Revised poll on CAS in Ground Battles, would you play a tank only mode?

They are not, they are showing another side. The larger picture.

However you are not showing the norm. You also spend less time in SPAA and performing AA duties with aircraft. I am sure with time you could produce “what can be done” too. But you play what you like and I would not enforce that upon you or expect such extra effort.

CAS unopposed will always do better than CAS opposed. Efficiency of individual players is irrelevant. Unopposed is unopposed.

And hey, as promoted here just j out to deny bombs or incoming attacks. It shows what can be done.

Not really, I started doing that and my point got even stronger that SPAA are not as effective as air.


Which is not the argument.

The discussion is about SPAA not being effective

There are ways to defend against bombs even if you don´t have a roof mounted MG (most tanks have them). I rarely get bombed, yet I usually get the most revenge bomber hate in a match. One has to be completely oblivious and/or 24/7 in a sniper scope to get bombed. It takes little to confuse the average CAS revenge bomb noob.

Not gonna happen. Ever. Stop dreaming and move on.
Seriously, people need to stop crying and adapt. Don´t like it? Then play something else. You all knew what you signed up for when you started playing the game. Expecting it to change just for YOU is foolish and frankly unfathomably entitled.

Tell me how You defend against 500kg bomb that landed on Your roof with 1.5s fuse.

Sorry, but I’m not gonna stop.

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My favourite argument… America doesn’t need effective spaa because their tanks have a 50 cal on the roof… Yeh? So does Russia but they don’t have huge spaa BR gaps lol

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You are splitting hairs is all.

Then at least be more proactive, or at least promote the whiners to be so, we can all do this together.

You have collected much information so with the same effort you of your forum comments you could produce an argument to the Devs.

This would be proactive. People would help you. If you are convinced by your numbers and own opinion then there is stopping you. Or if there is something what is it? Other than the reality of not achieving the goal of convincing those that matter.

The game was never intended to be “balanced” under your personal criteria. To many it works and they picked the right mode/game. If you want change it is you that need to do the work. Provoking others (that is to anyone of course, not just you or I) leads nowhere; proof of us being same place as 2018 topic.

I understand your points of view but I do not see them as strong as you do (did) in the day to day game.

Why not assist AB first whose population and style (mixed nations) would be easier to implement? RB is too small relatively.

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If it lands on your roof, that´s a you problem. You need to actively scan the skies and employ evasion tactics BEFORE he drops a bomb on your roof. If you have a pintle MG, the solution to this problem gets exponentionally easier. You see, planes really don´t like bullets or bullet holes for that matter. Maybe Gaijin should include this in the tutorial. Fire boolet at plane komrad. Boolet make plane less gooder.

PS: spacebar is the default keybind to fire vehicle MG in War Thunder

I’m not responsible for other people.

Devs will only listen if they are threatened by something. See the roadmap example.

Not personal but rather criteria of multiplayer games and balance in them.

I don’t play AB, that is why I don’t talk about AB.

I can drop 250kg bomb on Your roof no matter what kind of tactic You are going to use.

Limited shooting angle.

ok big boy :D

You can lay your tank against a rock, building, hill to increase angl… come on man! As Jan Werich said - He, who wants, finds a way. Those who don’t want, look for excuses.

Look I routinely play Germany which has limited angle 8mm MG, never stopped me from shooting down planes. Playing Germany also means playing vs Americans all the time, which all have roof mounted high angle .50cals. One would expect the skies to be filled with tracers towards me every time I am in the skies, do you think that ever happens? Absolutely not. The average player is an ignorant NPC with 0 spatial awareness (you can observe this fact when you spawn and everyone blocks your path).

Sorry but this is how things are. My 6 K/D on F4U-4B made only in GF RBs mode prove it ;).

And if pilot sees that he can just come from other angle.

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Ground battles in WT have always had CAS. You to come to the game and start demanding that it changes to suit your preferences. That is selfish. I wouldn’t go to WoT and start crying on their forums about the lack of CAS.

We all know how much you love your cherry picked stats/videos. We don’t care. I’ve tried to explain to you why small/single sample datapoints are worthless and you couldn’t get it.

Can You read the name of the topic or not? People don’t want to change current gamemode but new one to be added.

So stats of the whole vechicle and all battles in it are cherry picked? lmao.


Sorry you’re right - you want to make an easy mode for tankers where they don’t have to worry about being countered by CAS. So even for people who enjoy CAS, ground-only-mode will still be the best way to research tanks. This will damage player numbers in the real ground RB mode. Fantastic idea.

Stats from one person is one datapoint yes. I don’t know how you struggle to understand this so much.

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I will say, this was due to newbies u keep facing, abusing such power and purposely doing so to make this stat look clean and bias. My stats are not bias, they are from years of learning, playing, practice, for fun and to try to win and carry without worrying about K/D or having perfect stats. Not every player will have this skill u obtained, yes this plane can carry hard, but depends on the player. But it also takes another wake experienced player to stop such abuse, sadly you specifically won’t face the same player that literally stopped you from doing CAS. I stop a lot of CAS each game, just as you do the CAS each game. Not just with SPAA, but with planes as well as i try do the CAS myself then wait for incoming planes.

When Japan received a new TD, the Ho-Ri Production, I purposely played it in a way where my stats on it will look clean. 2263 Games, 1748 deaths, 6131 kills. If I didnt care, I’d play in such a reckless way where ill just keep dying to save a game from losing or taking huge risky moves that will most likely get me killed but has to be done. Same with Type 81 C, 683 games, 510 deaths, 1158 air kills. I tried with Type 93 but Gaijin just couldn’t fix this thing for nearly 4 years. Somewhat did it with F-4U 7 to CAS, 190 games, 165 deaths, 464 ground kills. I could of done more, but my goal was to test how well or how bad the French have it at 7.7 since someone in the forum kept crying French is suffering. It’s easy to manipulate stats when really want to keep it clean. But I play to win, not to abuse certain playstyle.


*Fair mode for tankers ;)

Of course in 300 battles I have only meet newbies!

Because You surely not meet newbies, lmao.

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Oh, I meet many newbies, but I didn’t abuse such playstyle. I played recklessly and without care. Guess the playing for fun, my learning experience, my practice, my testing, my reckless playing on this 9 year old stats was completely ignored. I can start a new account and have cleaner stats now that I know what Im doing, but thats not something I want to do.

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And this is how I played while using F4U-4B, otherwise my K/D would not be 6 but much more.