Revised poll on CAS in Ground Battles, would you play a tank only mode?

Why do you feel so hurt that some people might not want boring planes in gamemode with tanks, and are pushing for alternative game mode?

Your life wouldn’t change if they introduce ALTERNATIVE gamemode for people to play.




Butthurt? And you talking about boring planes? Are you sure you are talking about me?

Im curious how many more “we dont want tank only mode and not gonna go this direction” from gaijin you need to accept the mode for what it is and l2p or move on.

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You already said that tank only mode wouldnt hurt me so why now you think this idea is attacking me somehow? And nice made up stories strawmanning me and derailing the subject. Shows who feels threatened on his personal crusade lol

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Because for some reason you attack a person for trying to do a poll while you are being fixated on a single question.

How is providing proof that you’re biased as CAS player is a strawman argument in any way?


Because then they would understand that CAS airplanes are incredibly easy to kill

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OK, and I’m disagreeing based on a lot of experience with SPAA.


See, CAS is not problem at all…

SU-25 and their broken damage model says hello.

KA-50 and other helicopters say hello, where my SPAA can’t even lock onto them if they play smart.


English not your first language?

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CAS can be easy to kill but that requires people that want to play tanks to not play tanks, all so people that want to play CAS can play CAS.

In order for me to be able to play the vehicles I want to play, I have to stop playing them so you can play the vehicles you want to play.

What they should do is add a tank only mode and a CAS vs SPAA mode, you can fight to your hearts content and I can play the vehicles I want without getting bombed by OP CAS.


I merely state facts, you feel attacked. And also you are coming up with some stories about me being a fanmailing heli pilot to feel better about yourself. Pretty sad imo


I can select several answers to a single question in the poll, is this right?

The relevance and “OPness” of CAS changes from BR to BR. The same is true for SPAA where at lower BRs it’s servicable but at higher BRs its not good. Your poll is flawed because of this.


You cannot, you can only select one answer to each question. You have to hit “vote” once you’ve selected one answer.

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Whether or not SPAA is viable really isn’t the point. The point is the ground mode is the only available mode for tanks. We should not have to play vehicles we don’t want to play so other people can fly with a plane mode available.


The poll had many questions. You are also not the OP. I am not going to continue this.

Further, gaijin is NEVER going to add a tank only mode, just to burst your bubble.

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I’m not saying they will. I’m saying stop pretending CAS is balanced.


I’ll do what I please, when I please, thanks boo.

That said, CAS is fine in general. Needs SP adjustments at some BRs, namely props. SPAA needs buffs. CAS does not need many nerfs.