Rockets no longer damage bases


Good one, maybe you should have little more respect, I asked for help and you mock me. Let me tell you secret, your KD, stats in this gmae means nothing and it just makes you asshat. Sad

thank you appricite your actually decent answer.

No, your K/D being sub 1 just means you are bad at the game. Even bots have higher K/D than you. The problem does not lie in Draken, but between keyboard and chair…

@TheMightySardine , @Saitama_420 , keep it civil, both of you please. No need to get insulting.

I actually just started playing this game, but whatever my man continue to be asshole. And the fact you said problem dont lie in Darken is all I need to know. You are delusional and I actually feel sorry for you. Again thanks for wasting my time.

Its oke, let him show his true self Im not offended or do I want him to be banned or anything. Let everyone see how big of asshat he is to people asking for help.

The I have another unpopular suggestion: First get more experience in lower tiers.

If you “buy” your way up to higher tiers, you will face players with much MUCH more experience with the game, the game play, and the vehicles they play and play against. Don’t expect to be their equal in employing tactics and skills they honed in 20, 40, 50 times more ingame experience…

Again I assume you are better at this game than me and Im not good, isn’t logical for me to ask help from you? Insted of helping me or not helping me you decided to insult me. Instead of wanting more people to support game and to play game you are telling me I should quit? I mean I know I need to work on my gamplay but you should work on yourslef privately and get some help.

Nooo! That’s not what is meant! Not quit!

Play. Train. Learn. Through the ranks, not jumping over them.

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I gridnded whole USA plane tree without any premium. I just wanted to know is there any tactic that will help me fly extremely bad plane at 11.3
I didnt jumped anything since I got advice not to buy premium before I grind one tech tree from beginning to the end and when I did that I bought almost all premiums to support the game because I like it. But no worries I guess I should not ask fo help here because I will only get mocked. Anyway thanks

More experienced, not better. Your 4 days of fighter gameplay in realistic stand against 60 days of his.

I’m not a great fighter pilot myself, I have to admit, and only recently shifted from almost exclusively attacker/bomber to include also air to air combat, and I still learn. Nothing wrong with that.

Important aspect is: learn to use what you got against the enemies you need to face. We can’t give you a step by step procedure to do so. It’s very individual.

But I for myself feel uncomfortable about complaints against vehicles by players who have not given themselves a chance to gain enough experience and skills yet. With the game in general or certain vehicles specifically.

The time means nothing too. You can have 100 days and still be bad and worse than guy with 10 days. In the end, what works for one doesnt have to work for other, and while one might be better in one vehicle, doesnt mean he will be good in second one. There are vehicles that are regarded OP that i do absolutely awful in, and then vehicles people regard as awful that i do great in. Its just nothing universal and its very individual. And i am not a superplayer either, my K/D is also pretty below average in both ARB with 0.99 and 1.2 in GRB. I am bad player myself compared to rest of the people.

Or you could try to reflect on what wad told here, and look at planes at the same BR and their kits yourself and decide whenever AIM-9Js are really the worst

Okay so lets look at J35XS.

Its been already said that it has no RWR, low number of flares, bad gun and only rear aspect missile.

Yes, complete lack of RWR is a bummer. So is low flare count.


it has IRST which is completly passive, ie. not detectable by any plane in game currently

Flares are large caliber which means they burn for longer and have higher luminosity afaik so they are more effective

It has 6x AIM-9Js, planes like F-4E/F get 4.

Looking at wiki, it has similiar top speed as Mig21 Bis SAU.

Coincedentally, im currently spading Bis SAU, because now it doesnt have to face hordes of F16s and Mig29s, and im actually having fun. If J35XS has FM similiar to Mig21, it can be played, just not as balls deep turnfighter but rather duelist/flanker/ambusher.

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One circle monster, and cause both are delta, you loose speed, you die. If you sustained turn with it, you already lost.

My only wish for Bis is to have double rack for R-13M1s.

I lol’d.



Yes nearly 1 with the Draken, that i admit i played like the brainless rocket bomber lol. But then i am not complaining about the nerf to it. And even tho i was rocketing bases i still managed to nearly get 1:1 with 2x 9Js and gun,meanwhile others complaining barely have 0.5. Also you dont even own any of the Drakens so…

Just went to play the Draken. Its totally fine. 23k RP from that game

you played one game…again showing you are just asshat and nothing more. Please next time when humiliating people asking for genuine help try not to have same negative KD. Much love hope you do good from now on.

Yes, i played one game today in full uptier. The plane is fine. However the team mates are not. If 12 people end up without kill, that means remaining 4 have to kill 4 players each to win the game.