Reworking naval battles to bring new players

Hello everyone

I’m here to talk about naval battles.
As all we know, its like a different game.
But its really awesome.
I think this gamemode need to have some changes to bring new players.

  1. Decrease maximum uptier from +1.0 to +0.4
  2. Increase Coastal reward by +70~100%
  3. Add lobby and possibility to invite players for enduring confrontation
  4. Add enduring confrontation booster +50%
  5. Killing Gaijin bot should be rewarded more +75%

1- We all know that fighting +1.0 BR in naval gamemode cause mainly death and no fun at all.
I will give you some exemple.
image vs image
image vs image
image vs image
image vs image
image vs image
image vs image
image vs image

And so on !

So that why i suggest to change maximum uptier to be +0.4. Uptier will really less punitive and enjoyable to play. Decreasing uptier will balance every vehicle in naval mode.
Note 1: Tanks players than never played navy could not understand. But there are a huge gape between BR. In tank you can kill pretty easily any tank. In naval, you are mainly food when you face +1.0.
Note 2: Decompressing br is not the best choise cause after, we will face off 10.0 planes.
Jets will be just cancer to naval match.

2- About coastal rewards, even in premium account, the grind is worst than never. As matchs are fast, even if you make a good score, you can have only 2000RP. And when you face of destroyers, you cannot farm your coastals cause waves and DD coming to kills you.
So i think increasing rewards is a really good thing.

3- Enduring confrontation is maybe one of the best gamemode in the game.
But its really hard to find a match cause its only from thuesday to monday (4 days)
So i suggest to players the capacity to make lobby to join as like air enduring confrontation.
There is a talk topic about enduring.

4- I suggest to, for enduring confrontation to bring back the 50% RP booster.

5- Bots in the game are really boring, they are sniping turrets bridges and snipes planes 5km away… And actually, as there are not many players in so matchs, they are boring and they do not give many reward when killed them. So i suggest to increase their reward a bit but still less than a player.

Decrease maximum uptier from +1.0 to 0.4
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
Increase Coastal reward by +70~100%
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
Add lobby and possibility to invite players for enduring confrontation
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
Add enduring confrontation booster +50%
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
Killing Gaijin bot should be rewarded more +75%
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Please, if you vote “No”, can you tell me your argument ?
I saw you the guy that voted no everywhere without readed a single thing !


The matchmaker is already bad enough at getting player filled games. This will make it so no games above 4.7 will ever have players.

Some nations have absolutely insane costal lineups that aren’t fair even to early destroyers or other costal ships. I think that the matchmaking should be split for costal and bluewater so costals can have a chance at their own top tier instead of facing destroyers that are better in every single way to most costals (not the SKRs, they are dumb strong). This would allow costal combat to happen and allow people to actually get rewards.

No player should be able to create a lobby for any gamemode that will grant rp/sl rewards. More appropriate avenue would be requesting the mode be available all the time.

The bots are absolutely trivial to kill. They barely attack back and do almost nothing 99 percent of the time. If they gave more rewards, then player bots will return to farm the SL from the game bots. With the Wilkonson, I can make 150k sl in a game just by focusing the bots most of the time. This would be a surefire way to bring player bots back to the mode.


The matchmaker is already bad enough at getting player filled games. This will make it so no games above 4.7 will ever have players.

Actually, i prefer having low player in a room than facing cruisers that i cannot damage a single time …
Spawning on everymap lead to spawn to spawn with cruisers or battleships…

Sadly the problem come from the low amount of players. I prefer wait around 5-10min and have a forced launch game with bot than facing players that target you and make you instant leave.

No player should be able to create a lobby for any gamemode that will grant rp/sl rewards. More appropriate avenue would be requesting the mode be available all the time.

Actually, if you want to find a match, you wait 40min depending the day…
Then passed 1hour of match, no one can join. Even if you crash or not. So its problematic.
I dont understand why cause planes can, but ok

The bots are absolutely trivial to kill. They barely attack back and do almost nothing 99 percent of the time. If they gave more rewards, then player bots will return to farm the SL from the game bots. With the Wilkonson, I can make 150k sl in a game just by focusing the bots most of the time. This would be a surefire way to bring player bots back to the mode.

