Revised poll on CAS in Ground Battles, would you play a tank only mode?

It really doesn’t. Air doesn’t have to fight SPAA and can just attack other targets.

Checking his stats confirms that he only played CAS a handful of times and wasn’t even successful with that.

Edit: @ULQ_LOVER : I just shoot down enemy aircraft that are going after other teammates in my SPAA. What they need to do is stay entirely outside of my range, which is a significant restriction.


It depends mostly about what kind of SPAA we are talking about.

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I understand your point, but I want to counter with this.

At low to medium tier, it doesn’t take an experienced player to kill a tank with CAS. They simply need to point their plane at a tank and push a button. At those tiers, SPAA is gun only, so the best you can hope for is a pilot kill. Barring that, even if the plane is “destroyed” it’s most likely on a ballistic course, which means they still have to just push a button.

At high tier, you might get a laser warning but you don’t know if it’s from a tank, helicopter, or plane. You could easily find yourself getting hit with a GBU from orbit. Again, it doesn’t take any experience to do this. You put your pip on the target, lase it, and pickle your weapon.

If we had more effective SPAA, I still don’t think there is much you can do to counter things at the mid and low tiers given the reasons above. I would like to see better rewards though. I enjoy playing SPAA, but it’s hardly worth the effort.

A tank stands little chance against something that has complete vision of the battlefield, travels at many times the speed of the tank, and simply needs to push a button when it is near the target whether it be intact or missing a wing and on fire.

The current difference between a bad a good CAS player right now isn’t whether or not they will kill a target, but how many they will kill. A bad CAS player is still almost guaranteed to get a kill.

In a recent match, I had a player fire rockets when the game started. He got a kill in the enemy spawn. He proceeded to spawn a PE-8 and, with a single bomb, killed 11 players. They had no chance.

I’m just asking for a more level playing field.


Some are more suitable for the job than others, that much is true.

But in the end, the only efficient counter to the air is the air itself ;)

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No. I meant that Air players ohly have to research planes.
While ground players have to research ground, and air, or even helicopters. At best they have to research 2 branches, at worst 3.

Are they player controlled? can they be researched? Do they pose any threats?
Answer: No, No, and No.

If only you would not be a dishonest misrepresenter…

Not even at higher BR. CAS can launhc their robot dildos from outside SPAA range.
CAS can also use terrain much easier. CAS is not guaranteed to die even from a direct SAM hit, while well over 90% of the SPAA (and 100% of them that are cold war and newer, since they have no armor) will die from a near miss from the smallest rocket/missile.

Even if i grant you that SPAA magically counters CAS at all BR, it is still unfair for tankers, beause CAS will force them to either play SPAA or anti CAS planes.
Meanwhile, Air players can play any plane they want all day, without them being forced to play a different mechanic.
CAS is also unfair for those, that use a normal tank, because they absolutely have no chance of defending themselves from CAS, while little Billy (with 0.5 tank-tank K/D) in his CAS needs to push a single button to kill any tank.

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Do you release how entitled you sound? Of course you have to research vehicles if you want to play them in the combined battle mode. That’s the whole basis of War Thunder.

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Is Air mode combined arms?
can you play with tanks in that mode? Or with ships?

Go to 2:26
JuSt sPaWn SpAa DuDe!

CASvocates must have some real issues if they can only mass flag, but hey…

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It’s an air battle. Which is how it was when War Thunder started.

No, but if you’d like to, you’re welcome to make a suggestion.

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I would maybe differentiate between SPAA especially if we call them generically weak considering the differences between gun spaa and missile spaa

You are funny. You openly lie about having experience using CAS, which can easily be disproven by a short glimpse into your stats and you have the audacity to call me dishonest?

His experience in reading and watching YT is enough as far as I understood …

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Ah, yes, the cherrypicked videos and biased comments he uses to form an opinion and cry for changes to a gamemode that he doesn’t even play…

Probably watching @ULQ_LOVER’s 15 kill Corsair footage, thinking that this is a standard match for any pilot.

To get to ULQ’s stats though, any 15 kill match he survives is followed by three matches in which he dies without a single kill. (Simplified mathematically speaking)


I could have done 15 K/D tho, just didn’t want to sweat up ;)

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I have explained you more than enough times :)

Yes, you have zero experience playing CAS and gather your knowledge from Youtube videos. These videos mostly show ingame situations that are far from the norm and therefore occur very very rarely btw.

You then use that “knowledge/experience” to demand changes for a mode that you don’t play.

And still, you lie about being an experienced CAS user.

So, your “explanations” are invalid and you are the only one being dishonest here.


CAS is balanced. It costs 8x as much to spawn a plane than to spawn a tank already and 10x with ordnance. What more do you want?

As I say in every single one of these threads. Pilots come to GRB, because ARB is a 10 year old stale mess and it sucks ass. If we at least had ARBEC, the CAS would vanish from GRB overnight.

I think plane itself (or at least a fighter) should cost even less SP in GRB to be able to spawn them on first spawn. Individual ordnance is what should drive the SP cost up.


There are now multiple players here, after talking about “morality”, who believe J-ing out to deny another player a kill is “moral”, because “they” do not like War Thunder GFRB. Especially the one who does not actually play the mode, so purely hypothetical on their part.

What great players to enjoy a game with!

The gymnastics is real!

Yes there are silly comments by those that do not have an issue with CAS, but then THEY are not needing to convince others to THEIR cause (aka we would all play a TO, or at least try new modes, THESE TO advocates are supposedly proactively attempting to convince Gaijin against their own choices… BEST OF LUCK :D).

The mind boggles…

Yet videos/screens of effective use of CAP/SPAA are swept aside… hmm (and yes, people have backed up their experiences the same as others).

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