Revised poll on CAS in Ground Battles, would you play a tank only mode?

Every thread I see you in, your argument always boils down to “look at how good/bad my stats are with this vehicle”. You’re either desperate for some form of validation, or you genuinely believe stats are that important. That’s pretty sweaty imo.

Says the guy who needs a translator to post on the English forums?

You really don’t understand what I have wrote?

Was talking about You. If I was talking about me, then You would have ‘Trying’ instead of ‘Try’ ;)

My mistake, sorry. Your English is poor, so I had just assumed your translator had failed you again.

I prefer to give the benefit of the doubt, and assume it’s just lost in translation.

Anything more to add really? Because I see that You can’t do anything besides trolling

And sorry buy I can’t be english ;), You should write ‘Your’ instead of ‘You’re’ which is short for You are ;).

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Good spot. I had originally typed something else and didn’t change that You’re to Your.

Yes, your CAS lover would deny anything like that.

Yes I love CAS. I also love killing CAS with SPAA and fighters. Like I said - I’m not the one trying ask for the game to be changed to suit me.

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Now you make it sound easy to kill CAS and that people critize CAS are having skill issue. I want you try to kill CAS like F-16C, JH-7A and JAS39A who fly in highest attitude destroying 3 pantsirs and one flakrad nearby spawn and destroy anything that is moving. My team manage shot down the JH-7A using 2s38 for serious lost in spaa.

Yeah that’s realistic. In real life air superiority is more powerful than SPAA, so having your own fighters to kill CAS is important. Most of my kills against enemy CAS are with fighters.
If you want a less realistic mode where air power has no impact on ground battles you should try another game.


HaHaHa Paveway go boom

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To be fair, with these additions of GBU’s and long range CAS, sooner or later Gaijin will be forced to add longer range SAMs to counter such tactic from 20+ km. For now we just wait and take the pain like a MAN till Gaijin gives us the tools to face them. Just hope someone or “You” are willing to hop on a jet to take out an those jets. Hopefully the nations that don’t have the capability to use such CAS yet gets the longer range SAM first to face those nations that are using super long range CAS which I doubt will happen knowing how Gaijin does things.

Why another game? This is the suggestion between players and developers, it’s up to the dev/company to see if it’s fit or not.
They didn’t suggest changing the current mode, why are you, a player telling them to go play another game?

Why bother going to Tank-only topics and telling people to play a different game, or to spawn different things?

Would be 2 completely different game modes, says if I was a mode 1 enjoyer, I wouldn’t give a damn about changes in mode 2 nor do I tell mode 2 players what to do when they make suggestions to change their favorite game mode.

So why? And this is a video game, not real life.


It is in the context of “why come here (WT) IF you really do not like the concept of the current options, and at times actively provoke players who just play the game as it is”.

Since we know Devs do not want it and question had been answered.

In the meantime you can “get with the program” of the current modes, but some players comments insinuate a refusal.

It IS a nuanced discussion so easy to miss the many various opinions.

Oliver Twist can ask for more, but he will starve to death if all he does is keep asking over and over and over, ignoring the dismissal of the figure with all the cards.

Because CASvocates know it well, that a huge part of the current playerbas would go to tank only mode, and that in the “combined” mode, after 3-4 minutes, there would be nobody on the ground, either because the could get enough SP to spawn CAS (and did spawn in it), or realized that they will not be able to, so they leave the match. Baiscally it would become an Air match very quickly.

They did not want many things either. But a review bombing later they did…

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One took a month, the other has taken at least 6 years. One was a concerted effort, the other was not. They are also not comparable issues as I explained to you before, since the economy has flucuated over the years, not just last years example (that was just egregious on Gaijins part), and the other is a “feature” which has been a fact of the game since the addition of Ground modes.

The point is we know why Gaijin do not want TO and that the hurdle to get past this is basically impossible. One succeeded, the other has not worked “yet”. But it is the very hurdle stopping us all from experiencing TO gameplay, until the game flounders with expanding. I personally do not think Gaijin have enough faith in their game to handle splitting current players into more modes (there would need to be one for AB and one for RB as one would spark need for the other from the playerbase).

And the others were just like this one now. The players are ever more unhappy. Reading through the review bombing comments, there have been a lot that complained about CAS too.

The TO debate has been as hot as this for years, not just now.

And we are straying from the factual point I made in reply to a question. So question answered.

I finally read this thread.

The poll is honestly split relatively close being for and against CAS.

My 2c on the poll:
CAS is slightly OP at lower tiers, SPAA is fairly weak at low tiers but there isnt really any way to buff them to make it easier, they are historical and most of the issues are that its just hard to hit planes with many of them.

At around… 7.0-9.0 SPAA is probably pretty balanced with the relative power of CAS, you have to be careful while flying but you are still capable of doing work.

At top tier with SAMs, SPAA is insanely strong compared to the CAS (and the spawn point cost to get any worthwhile ground ordinance on your plane, often around 800) and being successful is incredibly difficult, I think CAS is slightly underpowered at ~10.0+. (But even some 9.3-9.7 SPAAs like the strela are insane as well).

My opinions on aircraft in GRB in general: I like it. I think it brings an entire new element and dimension to the game that is literally not replicated anywhere else, in any other game. Maybe some of the battlefield games if you want a seriously dumbed down arcade version but not really. It opens up a whole new and exciting way of playing, and I think the game would suffer more than benefit from having planes removed from GRB.

Im not just talking about CAS here, Im talking about CAP as well. Dogfights in GRB are incredibly fun and incredibly satisfying, much more than ARB. But also, so many strike aircraft would be rendered useless without GRB, and in a tank only mode so would every SPAA in the game.


Launching ATGMs in a helicopter from a distance where IR-based SPAAs can’t even fire at is the epitome of something being underpowered, right ?
Also, those SPAAs will have to deal with guided munitions which is insane as well.

“Also, keep in mind that any such alternate mode would not mean the removal of GRB or any CAS enabled mode. In other words, a non-CAS mode and a CAS-enabled mode would co-exist, ideally.”

I doubt anyone want planes removed from GRB, people just want a new mode with only tanks.


Lol yeah. Players try to come up with reasons that got me rolling.

Anyway, I’m pretty sure they’re hesitating to take that chance. That is less people would buy CAS for their line up, perhaps they’ll buy premium tanks but the company can’t know for sure.

Not to mention they’ll need to redesign maps, new game modes like rush mode capture point as someone mentioned (that was such a good idea), then br decompression, then air RB rework.

That is very realistic, and big risk taking so I can actually understand since they’re making good money with the current game state.

Those are likely the reasons.