Rockets no longer damage bases


Actually just 1,2 tons

(And yes, thats an sentence)

No surprise.

idk the exact value, i just drop 8x750lbs M117, destroyed a based, and the scoreboard says 1.47

why should magnetic mines dropped from 5km instead of shattering on impact do the same damage as 2000lbs bomb?

With the way they balance things, if the brainless “grinders” stop rocketing bases in it, its BR will be decreased.

Or you could play the game as intended and learn to fly a fighter as a fighter.

Disagree, it does not take more than a month, maybe 2 of casual gameplay to unlock rank 8 in a tree even without premium.

In essence, learning to play a fighter instead of a bomber teaches you how to actually play the game once you reach rank 8, and it ends up being more enjoyable and consistent.


More details here:


Learning to play with a Fighter? Brother, you can have the best fighter skills possible, but if you have a 10.7 jet fighting against 12.3/11.3, it means nothing!

If you decide to engage in a maneuverability fight with another jet, you’ll lose because you’ll run out of sustainability as the J35XS loses a lot of power in turns and maneuvers. You don’t have ALL ASPECT missiles on your J35XS; you only have 12 flares, which have to be divided into 6 flares and 6 chaff. You have a 20G missile that literally gets lost in seconds when launched if the target makes a maximum 10G turn and releases one flare.

It’s not a matter of skill; it’s not a matter of mastering the aircraft; you have a useless jet in a higher BR, and they still have the ability to make it even more useless with this change.

The jet has no bombs, no armament capable of sustaining itself against 11.3 and 12.3 jets, no fuel for long fights, nothing that favors its BR at 11.3!

Your arguments are invalid and seem to have not really experienced the jet to its fullest, whether using it in dogfight or as a base destroyer.

You just typed what you think and what you believe, and that’s not right.


The damn aircraft could be good if they gave it an accurate flight model and the SARHs it carried, but apparently they just hate the Draken.


Because you dropped that amount, but 5x 1000lb a 272,43kg TNT is also enough, because the last bit bleeds out alone

And now they removed the ability to destroy bases with rockets from the SAAB J35XS. I will try to open a ticket to get my money back, but too much time has passed, and they won’t refund me or exchange the vehicle. It’s sad, but the jet has just been completely destroyed.

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ok, its fixed now

This is actually good changes.

For players who use good fighters as B-17…: L bozo. You can finally start to learn how to kill players and don’t gets wiped by AIM-54s in first few mins.


That’s literally your skill issue.
Even we gets decompression, as far as I know, the aircraft you will face at full uptier games has not changed from before the decompression.

The M2K is indeed horrible for facing if you are on J35XS, but it is just undertiered.

Dogfighting is not all about hold S keys on your keyboard.
This video would help for learning duels. Also, you can turn on sim control.

Why you need all aspect missiles even AIM-9Js are still decent IRAAM in the game lol/

Why you bring chaffs? Even most enemy who has SARH missiles has still rear aspect radar so, they can lose their radar locks if you turned 180 and hagged on the deck.

I literally only take one chaff when I play J35XS, but it still works quite well.

It is lmao.
It was never a “useless” jet since its implementation if you have decent dueling skill.

Congratulations, you have rendered J35XS useless by using dogfighter as bomber, even it is still decent dogfighter after FM was nerfed.


A kid here, get out u know nothing about this jet premium.


Me when I have my own J35XS LMAO

At one point I had 10KD in it but got screwed up due to server crash and teamkill :/


When did you fly it last? Before or after the BR Changes?

Patch day for this major updates iirc.

Try to fly it again at 11.3. It’s fun you are automatically getting sucked into the 12.3 matchmaker and face F-4S, F-14As, MiG 23ML/D/A every match.


That’s literally same from old matchmaker.

Even I played this thing last time, I saw tons of F-14s spammed 54s.

Always good to see exploits fixed.

If any vehicles’ efficiency are meaningfully affected by this, they’ll most likely go down in BR, so that’s a moot point.