Revised poll on CAS in Ground Battles, would you play a tank only mode?

The issue with it is, that CAS players on average are just horrible with tanks. They will not buy a premium tank if they suck in it.

I am currently taking screenshots of CAS players that kill/try to kill me using CAS,w hile i am in a tank.
I made a program, that can average their K/D. From~650 screenshots, their average K/D with tanks is ~0.56…

Whenever i will get to 1000, i will take screenshots of 1000 players killing me using a tank, and then compare.

That is some dedication not gonna lie, and it is hilarious.

But in this case “hate the game not the player”, its a feature to use CAS so it is what it is.

Bets thing is when a CASvocate states something about his last ~20 games taht can be only verified, if i watch his matches in server replay.
if i do that - “YoU hAvE nO lIfE”
if i don’t do that - “YoU aRe WrOnG tHeN”.

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But also flawed and a poor use of stats. Two more negative players, well done 👍

@O_HOgameplay best to not bring up stats with your 134 battles played. You telling me after all them games you have been/going to prove players that use tools given are bad, holy mofo…

No proof however, just feelings. Just ask Gaijin, they already responded…

Look further into the stats and find out whether his claim to be experienced using CAS is true. ;)

Still looking… it is finding ANY stats which causes an issue here (if stats are your thing).


Speculation and common sense, lots of people don’t have the time to grind the air tree for a decent CAS, so it makes sense that they would buy a premium planes according to their tanks line up to save time and call it a day, nothing wrong with it, the company designed it that way.

I would, I only play GM and US, I have both on US but nothing in air tree on German, I coped fine without CAS at 4.3, 5.3 was manageable (now 5.7), but at 6.7 I considered buy one cause lots of CAS spam on that br, and I dont the time to do another air tech tree, makes perfectly sense, no feelings involved.

Yes, I do not deny people do it. It is just not a definitive reason for/of Gaijin’s, nor do we know if many do or not (numbers, we do guess people will do both)

And since GFRB is least populated (overall, before naval, not low but lowest) and not everyone is a TT monkey it seems a stretch to think these sales dominate others. Of course we all approach it differently, as intended (niche game).

It is a choice to “rush” up trees, and a full time job if you want every nation and branch I agree. 7.0ish I am running on fumes, then they added more nations! Then years ago I find out I must be a bad person for bothering to build up my air capabilities (I was a “spade all” player, and with no premium for years it was I agree a lot of work/play). I did both of course, CAP and CAS, but found more enjoyment as CAP overall.

But to say it is the reason Gaijin made/keep GF as combined, and all the provocative baggage with that, is more a feeling. Again, people do a lot of very different things.

All we do know is Gaijin told us their reason. Combined for ground combat, and naval, and PvE (sort of, in both air and ground) is their thing and producing a mode without it, beyond the original air modes (and in all honestly no one would want to play ground in air, it is not serious), would be against their idea for what “they” want WT to be.

If Gaijin had more confidence in their game we could have had so many more interesting modes and features (think of all the assets and easy control method) but is hamstrung by the real overall money maker… “progress” through grinding (of course how far you take the grind is personal since essentially same game at 1.0 as 12.0, and I always recall the player I bumped into with 6,000+ matches in the captured T-34, and good luck to him, he played what he wanted to in terms of that nasty “grind” (since from his details that was as far as he ever went).

I have a ridiculous number of Premiums, but never higher than where I am at (bar Free Abrams, but I only used it once), mostly tanks, a big chunk with most their free repairs still active. It is hard to know what people really do and Gaijin have those numbers only for themselves.

So I agree in part but am aware of other factors, if that makes sense.

I’m not good with English so sorry for the inconvenience.

I understand completely why such mode have yet implemented, of course I could be wrong but from what I see its reasonable for them not to do so… yet. Cause for a company, profit>all, doesn’t matter what they said, we could go back and forth like they said there will never be rank V premium cause they don’t want players buy their way to the top, but since “money talks” so we have premiums.

-Its very unlikely that people play only tank will buy a premium CAS or bother with air tree at all, maybe they will buy tanks but most likely just premium account and grind the tech tree.

-The maps rework will be needed, because current annoying tank spots, and suitable for only tank combat.

-A new game mode, or modes ( I would like new game mode with or without tank only mode to be honest).

The first reason will definitely happen, and they don’t want that (obviously). The latter will cost resources without promise of ROI (return of investment).

Its that simple, look at the air RB state, its boring and people are crying yet no fix, so tank only mode gonna be a long ride.

I was annoyed by the “just spawn xyz”, “combined arms bro”, then it escalated to “go play another game”. Those reasons could be valid if Tank only advocates make suggestion to change the current mode, but most of them don’t.

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I do not statshame him. His stats are actually very good…in the mode he is playing…

However he claims to be experienced in the perspective of CAS and the situation in Ground RB, which simply is a lie, as he exclusively plays Arcade Battles.

The Dunning-Kruger effect has important implications for communication, as people affected by this phenomenon can tend to be overconfident in discussions and debates, even if they have little expertise.

And it is precisely this lack of expertise that is clearly reflected in the stats. 87 battles in the GRB are very few. 20 minutes with a SPAA…
It’s not even about how good or bad. It’s just very little.
The differences between Arcade and GRB in terms of CAS should not be underestimated.
And when I think about the way in which other players who have experience are treated, I find it very inappropriate.
Nobody says he is a bad player. I and others just say that there is a lack of experience for the sometimes inappropriate tone that is being displayed here.

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You can said that in different way without using stats as understatement.

Can you give me an appropriate example?

So…if I tell you that the T-80BVM is OP and base that on my experience with it and you proceed to check my stats, see that I have never played that vehicle and use that knowledge to call out my lie, you are statshaming?

In my understanding statshaming is when you dismiss someone’s opinion, because you deem his performance inferior.

You said yourself already and there is the problem between the dismiss someone opinion and calling out someone lie because the lines betweem them are very thin.

Can you give me an appropriate example?

In case you may have missed it.
I’m open to suggestions on how it could have been worded better

Mayby you can point out his lack of experience in GRB without mention his k/d and battles.

Easy: despite claiming that he has experience using CAS, a little research quickly reveals this claim to be a lie.