Revised poll on CAS in Ground Battles, would you play a tank only mode?

Or crashing to avoid getting killed.


It wasn’t a quote, it was sarcasm. But you pretty much do say it by doing it…

I actually seen someone do it in a match a week back, and I called them out on it in there, and he was also being ignorant about the ramifications of the act, proceeding to tell me that I should keep crying because I was denied the kill…

Which I wasn’t, which shows how misguided this mentality is…

Don’t suggest to anyone to do this sort of thing as it IS exploiting, as you should just take the death, or actually move and make haste, because that’s PART OF THE GAME…

And if you can’t handle that, and need to j out, then think about if every one j-ed out on you, as that’s the opposite to it…

If everyone j-ed out on you, negating all of your kills then you’d be lying if you had no issue with that, or that you couldn’t see the issue with that…

funny to see the skill issue players copium for cas xD

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So am i doing it or not? decide already!

Just like the ability to leave the vehicle.

There is a difference. I use tanks against tanks. It is fair.

If i were to use an unfair mechanic against them, then i would have no isse of them denying me the kill.

Who are these players?

Don’t even start a discussion with him, he id just lying and seeks attention

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probably noskill players who cant use any spaa or fighter… cry for cas nerf or tank only mode… disgusting… but this is simply skill issue

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People j-out for whatever reason they have. Maybe mommy called to stop playing :). There´s no “stand still to get bombed by the flying doctor” rule in War Thunder.


No, that’s a feature as well and is working just as intended without any bugs.

You are mixing things up, again.


Yeah, i know. Says he, with negative K/D…

I’ll hold J when my team lost and I spawn on tank in the end to take a few tanks with me while they at my spawn. Before the spawn protection runs out, J out just to be toxic lol like, nah, aint gonna give them free kill but ill take the free kills :D then do it again if there is still time lol I mean its there to use soooooo im using it…lol

ngl this tactic allowed me to save some games, killed every spawn camper with Type 90 or Type 10 (4 second reload is mwah) and made a clear path to decap all zones. Basically turned the table on them.


Cas spawnpoint requirements should be raised, and SPAA rewards should be buffed. Currently SPAA makes very little rewards and its just not worth playing in terms of research points and silverlions


It would make the issue worse.

How, specifically?

Because then only the better players would have access to it. And wile SPAA is all but useless against the casual CAS player, it is literally worthless against a CAS player that knows what he is doing.

Raising SP of CAS would result in less CAS, but they would be even stronger.

In my experience, the times where enemy CAS feels obnoxious is when we have zero air presence ourselves, and virtually no one in anti-air. If they increased the rewards for playing SPAA vehicles substantially, to the point where it became very beneficial SL/RP wise to play them, then you would be guaranteed to see a lot more SPAA which solves the problem. I don’t understand why people get so upset about a skilled player getting kills in CAS. You find people seal-clubbing in meta tanks too, at all BRs.


It does not solve the issue, since SPAA is not effective.

You can fight against a sealclubber very effectively. Most of them can barely get a positive K/D beyond BR 3.0.

It is. At a minimum is massively limits CAS and makes it much more difficult for them to operate. Denying that means you’ve never played CAS yourself, so you don’t have any idea how difficult it actually is. Some SPAAs can absolutely harvest kills, both in the air and on the ground.

Not if you’re in the wrong vehicle type. The people that most often have issues with CAS are ones which vehemently refuse to play anything except tanks, and insist that everyone else only plays tanks too. If you want to counter CAS you can go SPAA or into an air superiority fighter. It’s Ground Realistic Battles, not Ground vehicle only battles. Refusing to counter the threat is not an excuse to call it OP.

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It makes sligtly more difficult.

I did. That’s why i say you need no skill to use CAS.

There are a handful that is at least usable. They are the exception, not the norm.


The second option is the only viable one.

How interesting, that Air players do not have to research a vehicle from a different branch to have a chance…

Air is called Air realistic battles, yet there are only planes :)

You mean…how they had to research the air and ground tree to have those vehicles at the same BR?..

There are AI ground units, including SPAA, as well as AAA at the airfields. If you would like to make a suggestion that players are able to spawn as SPAA in air RB, you’re more than welcome to.