Revised poll on CAS in Ground Battles, would you play a tank only mode?

There is no point. I’ve tried explaining basic statistical concepts to them before, but they refuse to learn.

So a mode where they can be countered is unfair, and a mode where they have no counter except stronger tanks is fair? To be fair, this is the conclusion I would expect from someone who spawn-camps and plays ultra-cautiously to maximise their KD. So at least you’re consistent. ;)

At that BR the vast majority of players are newer players. Just because you’re sweating at lower BRs and focused on achieving a high K/D, doesn’t mean all experienced players are. Most of us play games to have fun, not to have something to flex on the forums at every opportunity. ;)

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But they can still be countered by other tanks. You don’t need air in order to counter tanks when talking about +/- 1 B.R.

Sorry but my playstyle is far from ultra-cautious.

At 5.7? Woah, I could say the same about any other B.R. then ;).

lmao, if You think that 5.7 is low and I need to sweat to get good K/D, it only shows how little You know about the game.

Sorry but the stats were made as I was constantly told that I have no experience with CAS. Not to mention again, that if I really wanted, we would not see 6 K/D but much more.


Just counter enemy CAS 4 head

If you say so. You just have a high KD in every vehicle because you’re so much better than everyone, and not because you actively monitor it and play to maximise it, right? ;)

Yes lol, 5.7 is probably where most newer players gravitate towards, because it take no time to reach, it’s where many famous ww2 vehicles can be found, and after that is where research progression begins to rapidly slow down. Again, I’m amazed at how many basic concepts you need explained to you.

The fact that you even care about KD in the first place, and constantly bring it up as “evidence” or as a way to try and dismiss others, is extremely sweaty.

If I wanted to I could achieve basically an infinite KD in any vehicle by flanking around the map and spawn killing people. Except I don’t find that fun, and I’m not simple-minded enough to think that it would prove anything.

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Oh yes, I will do that after I die. That is the whole issue.

Yep. I mostly don’t care about K/D.

The only time I cared about it was with T18E2 and I have above 9 in it.

Oh yes, like top tier is not floded by new players with premium which is being talked about at the forums… right. Sorry but I would even argue that at 5.7 there is less newer players than on top tier.

lmao. Not my false when I say that something can be done the only argument is ‘u got lucky’. K/D shows the consistency of it.

Proving again that You don’t know much about the game.

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I dont think the debate is about stats its about enjoyment and making a better more enjoyable game.


And currently CAS does not make for a fun and enjoyable game. It is not fun being killed by something you have 0 chance of even damaging. Cas is also way way too cheap for how much ordinace some plaes can carry.


90% of my Deaths are CAS its just try to play tank while the enemies bomb/missile your face

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Nor do I. But the point he keeps returning to is regarding stats.

I for one enjoyed the combined aspect of WT ground mode, or else I wouldn’t have played that mode as much as others (first AB then RB).

Problem is if this is mentioned any discussion is off the table and the repetition of anyone accepting aircraft as part of the mode is conflated with “skillless” or “just wants an easy blah blah” (ignoring the reality of for example my own experience in WT and GF). And no, not every response to “I would like a new mode” is countered with just “lack of skill bleh” or is usually centering around a certain context or nuance of the comment replied to. Then of course you get the more “spirited” exchanges.

As I have mentioned above I see a move from provocation (by anyone) to actual productive action (in regards to adding a TO by going to the Devs, considering the level of certainty in their own opinion and all the video/stat/screen proof we keep returning to). And maybe teaching those that have not tried to be involved in the combined game rather than blindly moving forward, as per @Oldie-SE advice, amongst many others.

Just have to try to keep from the more “excitable” comments. And the “current GF is bad” doesn’t hold much weight nor has been effective in getting any TO option so maybe change tact?

That was a lot more words than I planned, sorry Bovey!

Edit: And of course until the Devs change their ideals (job for TO advocates, not to just complain) if it isn’t fun then vote with your body and money, I do.

As much as I try to understand ULQ_LOVERS reasonings just see his last exchange (above yours) and you don’t get a positive atmosphere but instead the use of stats to flex and unrightfully shut down others reasoning just because they are not to his own standards.

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Not just from those, but i have already told you it before. You being dishonest is not my problem tho :)

I use CAS sometimes. Mostly to kill those who used it on me. And it is far easier to do, than killing them with tanks :)

Yeah, why just try to dismantle my explanitions when you can just say “nu-uh”…

Yes, if i were outside the playable area of planes, and i was playing with a Patriot, or S-300 against CAS players. Would be fun.

So the economy changes were bad? The foldering of many vehicles were bad? Or basically any change they made, because the players were unhappy?


Backing up anything? Well, i have statistics for example of CAS players taking on me. And from the last 650 examples, the average K/D of them with tanks is barely 0.5…

Yeah. And when a 155mm HE explodes 3m away from a plane (not heli), and you only get a “hit”. Sure.
Regardless, it is still an issue.

