Revised poll on CAS in Ground Battles, would you play a tank only mode?

Agreed, twas just an idea for how to give SPAA something to do when there is no CAS to shoot at early game. CAS is most dangerous in that point in time when no one has yet to spawn into SPAA because there is no CAS. Something to shoot at = less chance of no SPAA to counter CAS. But there might be other options for giving SPAA value pre-CAS

I voted, but I did not vote on the first two.
I’d play tank-only if it was in arcade battles, that’s the nuance I give.
It’d be fun doing wacky tank-only stuff in the wacky mode; Perfect for each other.

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I don’t understand the logic behind this, many battles in history have not involved air power. Why is it wacky?

There are quite a few games out now that have a focus on combined arms like Battlefield and ArmA, that have infantry-only servers, which may not be very realistic, but it’s a choice not to include vehicles in those fights.


2 biggest problems I experience with enemy CAS is that they are allowed to spawn directly behind my spawn and that CAS can bomb spawn locations. If enemy CAS can bomb spawn locations then as a ground unit I should be able to drop artillery onto enemy spawn locations. Only seems fair.

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But CAS is what makes the gamemode wacky in the first place

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CAS is far too cheap and far too potent. SPAA is hardly a counter at most BRs. People want CAS in ground mode because air mode is boring. They don’t want a tank only mode because they know they would lose out on the ability to cheaply farm player vehicles. Cap and J out should not earn you a heavily armed CAS loud out.


If you would invest as much energy into researching SPAA/FIghter as you put into these threads you wouldnt mind CAS

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It is necessary that the planes be restricted until 7 minutes of departure, that they cost a little more points to take them out and that there are a maximum of three planes per side at the same time, in addition, the SPAA would have to be denerfed.


What painfully dumb statement. Why do you assume that anyone who doesn’t like the CAS status quo doesn’t spawn both AA and anti-CAS fighters?


Thank you for that rework of the pool.

You expose much deeper the problem of the CAS (cost, OP or not, need rebalance or not…) and the desire to play with a only tank mode.

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Of course.

as an aside, I think an N count (total number of voters) of 1000 would be fairly representative of the community’s feelings, given that real life tele-polls and such will also often use a few hundred to a few thousand polled individuals to get a feel for how a community might feel about something.

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few hundred peoples but who are selected for represent correctly the target population.

with 1000/2000 voters here, we can have a relatively correct representation.

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Wow… this is a terrible poll.

  1. This is in general but then it talks about RB not WT in general, even though we are in the general section.
    So you already ruined the poll by not making it clear enough. People voting without reading your little text might think it applies generally (you know… like it was posted in the general subsection).

Not everything revolves around you. If you make an RB related poll, make it in the specific subsection.

So since this is a general poll there are dofferent problems:

What Tank only mode? AB, RB or SB?
The answer definetely differs depending on what gamemode is used. Leaving it open invalidates this since the gamemode of the poll isn’t obvious.

Again this really depends on what kind of tank battle we are talking about.

Effective strength… this is again veeeeeeery different regarding what you play.
Funnily the tanks are pretty much as effective regardless of mode. Funny isn’t it?
But again a useless question if there are multiple strength for the same vehicle types.

Same deal, if you have to shoot planes on steroids with super perceiption then the SPAA might be fair or even too weak. But regular planes… it’s insanely OP.

Ok next time if you want an RB poll, make sure it is directed to the RB audience. How was this not considered?


I believe if you look up the definition of “pedantic” this response is right there



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To conduct a poll like that, you also need to take an account on people who vote.

The major problem about poll like that is, if we don’t know the data from the people who vote. Statistics is an art, and any data who can be called representative need to know from what kind of person they’re getting answers from.

  1. What kind of gamemode does the person play most often, what kind of type of gamemode is he playing(AB/RB/SB)
  2. Does the person have a CAS plane to use, does he have SPAA to use.
  3. What nation is he playing? Some nations have better both SPAA and CAS to choose from(Though any kind of CAS will be useful against tanks)

etc, etc.

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It is a good point. CAS is radically different based upin Gamemode and BR. I personally think CAS at 1-8ish is perfectly fine, its mainly 9+ that needs tweaks, especially top tier.

But you are right about nation balance. I main Britain. we have quite a weak ground tree, but a strong Heli/CAS jet line up. In fact its 90% of our top tier air tree at the moment.

In contrast, USSR has a very weak CAS jet, but the best Heli in game. Also the best SPAA. But not all nations even have a top tier SPAA. or have SPAA at all BRs (Shall use britain again as I know it, nothing between 5 and 8). Not all nations have CAS at all BRs (Britain kinda sucks at about 7 ish)

It’s great to get data, but I think that Data does shift radically based upon Context. So this poll will only be good for a broad overview, a snap shot

Irrelevant if it is pedantic, there is a reason serious polls are this pedantic.
It messes with the results. As you can see the pisters above me get the issue.

Your reaction only shows you don’t really care about the results.

When it comes to numbers sure. It is easy to get a representative sample.

Buuuuut in terms of Population, there are major issues here.

The poll only applies to RB but is directed an all WT player (AB/RB/SB). This already makes it not representative.

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Eh another pointless thread for people with skill issues and lack of ability to deal with reality. And you are getting owned in your own poll even with the minimum amount voters there is lol

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