I agree that they are easy to kill, but they do not give a single reward and for players to aim players. I know that i prefer aiming player just to earn more RP/SL. But it discourage players playing navy …
When you play coastal fleets, bots can ruin your game. (REF PR206 and SKR bot)

Some nations have absolutely insane costal lineups that aren’t fair even to early destroyers or other costal ships. I think that the matchmaking should be split for costal and bluewater so costals can have a chance at their own top tier instead of facing destroyers that are better in every single way to most costals (not the SKRs, they are dumb strong). This would allow costal combat to happen and allow people to actually get rewards.

I agree that fregates should be bluewater cause vs coastal, they obliterate them…
But agree too that coastal should face only coastal
And if you want to face bluewater, put a bluewater into your lineup

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Okay but when are we getting tanks in naval

Or this


AIR sim games aren’t created by players. If you think Naval EC should work like Air Sim games, then put it to Gaijin. Neither game type is super popular in comparison to the normal gametypes.

They give amazing rewards, but not for 1 salvo killing them like killing player ships. You could sit and pelt a bot destroyer, ideally a light/heavy cruiser, and farm damage off of them for extened periods with HE shells. I’ve used the Wilkonson and gotten constant SL drops from hits that have went up to 15k sl and the ship wasn’t close to sinking. The rewards do not need to be higher for abusing bot ships thay don’t fight back.

Yea, because the costal ships actually engage you and can deal meaningful damage when compared to the bluewater bots. It isn’t just shooting fish in a barrel and it shouldn’t be. Costal games have fewer bots most of the time so I don’t see it as a huge issue.

I never said Frigates shouldn’t be in costal. Only around 3 frigates stand any change facing even reserve destroyers and that is the SKRs and Kolns. The other frigates like the Karl Marx/Yenot are pretty terrible overall and can’t stant up to destroyers at all.

I agree that naval with tank will bring new players in naval

AIR sim games aren’t created by players. If you think Naval EC should work like Air Sim games, then put it to Gaijin. Neither game type is super popular in comparison to the normal gametypes.

Players mades their own lobby in air sim battles

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Interesting, I’ll have to look into this when I get off work.

Unfortunately, all of these would just be band-aid fixes to a severed limb. Some would mayhe help a little, but come with huge drawbacks.

1: As has already been said, reducing the BR spread would only mean you never get into a match in the first place. The compression is a problem, but no match at all is worse.

2: I do agree that coastal boats should have higher reward multipliers in general, comparable to bluewater ships of the same rank. There are a couple that actually do have high multipliers (the joaquim for example), but coastal is such a oain to grind through and they’re far outside the meta that you never see them.

3: adding player-created lobbies raises a similar problem to reducing BR spread, in addition to other problems. You see this already in air sim, where people will just leave for a different match if things aren’t going well, and many matches will only have like 4 people in them. Naval would be even worse due tue to travel time. Slightly reducing the player count in exchange for drastically increasing the amount of AI activity would be better (torpedo bomber attacks, more convoys, etc) tobgive players more to do. Woukf also helpbif shore bombsrdment was easier. As currently the aim system doesnt agree with targets above ground sea level unless they’re planes.

4: more to do would again be a better solution

5: as far as I’m aware, the bot “players” already count the same as a human player in terms of reward, so no need for change there. In any case, players should always be thr most valuable targets, as they are also the most threatening

The reason I say these are attempts to fix symptoms without addressing the disease is that Naval really needs a complete overhaul. Personnally there are two things I think would help.

