Russia top tier tanks are miserable and there is no way to fix that

Eh not really. They have better survivability sure, they should. But they nerfed the Vikhir from its OG 1000mm pen (historically accurate) to a 800mm penetration… then they corrected the ATGMs so you can’t fire all 16 at once.

They also cost far more, and things like the Tiger UHT can just fire, reload, fire, reload. For easy kills.

Laser guided out in the open helis kinda aren’t as good as they were at one point.
They really need to fix the vihkir penetration now to make it realistic.

The abrams also (just like the many manual loaded tanks) have a far faster reload than their irl counterparts

I have , I play Ger/Brit/USA/Jap/USSR. Out of these 5 I play only the Brit that can be considered giving me worse experience than the USSR simply because of their Nation MBT speed.

Not really- manual reloads are variable, but 5 seconds (aced) is well within a reasonable and realistic level.

Wasn’t the 800mm figure the official one provided by the manufacturers?

As far as I can see, they can all still be fired all at once and they will track successfully… what Vikhr users do is launch 4-5 of them at once, and good luck trying to incercept them or getting the heli when it’s using a Vikhr shield as improvised Iron Dome.

I can agree with that though, specially Hellfire-based ones. It takes like 25 seconds to land a missile on a target merely 6 km away!


You know that you don’t need to aim straight at the helicopter all the time ?
Going around Vikhr shield is pretty straightforward.


You obviously don’t like bad gun depression and reverse speed. This alone doesn’t necessarily make them bad vehicles overall, just bad for your playstyle.

Honestly, I don’t like those flaws either but it is how it is.


…and by then one of his 1741 VIkhrs has already hit you; that is, if he doesn’t redirect them to intercept your one SAM to then redirect the rest back at you.

I do this by default, since it increases the chances of success; but it doesn’t always work.

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I don’t think that hunting down a SAM with your Vikhrs is a valid and effective tactic.

Manual loaders irl seem to vary between 9-5 secs, being an ace crew in warthunder, should be at best 5.5 secs.

At least if they correct the T-80U reload, it would make it fair. There would still be a slight advantage to most manual loaders, but it would be fair for Russia to get the correct reloads as they load the slowest at top tier.

The official figure as far as I had ever seen was 1000mm RHA.

Hellfire has been 1200mm RHA

I think PARS and Spike are 700mm RHA?

Spaa aams are far faster than the Vihkirs.

Okay so to begin, the reload of the Russian MBT’s are longer for the autoloader, their guns are not inferior to the NATO 120’s, since Russia uses 125mm with pretty good rounds, if you take a 125 or a 120 with a bad round, an example of this is: Try killing a T72B3 / T90M frontally on the lower part of the chassis with DM33 will it work? No. The T80’s are excellent tanks, moreover with a good round. you can easily pen the chassis of a Leopard 2A7V from afar with the latest T90M and T80BVM, because the round helps a lot, an older vehicle can suffer more with the increased armor on the Leopard’s hull. The same T72, 80 and 90’s series is faster than the 2A7V or Abrams in occasions, and while yes have less turning aspect, the low profile ERA armor and others help them be difficult to deal with. A T90, 80 or 72 on a Hull Down position can be really painful to kill since the turret is one of the most heavy zones of the tanks, meanwhile a Russian can take an 125mm HE and sling it in the top of the turret, over pressuring it. I consistently use the T80UK and its lovely tank even if i prefer the NATO tanks in style. To me, you’re experiencing a severe case of skill issue and low knowledge of how to use the tanks that you have in your lineup.

PARS is actually faster and more powerful than Spike. Also Spike was buffed just after Dance of Dragons iirc to like ~900mm off the top of my head.

Tanks that force you to play a certain way are the worst, invariably. NATO MBTs can brawl just as well as Russian ones, yet can reverse out of a bad spot better and they can also go hull down effectively.

In terms of personal enjoyment I’d rate the T-90M as the second worst top tier tank, above the Chally 2 BN or 3TD

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It’d be nice to get the correct T-80U reload. That way you got to pick between:

T90M: better armor / spall liners
T-80U, UK, UE-1, UD, BVM, etc.
(Anything that isn’t the B or BV).
Has better speed in terms of mobility, and reload.

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Tanks that force you to play a certain way to enhance your playstyle are the best, since you actually start learning how to position yourself in an advantageous part of the map + the reverse speed is a pain, but this can be avoided by knowing in what places you can hull down, if you go to a hill on a T90 shooting down be prepared to be blown to pieces since the depression doesn’t help you lower the canon. So you play accordingly instead of using full “W” all match.

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You have an 1.0 kd in your T-80UK, and have never played anything else.

You also have 1.25+ KDs in your German Leo 2a5, 6, 7, and PSO.

Yeah “real balanced”

Lmao, the irony. You also discredit yourself as you’ve not played top tier Russia.
I have played both top tier Russia and USA. USA is better, as much as people say it isn’t.

I have a better KD in my NATO tanks cuz i play them primarily. Imagine I have a single T80 with a BMP2M in the lineup, sending them to 12.7 with a 3BM42 and I have a 1.0 KD, playing against STRV122 and Leop2A7. And you’re telling me that is not balanced, now imagine how it would be if i used a T90M and a T80BVM with the full on lineup for both CAS and Ground (Pansir). Why are you lecturing me about having a more positive KD in Germany when there I have the complete lineup of leopards, Puma’s and even CAS, not just that but that is my main nation. AND even then, if my main playstyle is NATO tanks I do well in Russian tanks while not bringing a top tier MBT to a TOP TIER bracket.

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Less versatility = better?

If I already know what I’m doing I don’t need to force myself to learn how to play the game by playing a crappy vehicle. I’d rather just play something that lets me play it how I want to, and adapt to the map I’m playing on.

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Is not less versatility, is just a different gameplay, you wont play an SPAA like a heavy tank would you? So tell me, is the HE of NATO the same as the Russia one? Having a heavier round is sometimes better because you can be in cover and shoot in a parabola, hitting the target without LEAVING your hard cover. Russian tanks are equally versatile. Is not a crappy vehicle, learn to use it.

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If SPAA has radar lock, no, you cannot intercept it with Vikhr. The missile’s fuze will not activate until close to the heli, making it near impossible to intercept. This has been the case since 2023.

The only vehicles Vikhr is particularly effective against are vehicles entirely using IR lock, or vehicles with extremely slow missile speed, like Tor-M1/HQ-17.