Russian 10.3+ sucks in everything but downtiers, theres no russian bias

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This is the 2s38 against most MBTs it faces. It can pen most of them easily. Keep in mind that full auto makes missing shots non existent

This is WW2 tank against a 2S38 . If you can’t kill a light tank, go play Dishwashing Simulator


What a surprise that a light tank has no armor. Ever considered that armor isn’t everything? This is like saying a tank should be sent to 1.0 just because it can be penned by 1.0 guns.

And why are you surprised that a light tank can kill an MBT from the front? If it’s at 10.3, it should be able to kill other 10.3 tanks.

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Exactly. Using your logic, the TAM is OP because it can pen anything at its BR…

Light tanks in this game are legit more annoying to face than mbts with working armor, because of no-armor-best-armor bs you will constantly find your apfsds deleting one crew at a time, furthermore they often hit harder than mbts of the same br.

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playing russia 10.3 now is like playing handicapated mode, combination of shitmodes/teams on crappy tanks, the crying entitled gringos achived to make this BR unplayable for CCCP.


never was

Abrahams ufp bounces all round automatically
because 19mm is supper strong