One would be to rework how naval matchmaking works entirely. Change BRs so they are based around the capability of a ship relative to other ships of the same type (with additional ships added at certain BRs - ie, DDs at 2.0, cruisers at 3.0, early BBs at 4.0). This way you’d have a much wider spread for ships do be differentiated. Naturally, this would create huge problems if it was thr only change. The second part would be to allow only 1 bluewater ship spawn per player, and matchmake based on which ship they have selected in hangar (or highest coastal if no bluewater is selected). This would force ship variety and allow ship types to have limited number in play (for example, only 2 BBs per team of 10 players). This would also mean destroying big, powerful ships would be a big deal. Additionally, allow unlimited coastal and aircraft spawns, as well as either reduce or eliminate the cost to spawn planes. This would allow players to stay in after losing their bluewater ship, and apply more pressure to the opposing team.

The second change would be to decrease visibility (by adding some haze or light fog effect) to make distant ships harder to see, as well as limit lock-on range based on ship size. Currently you can lock any ship type from any range and get a fire control solution. Making it only possible to lock smaller craft at shorter ranges would allow them to have a better chance at actually fighting larger and more capable vessels. If a torpedo boat has to be within 2km before you can lock it, it becomes an actual threat rather than a free kill to a cruiser. Same goes for if a destroyer has to be within 5km for a battleship to lock it.

5: as far as I’m aware, the bot “players” already count the same as a human player

I’m talking of Gaijin bots, not player bots that’s are banned

reducing the BR spread would only mean you never get into a match

I think gaijin should add a rule when 5-10min passed by, it force create a match with bots.

Gaijin should make a test for a week or a month to try out. (and make pub before doing it to try bringing more playerbase)

It would be cool if AA/Secondary guns didn’t autofire at every target. They should make it require manual locking of a target before they fire. Then costals could actually be sneaky. Also, fix the locking system to need LOS on a ship instead of locking through mountains and stuff.


I don’t know why you would wait as long as you do for a match, but noone wants to queue for 10 minutes just to play bots.

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Voted no for the max uptier thing and its not necessarily that its a bad idea. but rather Id rather just get a decompression. The bare minimum is that all 6.0 and up need to moved up 1 full BR. and then space the current heavy cruisers at 5.7 out in the now free 6.0-.7.0 bracket.

Also, the biggest problem of them all isnt on there. Map design. Spawn to spawn fights shouldnt happen

I terms of ridiculous BR comparison, let’s take Japanese PT-808 at 3.3 and put it up against many other coastal also at 3.3 :D

It’s so ridiculously bad it isn’t even funny…

I was referring to the gaijin bots.

Force creating a bot match also doesn’t solve the issue. They aren’t fun to play against, and if every match is going to be 1-2 humans and a bunch of AI, might as well just scrap the mode entirely in favor of a PvE mission structure, but as we’ve seen from helicopters, those suck even worse without good mission design, so we’re right back where we started.

I would like them to have super bad spread but it cnahnges to regular spread when you manually target something.

Yeah, the locking is a mess. You can lock players from behind a mountain but cant lock an ai ship because a 1m tall sandbar is between you.

This shouldnt be needed soon. Once they add the dynamic brs for planes, they can push the jets up in br. This will allow them to decompress naval.

This is the main reason for the naval compression. If they increased the naval br cap, they would start to face jets which would start causing issues.

Even better. Only make them super accurate is the player controls them.

Or you can get pelted by a ship that can lock you from behind a rock formation, but you can’t lock them back or actually hit them with the same exact guns because of the angles. Makes perfect sense.

Tenatively. Id have no issue with any 7.0-7.7 jet in naval. So long as they dont keep adding WW1 dreadnoughts with no AA power at all to top tier.

Only jets that kinda worry me a bit are things like the Canberra

(though Id also hope for some more modern SPAA as well. More things like the HMS Tiger with radar guided guns or even Type 21 Frigates with Sea-Dart)

Thankfully, Gaijin mentioned that having vehicles be in different BR depending on the game mode will be on the roadmap (granted, this was probably more addressing the problem in GRB vs. ARB than Naval), so it’s plausible to actually decompress and not meet the jets!

Entirely agree on Coastal Rewards, can’t speak for EC, and bots reward…I am fine either way.