Panzerblitz II.
It was never fully deployed to my knowledge.
Gonna only really be good for Anti-Bomber jobs, unless it gets a Radio-Fuze, then it might be good for head ones.
That was, that was built post WWII, by NASA (this doesn’t mean I don’t want it, (because I do) it’s just unrealistic)
I’ve never heard of the HGI, what is that?
The P.1101 was built during WW2 in Oberammergau.

It was 80% complete when it was captured on April 29th 1945, then it was shipped to the US.
I believe you are mistaking it for its American copy, the Bell X-5.
So yeah it’s actually not unrealistic at all, I’m working on a suggestion for this aircraft right now, you might want to check it once it’s done
So if you do want it just like me, don’t lose hope! We just gotta bring it to gaijin’s attention, cause it’s 100% possible to get it in game.
The Messerschmitt Me 262 HGI is part of the Hochgeschwindigkeit improvement designs for the Me 262.
It had leading edges and a racing canopy ( the same one used on the P.1101!)
Believe it or not it actually flew and we have pictures of it!
The Me 262 HGI was built off of the Me 262 V9 Airframe. It was not the only Me 262 from the HG series that was built, the Me 262 HGII was also built but it was damaged during taxiing and they did not have the parts to repair it before the end of the war.
There are a bunch of missing 262 variants that “people don’t care about” but I’d be all in to see them.
As for the p.1101, it’s a blurred line on if it should be added. Also, the P.1101 was the basis of the X-5, and also has the capability of sweeping the wings (while grounded obviously) while the X-5 was used to test mid flight V-G-W.
Well, ever since the Yak-141, we know that if an aircraft was built but was given no armament (only plans) it’s still possible to get it, so the P.1101 enters gaijin’s criteria since it was built and completed (mostly)
Good to know
You should rereport that on the new side when you got the time.
I have been working on something similar
I basically like this in game rn but the missile mesh isnt done yet so I used SS.11 as placeholder
you already have the fuel tanks modelled
wanna try to model the belly mounted RATO booster too?
it could simply be attached afaik
old forum talked about it but im specifically talking about the belly pack (not the exposed double boosters)
like in these images
I am already two steps ahead
however I am not sure if i wanna make the belly back as that was never built and is part of the C-3 variant maybe in the future when I make other 262 variants I can make it but not for my B variant
actually remmeber seeing a good few images of it, it did exist but for the life of me i cant seem to find it
I see
afterburner when ???
You should post it in the Me 262 topic :3
Best part about that is that the F-80 F-84 people always cry that the 262 is OP I am like what how? They accelerate better climb better turn better They are literally better in any regard to the 262