont understand why people praise thermals so much, its personal preference and shouldnt impact BR as much as it does.

if you need thermals to actually see enemies idk what to tell you except youre blind, only time i find thermals useful is SPAA so i can see drones at 9km+

russian tanks get affected by these uptiers the most.

germany is usually against you in uptiers and…

leopard 2a5/6/7 drills through you while you have to pray you wont somehow bounce your shot

Japanese 4 second autoloaders drill through your tanks, while being way more mobile than you

Abrams’ are just leo 2’s i mentioned about but a little easier to kill (still would much rather have an abrams than a T80)

higher tiers are usually at longer ranges = more hills used as cover

soviet vehicles are known to have horrid gun depression.

ALL of that takes serious effect on soviet vehicles mostly, (because theyre 1 tap if you can pen them anywhere)

also, the fact the T90M has armor doesnt mean anything, its weakspot is the same as every other vehicle, no amount of armor will save you from death if you do get penned

i played US 11.7 and its just so much better than russian 11.7 for even 1 reason only, i can actually use top tier playstyle which is hide behind a hill and wait for someone to loose their patience

all the actually good and worth to use vehicles are premiums, i’ve been talking about the tech tree vehicles which should get more attention than premiums, if 90% of your tt vehicles suck at a certain br, theres a problem

i also have the T80UD and its so, so, so much better than the rest of the 10.3 vehicles, + on par with the t80b

The difference is only like 50mm. The T-72B should be 10.0 but the difference in armor between it and the obr.1989 is exaggerated.

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T-72B’s armor is solid for it’s BR. I already told you this and you’re acting like it’s a light tank.

I don’t think T-80B is worse than the Challenger.

Scanning the area with low zoom and gen2 thermals is much faster than without thermals, especially in lower visibility.

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light tank without the mobility

youre gonna be scanning with binos/3rd person, still think thermals are overrated

Don’t you realize it will eat DM23/M774 and other similar rounds like it’s nothing ?

Binos have much bigger zoom than the lowest zoom option on T-90A.

Stock grinded a 1.5kd and 1.3kb in 72B without 89. Never felt this power in all other stock grinds

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When your main foe is paper AFVs and MBTs from the early 60s you’re going to do super well

It’s all fun and games until Challenger shows up.

Chieften mk10 will hammer you just as hard but challenger will take just as much punishment and be able to do it faster. Its a brutal uptier

Except that NEVER happens, 10.3 is the lowest I’ve seen and that’s pretty rare…

Well, nothing in the Soviets are OP. Being balanced doesn’t mean the tech tree sucks, all tech trees are largely balanced in ground, with all of USSR at this time being balanced similar to Japan or German ground.

I get you want to criticize the USSR tech tree; saying it sucks is not a really a great statement.
T-72B3 and T-90M are heavily armored. If you have issues with reverse gear, you’re over-extending more often than you probably should.

There is no Soviet bias, and your post is too overly critical of USSR.

Why bring up player skill when addressing a topic about a tech tree?

What does player skill have to do with this?

yes, i do understand that, yet the opposition youre fighting (usually) is just vehicles better than yours, more effective than yours if you havent gotten downtiered, its just the armor the soviet vehicles provide for the speed (mainly t72’s) they have is really just the main factor, you can have armor but if someone shoots your UFP, there is still a chance it goes through even if not in the weakspot. (i did say armor doesnt matter but if you have it and other vehicles can still punch through it while being more mobile than you has to mean something)

i did mean to criticize it, yet only the later parts, in my view, “sucks” in war thunder usually means its a good vehicle, just not really in the correct BR placement (such as the IS-2).

it can be seen as exaggeration but i think “sucks” fits this

once again, yes, but for some reason the vehicles the T72B3 fights can punch through its UFP sometimes even through the ERA (idk how the hell), while not really popular for being moderately mobile, it is a T72 after-all

the T90M’s armor actually does what its supposed to, but the weakspots start a whole 3 BR before so the armor is useless if you cannot get a hit and run kill

once again, i take armor as a longer range utility, where if you dont manage to 1 tap the enemy and cant scoot away easily, as a last resort.

i feel like that russian tanks arent the greatest, its just the lineup puts them together.
but… if you get a new vehicle, stock grind + no premium, generally not the greatest vehicle unless its a t80 (the t80b/u isnt even all that), really stop your fun with soviet 10.3+