Revised poll on CAS in Ground Battles, would you play a tank only mode?

Then the next self proclaimed CAS main I discussed with showed a whopping… 1.5 Ground kills per match. The same level of Air Kills per match I got with my fave CAP the A7M2, where there are a lot less targets up per match (there are generally more ground targets per side than air, overall across battles and battle duration)

So 1.5 Ground Kills per match is apparently proving CAS is godly (Because occasionally multi-kills are proof of something).
So 1.5 Air kills per match is apparently proving CAP does not work (Though one trying to use stats again never every plays the mode).

Discussion has long gone again. Hiding behind one player’s stats when their own are nothing special seems to be the main assault tactic.

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Yes, there are air and ground targets, these targets can also take you out in your one spawn player vehicle. Have you played the mode to find out?

Would YOU want to play a tank in the original Air Mode?

If so, why? Considering the already explained, multiple times, reality.

The evolution of the game from ONLY air (the only reason WE ALL get to play Tanks and Ships, without the Air original and its popularity you would have… Armored Warfare, World of Tanks… yes?) was clearly defined by those that made the game to be true combined gameplay where players could use different assets. The game you CHOSE to play regardless of you not wanting the Combined modes.

Well done, you picked the wrong game and later expect changes. Yes, changes that sound reasonable on paper but conflict with the actual MAKERS of the game. The ones you need to convince, since your provocative nature is not winning hearts and minds.

The reality of a free for all, do what you want, combined mode, is a total mess, sure. So would a TO, with players all still doing their own thing and from what I saw a majority just wanting to line up and face bang with no thought. No more flanks is from how people use their ground vehicles, not air. Enjoy your dumbed down game… oh wait, you don’t play the mode in question :D


I can spawn plane with bombs and rockets for around 600 SP, while tank costs around 100, So Your math doesn’t add up


No video, just screanshoots that shows some effectivnes but it is even further away from norm than my videos

It takes a wrinkly brain to try and extrapolate conclusions from single datapoints like ULQ does, but HO doesn’t even use his own stats to do it. Surely the most wrinkly-brained forum dweller.

Still better than talking without providing anything to back it up ;)

Yes, but people do “back it up”. When being reasonable it appears a lot can and does happen, often contradicting one another.

I have yet to see OH back up anything, along with most others with similar attitude. And Burgerman with his not impressive 1.5 ground kills which show his multi kills as occasional and not the norm.

I only saw one person showing screanshoots of SPAA being Effective. Sadly this screanshoots when looked at his stats couldnt be called even closed to norm

Correct. But you guys are the only ones crying/whining/drawing bad conclusions, and using bad evidence to back it up.

So now wanting something else or seeing current state of things as bad is „crying” or „whining” especially when there are things backing it up? As long as there is nothing stating that things provided are not showing the game, there is nothing „bad” about it

Not the Heli bug video XD this is a bug issue, not a SPAA/SAM issue. Shot it before with Type 81 C as well and it still flew like nothing…not really a SPAAG/SAM issue but a dumb bug on that glorious undying Heli that Gaijin needs to fix.

No, but obviously some players do whine and refuse helpful advice. Often the opening comments of a topic are not well rounded and show lack of understanding of the game of course this topic is a poll, but the other topics on the same conversation)

Your stats/vids/screens back up your play not theirs. People cannot hide behind your stats, which are not the norm. Do you believe your experience is the norm? If so they hid from most of my games!

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But they show what can be done and archieved. This is their sole purpouse, not to say that this is happening all the time but what can happen if air is being well used.

Why would it be like that? Because people refuse to belive what can be archieved if air is used correctly and how unbalanced it is compared to what can be done with a tank.


Yes, which is contradicted by what others show can be done and achieved.

More accurately is shows what you can do and achieve. Which is just you.

They do not back up others as they are not you and as stated are misleading. 1.5 ground per game is not regular 8 kills per match as being stated as the norm, and that is a self professed CAS main.

The problem is that it isn’t. Even when someone will archieve 6 air kills in battle, it doesn’t mean that planes were used correctly.

Why are you comparing them? You set unreasonable metrics for what the game entails.

It is part of the game, you take it on board or accept the consequences. It is Gaijin you need to convince and so far there has been no positive action.

I am not sure what you are trying to say there but it does not alter the statement

I’m saying that no one was able to provide anything that contradicts what I have shown.

Screenshot 2024-01-10 at 12-46-14 Twitch
Random streamer screencap. I am not at home to check exact values, but my Ho 229 goes above 700SP with ground belts.

So what? Even if it was “only” 6x the SP needed, I will have to destroy 6 enemy vehicles just to break even SP cost-wise. You can already spawn multiple ground vehicles for the cost of 1 plane, that is a huge advantage. Removing a plane effectively removes a player from the enemy team, while destroying a tank does not. You also forgot to mention if I die in a fighter, my next fighter cost will be double!

The combined arms mode is geared towards ground vehicles already too much, no need for more hand holding. Not my problem if noobs do not use tools available to them to remove planes properly, or refuse to use them outright. Curious, my games are always enemy plane free zones :)

You can watch my videos and see the number around 600 as I have seen. The SP required depends on the B.R.

Not really as SP costs go up after You die in a tank for other tanks as well.

Not if they can be destroyed by this plane while not being able to defend against it.

Only and if only plane user used all his SP and was not able to gather any more.

While bombers and CAS vechicles SP will remain the same, we know.

That is why people are asking for a Tank Only mode, new gamemode. Please read properly.

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