Press Esc. Click on “Leave vehicle”. Click on “Yes”.
Other ways are hoping for the server crashes, or the game bugs out, and only the tracks/gun are damaged.

Yeah, you not only have to fight and look for other tanks, but also have to scan the sky for a robot dildo approaching.

Lol what?
Sure, esecially when they are low calibre, and/or have no elevation to even shoot any higher… And all this just when you even have an MG…

Humans always had diseasees like Smallpox, lepracy, black death, etc.

Now you come and demand there to be a cure!

That is selfish!

Just because there have been things in the game for a long time, it does not mean that they are good. Just look at the roadmap changes :)

Really? People would mostly play a fair mode? Shocking, right?!
Looks like someone is afraid that he will not get easy kills if this is implemented…

No. You can learn to play with tanks. And then, you can counter any tank with any other in every BR range. With a handful of examples (bellow 10) where you may need to concentrate, but that’s it.

High K/D does not always mean good win rate. Since ULQ actually does have good win rate, it means that he is not maximizing his K/D, but actually plays well.

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So you mention just Top Tier. So you wouldn’t really like to would you, since you deflected rather than honestly answering my point? I don’t even know what a Patriot or S-300 is, are they in game? But please, now you say you want such an option in ARB I look forward to you putting your money where your mouth is and start the topic l, linking it here. I look forward to your reply with this.

You are conflating different issues. Please reply to what I wrote if you are able to. It is nothing like requiring a new mode/modes since you do not like the format that has been on offer since your very first match; you chose to continue. Tech tree format and economy issues the game has evolved through is completely different and so either you are being disingenuous or lack comprehension of all these issues.

To a new player the situation of LATER progress and LATER economy will be a mystery solved by getting there or seeing others views on it.

To a new player the presence of air in some modes (as a secondary asset in terms of when to use, helis again being later in the “grind” to effect the new player experience) is instant and sets the stage of what the game requires from you in this context.

I was under no illusion but why are others? If the combined element was just added then sure, just like how changing the tech tree format or economy has been a “change”, but it is not and again something ever present since GF inception to all. Very different situations so your reply is lacking.

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I answered it.
If you did not get it, my answer is no. Because it would be just like the current ground mode, just worse.

They are long range SAM systems. Basically in the scenarion planes would stand the same chance against those as tanks do now against CAS.
That is why i specified that i would only play those against CAS players, because i don’t want to mess up the games or pure air players.
CAS players would however more than deserve it.
OF course this is just as a thought experiment, even if they would implement those long range systems, i would not use them because they would be boring. That initial part was just as a joke, that answered the question. Sorry if it confused you, sometimes i just can’t express myself clear enough.

Economy changes are exactly that.

Well there is no Patriot or S-300 any lower.

See above.

So you wouldn’t want to play ground in air without adding something further new. This is hugely different and you are being disingenuous at best.

No, that economy did not exist when you started, and did not effect your first few thousand plays.

So you have not answered.

Refuse to put your money where your mouth is regarding your request for ARB changes.

You conflate different issues.

You need to start on that new topic, or are your replies just words with no substance?

Get back with that link and stop being disingenuous. Unless you are being dishonest still?

I’m cooking chilli, I have time.

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There are none at all.

I would not at all. That was a joke/sarchasm.

It did. I’ve had countless amount of times where i had no SL for example. Or when at higher BR parts and FPE was not lower in RP (i know this was not done in the recent,but still, it was reduced due to backlash, and let’s be honest, playing 10s of matches in a fully stock tank just to get parts was horrible).

What new topic?

You started off with this being a critical point. Nice back track but at least we know this comparison is without merit.

In no ones right mind is this comparable to asking for a new mode because you don’t like planes/current GF (AB or RB). Its a valid request (TO modes - though answered) but not in with the argumentation you and others use. Not on topic but I have never ever ran out of SL and always create a SL pool as a buffer to SL economy issues, RP of course has wound down after the BRs got higher and higher, but none effected first 2 ranks to the degree needed in newer higher tiers (8.0+).

The one that you back tracked from to being sarcasm. See above conversation between you and myself.

Yeah, you just bring it up in every single thread that you’re involved in for fun. Comical.

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You mean the one from F4U-4B? Yes because it shows that I can use air ;)

If I did 2, You would say that it is normal for me, below that, that I do better with tanks and above You are going to say that I play for stats ;)

You just can’t say that I don’t know what I’m talking about or that my stats differ from what I’m saying.


Try again in English.

Try different translator.


Yes, you should try a different one.

This is the one argument that can shut down literally any thread.
You don’t like the vehicle’s BR ? → Go play something else.
You don’t like bias in the game ? → Go play something else.
You don’t like how your favorite vehicle is wrongly modelled ? → Go play something else.

I don’t see the purpose of the forums if people started using “Go play something else” as their argument all the time.